
How to Tap Into Wealth

“EFT is a mind-body-spirit tool that can help you transmute into the gold of who you are.” Wealth Tapestry

tap into wealth

Money can be an uncomfortable subject for you, like many others. You may find it easier to talk about your love life and family than about your financial situation. Any talk on money and wealth potentially triggers plenty of emotional reactions. You may find that you love money and yet resent its power over you. You may reason that you can live without it, and in the next breath, claim that you cannot live without it.

Thus, money can be a source of great joy or utter misery for you. Because of the role that money plays, you carry these emotions into every aspect of your life. Whether you are able to travel the world, have a nice roof over your head or pay off your debt, your hopes and dreams are related to the possibilities that money can bring.

Your money story (the one that occupies much of your mind) can cut into the core of your deepest struggles. In my book Abundance Alchemy Journey of Gold, I drew similarities in my pursuit for wealth with that of an alchemist. Your journey may be like mine too. What starts out as a dream for financial abundance will inevitably lead you into discovering that the search is not external but one that involves an inner transmutation process.

“Abundance alchemy refers to working at the level of the self. The Magnum Opus (or the Great Work) is the layer-by-layer revealing process that transmutes lead consciousness into one of gold. The lead the alchemist is hoping to transmute is really his ego consciousness. The ‘lead’ includes all the fears, emotional baggage, and burdens he has been carrying. The ‘gold’ he is hoping to transmute into is his true self or pure awareness.” Abundance Alchemy: Journey of Gold

Tap with Self-Love

Luckily, you don’t need to be a robed “wizard” – like those in medieval times – to practice alchemy in a secret dungeon anymore.

In modern days, there is a method known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) that can aid in transmutation and help you heal relationship with money. (Still, I would like to point out that EFT – even as a modern day tool – draws on the ancient Chinese study of acupuncture and meridian therapy.)

Then again, you may already have heard about this method (that involves tapping on specific meridian points on your body for emotional release).

I hear this indignant protest from prospective clients all the time, “Yes, I have practiced it. I read it on the web and followed some online program but I have not experienced benefits with it!”

The thing is EFT has worked already for thousands and thousands of people. So in all likelihood, unless you have a diagnosed mental impairment or psychological illness, it should work for you to some reasonable degree too. Rather than dismiss it prematurely, you need to ask yourself what you are missing. Group healing in a workshop or going through an online program can help but for individual issues that show up in repeated sabotaging patterns, you need to work on your personal money dramas specifically.

EFT incorporates a healing statement that affirms self-love and acceptance. Some people find saying the healing statement cumbersome or unnecessary. However, I beg to differ. EFT is a technique that can also be used daily. So if you use it regularly, you are making use of every opportunity to affirm how loved and lovable you are 🙂

Transmute into Wealth

As it is often said, how you do money is how you do everything.

With self-love as the entry point, you work on your emotional money stories that conjure shame, grief, anger and misery. You tap regarding the childhood events that continue to sabotage you in many ways – including on money matters – till today. Hence, money issues may be the trigger; however during the healing process, you could be releasing your inner child of his or her wounds.

“Leaden consciousness is dense and heavy, whereas golden consciousness is light and luminous. As the alchemist awakens, he loses this dead weight. He shifts from the consciousness of lead into gold.” Abundance Alchemy: Journey of Gold

EFT is a holistic tool that can help you transmute into the gold of who you are. By shedding the dead weight of your money dramas, you come into a place of acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. It is how you make the shift from operating in the paradigm of poverty to the paradigm of prosperity. What is great is that you begin to realize your true innate nature. With increasing self-awareness, you shine with brilliance. Eventually, you find that you are able to create authentic work that draws others to the light of your being. Thus, you begin to attract abundance, including financial wealth.

Interested to work with me? Check Out the Services Available At My Website: Tap with Self-Love and Transmute into Wealth Here >>>

Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Life Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, Intuitive Consultant

Read my other EFT and Money posts:

1. How to Solve the Root Cause of Your Money Story

2. How to Apply EFT Tapping Easily for Abundance

P.S. Don’t forget to find out how you can tap into wealth here.

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