
What Are The Differences Between Attachment, Detachment and Non-Attachment?

Perhaps, you have come to realize that attachment can be the one thing that is preventing you from manifesting the results you want. So it is that you are already working towards your dream but you cannot help but feel all sorts of negative emotions ranging from anxiety, fear, lack and frustration in the meantime. Your journey is turning out to be extremely painful.

Practice Non-Attachment

Unfortunately, your negative state works against having the Law of Attraction in your favor. You attract more of “not having” instead of “having”. You even start to doubt if your ultimate desire or dream is ever going to materialize.

Hence, you have been wondering how to reconcile having desires and at the same time, be non-attached to the ultimate object or outcome of your desires. After all, with a desire, you will want to see yourself in possession of it. You hope that what you wish for will come true. It seems hard not to be attached to the results that you wish to experience, especially when your desire is a strong one. And didn’t Law of Attraction proponents suggest that having a strong desire as important for manifestation?

Today’s post is part One of two articles about practicing non-attachment. Much confusion arises from a lack of clear understanding. A number of common myths need to be addressed, if you intend to learn about applying universal laws more effectively. For one thing, it is important to first clarify the value with experiencing desires.

What is Desire?

Unfortunately, many religious folks have the mistaken belief that having desire is wrong and that it creates suffering. Hence, they tend to judge the believers of the Law of Attraction as immoral, misdirected and materialistic. They have the perception that the latter group will be more interested in manifesting for great wealth without having to work hard.

Well, the following is my understanding. A desire is borne out of contrast. As you live through your life experiences and become more aware about yourself, you start to have personal preferences. Often these personal preferences are referred to as desires. From knowing what you do not want, you clarify what you do want.

Note that it is human and instinctual to have personal preferences. Hence, there is nothing “wrong” with having desires per se. Not forgetting, some desires are healthy to have. For instance, a desire to be well is a healthy one. Also, to deny your desires is to no longer experience the motivation for improvement, progress and growth. Without any forward movement, life loses its meaning. You can essentially forget about feeling alive, in this scenario.

The ego does not know that life, being a mystery, cannot be answered but can only be lived! -Dr. Vijai Shankar

Desires summon creative energies for manifestation. The stronger your desire, the greater its likelihood of becoming real. Just think of those around you who are passionate about their dreams. They tend to be the ones who are more successful with bringing their dreams into fruition.

However, as you have probably already discovered that as soon as you grasp at something, pain arises. In fact, the more you grasp to a form – whether thought, emotion, person, animal or object – the level of your pain increases. Psychological pain is suffering. It is what Buddha found out too.

What is Attachment?

It is the attachment to your desired object that results in the suffering. When you do not have it, you cannot get your desire out of your mind. You become anxious, start to crave, whine, complain, envy and get frustrated because of your attachment.

“Attachment is the origin, the root of suffering; hence it is the cause of suffering.” -The Dalai Lama

As someone who attempts to apply the Law of Attraction deliberately, having an attachment causes you to wonder why your desires are taking so long to manifest. And so, you lament over your lack. A look at the quick successes of your neighbors causes you to become convinced of your own misfortune. Naturally, by virtue of the Law of Attraction, because you are vibrating lack instead of fullness, you attract more lack.

To be attached to something means that you believe that you cannot do without it. Somehow you see that your life will be compromised without this possession. You are not able to realize the impermanence of all things physical. By being attached, you are unable to be free.

What is The Difference Between Detachment and Non-Attachment?

Detachment, in my opinion, is not the same thing as non-attachment. When you are detached, you cut off your feelings. You are not able to practice empathy or compassion. You cannot see from another person’s point of view. Getting into detachment can also be part of your coping mechanism. Sometimes when emotions get too overwhelming, your coping mechanism gets activated; thus causing you to withdraw.

Non-attachment suggests the possibility of having a desire but not being attached to it. Hence you do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed emotionally. Neither do you permit your internal critic to take over. You take note of the negative thoughts and emotions that come up but you choose not to focus your attention on them.

In other words, you do not allow ego consciousness to take charge. Ego consciousness causes you to feel limited, separated and insecure. It is one that is based on the paradigm of lack. When you operate from ego consciousness, it is very difficult to claim your birthright to universal abundance.

Note that emotional responses generated by your ego are not the same as heart-centered desires from your soul. Desires that come from ego, causing you to crave “I want”, usually lead to attachment; which causes suffering. Such desires are backed by fear. On the other hand, your soul-level desire, from the center of the heart, is for connection, unity and love.

My Journey of Non-Attachment

Still, I have to admit that as much as I would like to, it has not been easy applying non-attachment. For small items, it is no sweat. I consider small items to be material things like a Chanel bag (as I was recently told, a supposedly standard item for a modern day girl working in an office) or an upgrade to a BMW 6-series Coupe for instance. I do not personally need these items, so no wanting there.

But for the more significant ones such as those concerning my dreams, I have found that non-attachment as one involving constant practice. Well, my next post is on practicing and applying non-attachment. Do keep a lookout!!

Shine from the Soul,

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Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Share With Me

As I do not claim to be an expert or a spiritual teacher, I would like to add that the above thoughts form my own understanding. Do share with me what your thoughts on desires, attachment, non-attachment and detachment are.

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Sandhan - September 27, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn
I’m not a spiritual teacher or expert either necessarily although like you I AM a student of life! Anyway I agree 100% with your distinctions between detachment and non-attachment…. if I wrote this article I’d have said exactly the same thing as you, so thanks so much for sharing your point of view and validating mine.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Sandhan,

It’s great that you have validated mine too 🙂

With love,


Jimmy - September 27, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Unconsciously and consciously over the last year or so, I have been trying to feel non attachment to my wants and at the same time crave my desires. This combination will never work out I suppose. Perhaps that is why my situation has not been too encouraging anyway.

Your post has not answer many of my soul searching questions on how we can activate the law of attraction in order to manifest my desires. But it did shed light on many things like what is desire, the difference between detachment and non attachment, craving for something and so on. I find these concepts very well deliberated in this post.

Although I did not have firm answers yet, but I think the digestion of these ideas within my own mind has already started. In due time, I am sure I will have greater clarity as to how I can motivate myself towards my desires without having that sense of attachment there. That I think is the secret of manifesting through the law of attraction.

I look forward to your second post on this subject where you will shed light on how to attain non attachment.



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Jimmy,

I am wondering what it is that you need to learn about activating the Law of Attraction. Obviously, this article is not aimed at explaining how to activate the law. It is about practicing non-attachment.

Since you practice meditation, then I think it is only a matter of time for realization to happen. In response to what you say, from my personal experience, I find that there is no need to “motivate myself” especially when my dream or desire is an authentic one. It is authentic because it is aligned with my true self. Hence, the motivation is inner rather than externally driven.

The inner motivation fuels into a dedication to work. It is passion. It does not feel like struggle. Joyous work attracts more joyful outcomes.

Abundance always,


Lindsay | The Daily Awe - September 27, 2011 Reply

This is so, so true. But the trouble is when you really, really want something, non-attachment is such a struggle. Trying to conceive, for instance…how do you remove yourself from wanting that baby/child so much? How do you attain non-attachment when you’re trying for something that you’ve longed for your whole life? It’s no easy task!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Lindsay,

Oh yes, applying non-attachment is no easy task. Some people, for instance monks and nuns, make non-attachment as their lifelong practice. So don’t beat yourself if you find yourself not being able to practice it. The thing is to acknowledge that we have desires.

I cannot say that the desire to conceive is one that arises from ego consciousness. It is a motherly instinct. There can be a lot of reasons why someone cannot conceive. Some energy clearing or chakra rebalancing work may be helpful for such a scenario.

With love,


Kate I - September 28, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn, This topic is something I’ve been fascinated with for so many years and it’s only in the last year that I feel as though I’ve begun to understand what it’s all about. I suffered from anxiety for most of my life and it continued to get worse as I got older. This past spring I finally decided that I really couldn’t live with it any longer and it just wasn’t going to get (literally) “the best of me”. I started doing EFT (having never tried it before) and decided that I would keep tapping until my anxiety went away…even if I had to tap non-stop for the rest of my life (and yes, I can see the humour in this but I was really THAT determined!). I tapped mostly on letting go of worry and anxiety but also on finding and feeling the peace and joy that was in me.

Something very deep and profound changed within me. I was able to let go of my attachments to all the ways I thought my life had to be or even should be. Things that I worried about, barely cross my mind now. Things that I really wanted, are now preferences.

I always wondered if letting go meant not having any desires but I realize now that preferences are just desires without the neediness and that feels much, much better!

This is an important topic Evelyn and a difficult one to achieve a heart based (rather than just intellectual) understanding on. I thank you for bring it up for discussion.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Kate,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your story. I have been repeating the point that commitment is totally necessary in order to shift stuck energies to many of my clients and friends. It was the same for me too. Only when I committed to doing EFT that I experienced much changes. I have been using the technique for the past 5-6 years and am still using it on myself everyday.

Yes, amazing changes happen when I applied EFT. I did not even know what initially. But as time went on, I was able to tune in to know that I had shifted vibrationally. And opportunities started to come.

I have since become a certified EFT practitioner. I observed that EFT has worked well on the clients and friends who showed a commitment. I cannot say the same of those who have only tried it once and then gave up because they did not experience immediate changes.

I learn something from you today – about preferences. It’s certainly a great way of looking at desires without the attachment. Yes, non-attachment is something to be applied; just like EFT, meditation and inner work. It can only be truly understood and realized when practiced.

Shine from the soul always,


maia Reply:

yes, desires are preferences without neediness…. i like what you’ve said it rung a cord in my heart.. i think non attachment is without neediness for a particular result to come. I’ve been struggling for a particular result to come, and that creates my anxiety… so right now im learning to let go… im saying all my dreams to GOD and let Him do His thing…when and how will my dream manifest its all His, in His own ways and time….

Thank you evelyn for your wonderful site. I thank God for having found you…


Galen Pearl - September 28, 2011 Reply

This is a great post about important distinctions. Sometimes people that that to be “enlightened,” we just shouldn’t care about anything. So not true! Thank you for this great explanation, which I will surely borrow next time someone asks about this!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Galen,

I used to grapple with the various meanings until one fine day, I decided to sit down and sort them out. And yes, detachment is not the same thing as non-attachment. Great!! I hope the explanations will be able to help anyone searching for the same answers.

With love,


Deepsha - September 28, 2011 Reply

Hey Evelyn!
once again, cudos… you are amazing. Everytime I browse through your blogs, I thank you for being my life changer.. I am afraid I am not good at expressing gratitude, but I owe you a long one. I will always remember the day I discovered your blogs.. My prayer are with you and for your well being.. may god bless you with all the more power.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Deepsha,

It’s great that you have been learning useful things from my website. I am happy to have shared them with you. I accept your appreciation with much gratitude too. I sincerely wish you much love, abundance and joy in your journey.

Shine from the soul,


Justin | Mazzastick - September 28, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
You did an excellent job in your post of explaining attachment. We all learn through self experimentation and thanks for sharing what you have learned so far on your spiritual journey.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Justin,

You are welcome. I am happy to know that you’ve enjoyed my sharing 🙂

Abundance always,


Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition - September 28, 2011 Reply

This was fabulous! I never paid attention to the difference between detachment and non-attachment but, from your excellent explanation I can see they are miles apart. I kept saying I wanted to be “detached” from the outcome when I should have been saying I wanted to practice “non-attachment.” Thank you for making this so clear.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Angela,

Knowing the difference can possibly help in an energetic shift in the way one sets an intention. Great…I am happy to know that this post has been useful to you. Yahoooo!!



Vic - September 30, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for this post; I needed to hear this today. When you look at the success of others, it’s true that you can be susceptible to feeling like your not successful.

Your idea of non-attachment is smart because if you can practice not needing something then you are essentially free from it and not a slave to it.


TheFashionistachic Reply:

Hi Vic! I have a question? I promise Vic this question comes from a good place. Why are you looking at the success of others? I am truly interested in your answer.


TheFashionistachic - September 30, 2011 Reply

I had a severely emotional response to William Blake’s poem, then I read further and become inquisitive to the idea of non-attachment. Hmm… This I always struggle with, by nature I am lazy. My desire or egoic need is what drives me. Not having a MENTAL ATTACHMENT would demotivate me.


Evelyn Reply:

Practicing non-attachment is not necessarily de-motivating. In fact, as mentioned, it does not mean that your desire is no longer there. It still is. The idea is not to become emotionally attached to the point of becoming unhappy even whilst we are on the journey towards attaining our goals and dreams.

All the best,


Cas - September 30, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
Nice to read your article. I am trying to get through a very difficult point in life. While I understand the message, practicing is another matter. To desire something and not to be emotionally affected by its outcome is extremely difficult for me. Perhaps it is the degree of pain and how fast we can recover from it that is the key. For me it is rather impossible…


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Cas,

It can be tough. If we find that we are not able to apply to a specific situation, we also choose to forgive ourselves. We recognize our attachments but rather than suppress our negative emotions or be in denial, we allow these to surface. We silently “observe” these in our mind. Strangely enough, fear dissipates.

With love,


Bryce Christiansen - October 1, 2011 Reply

This was a fascinating read. I’m still a beginner in my understanding of the law of attraction, attachment, and detachment, so this was an excellent way for me to become better educated on the subject.

I can see why it is such an effective practice and how it really helps people. I’ve done some of this attraction myself, mostly without even being aware I was doing it and seen similar results.

Thanks for sharing,



Evelyn Reply:

Hi Bryce,

I am glad to know that you’ve learned something helpful from my post. Yes, mostly we have been unconscious in what we have been doing. By becoming aware, we can be more deliberate in our thoughts and therefore find it easier to manifest what we do want instead of what we don’t.

Abundance always,


sangeng - October 2, 2011 Reply

Hi, Evelyn,
wow an interesting issue. My understanding is that non-attachment is the opposite of attachment while detachment is a concept quite like disidentification, i.e the Self does not identify with the particular sub-personality/physical feeling and as such the whole personality is not being overwhelmed by that sub-personality/physical feeling. An example could be, like I had an unusually bad diarrhoea the other day and had to go to the toilet at least 10 times a day, feeling quite drained out. I, the Self was aware of such bothersome events, felt quite helpless about it but then still took it easy spiritually and thought that it would self heal after 2 days. I, the Self, was not the (feeling of) physical discomfort. I did not identify with and being overwhelmed by it. I could carry on the work normally but have to take more rest. I was detached from or so to say I disidentified my Self with the physical discomfort. The 3rd day, I took Colodium (from a pharmacist) and just healed instantly. When we are too attached to and sort of unduly affected by a perceived problem, than that attachment becomes a hangup, I think.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello sangeng,

I am glad to know that this issue is an engaging one for you. It’s great that you have allowed yourself to heal in good time, rather than get so hung up about recovery. Thanks for sharing your story 🙂

Shine from the soul,


Chris Edgar - October 3, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn — I like what you said about “detachment” and how spiritual practice can actually be used to get away from the emotions we don’t want to experience, as opposed to being more fully engaged in life and in being human. My own meditation practice was about detachment for a while, and now spirituality for me is more about broadening the range of experiences and sensations I’m willing to be with.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Chris,

I will find it hard to practice detachment altogether. In the work that I do, I also need some level of empathy in order to help my clients and friends. But I like what you said. You have found a way that best works for you with the broad steps involved. Most certainly, spirituality is about being able to apply what we have learned conceptually to ordinary experiences.

Shine from the soul,


marc van der linden - October 4, 2011 Reply

Great post Evelyn!

It is an excellent explanation about detachment, attachment and non-attachment.

With the distinctions you make, I believe there are 3 stages to learn them.

First, detachment, you can do without having desire. You just walk away from any attachment.

Secondly, if you act on desire as an creative energy, you can create attachment. To attach to something is already more energetic, but can also cause more pain.

Thirdly, there is non-attachment, which you only can understand if you truly understand how to detach and to attach. It is the highest form, which is the most difficult, but gives the most freedom.

Would this fit in your understanding or did I miss something?


VJ - October 12, 2014 Reply

Hey Evelyn,

Last few month are of big struggle for me, before December i was making ample of money to feed my wants, it is suddenly i lost my job and not got one yet, i am not sure where i am getting wrong and why i am not able to manifest what i want… debt on head, no job, no money…. i m turning -ve towards life now… you can surely help me come out of this situation… tell me where i must be going wrong in my LOA/LOD practice ?
Many Thanks


The Chasm Between Wishful Thinking and Faith (& Why Zombies are Soulless) | Powered by Intuition - January 2, 2016 Reply

[…] true faith if you’re able to relinquish the need to control the outcome, meaning you practice non-attachment to how your desire will manifest or even if it will manifest at all. You have faith that a power […]

Monicka - April 27, 2018 Reply

Thanks a lot for the information about the attachment and detachment. It was very useful for my exams .Thanks again


Non-Attachment: What It Is and How to Practice It - Mindfulled | Fill Your Mind - December 3, 2020 Reply

[…] you want to know more about the difference between non-attachment and detachment I can recommend this article and this […]

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