Author Archives: Evelyn

The World Builder In You

Several thoughts ran through my mind when I watched the video that has already captured the imagination of more than a million people worldwide since its release three months ago. The short film is titled “World Builder”. While it appears as a high tech movie at the start, World Builder is really a love story and about creation.

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No Such Thing as Failure; Only Feedback

Now that you have recognized that perhaps some of your difficulties thrown onto your path are part of a Divine curriculum (from previous posts such as Master Your Life Lessons), you may put yourself in a state of review. In your analysis, you may be tempted to perceive yourself as a complete failure in all your “tests”; especially if you have not managed to transcend the repeated patterns.

(photo by julianne.hide)

Before you proceed to beat yourself up, consider this often quoted Neuro-Linguistic Programming supposition: There is No Such Thing as Failure, Only Feedback.
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Madness Is Just a Disguise

(Is it madness not to ride the bicycle but to walk instead?; photo by Hans Vink)

“The Warrior of Light does not worry that, to others, his behavior may seem mad.

He talks out loud to himself when he is alone. Someone told him that this is the best way of communicating with the angels, and so he takes a chance and tries to make contact.

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The School of Life

The School of Life
(Photo collage of life lessons presented by my kids, nature, temptations, sports, spirituality and relationships.)

When life is demanding, it can be difficult to adopt a perspective that is wise. Your life situation takes center stage. You are more likely to be preoccupied with thoughts on how to deal with the ongoing drama. You are identified with your ego-centered self. You cannot help but blame everything and everyone for the situation that you are in. Yet, it is in the trials big and small – that life presents you with the greatest opportunity to evolve.
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Life Lessons by Warrior of the Light

(photo by kaibara87)

The Warrior of Light views life with tenderness and determination.

He stands before a mystery, whose solution he will one day find. Every so often, he says to himself: “This life is absolutely insane.”

He is right. In surrendering to the miracle of everyday, he notices that he cannot always foresee the consequences of his actions. Sometimes he acts without even knowing that he is doing so, he saves someone without even knowing he is saving them, he suffers without even knowing why he is sad.

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Master Your Life Lessons

Your soul attends lessons in its physical incarnations. One such school where lessons are held is Earth. If Source is Divine Love, your soul can only know itself through experiences of joy or even pain and suffering.

(photo by Avolore)

Your soul evolves when you are able to master your human experiences. In the physical form, you grow from being an ego-centered, limited and negative individual to one who is spirit conscious, free and divine in your expression.

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Express Your Soul Gifts

soul gifts
(photo by spigoo)

We all have at least a soul gift, a natural ability, a talent. It is something that we do better than most others. It is possible that it lays hidden or gets buried for a variety of reasons. What we need to remember is that our souls have intended for us to express it in our lifetimes. If you have been having the sneaky feeling that you are in the “wrong” job or finding your life a drag everyday, you may well be out of alignment in how you are expressing yourself.
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Are You A Cracked Pot?

(photo by *Suzie*)

I have just come across the story about the cracked pot. It is a popular tale that came from India. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to re-publish it on my site. There is so much meaning to the story! The story is about our sense of self worth. Many of us do not realize how beautiful we are even for all our imperfections. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we can only see flaws. We practice a lot of self judgement. In fact, in many instances, we judge ourselves more harshly than we judge others. We do not realize that our imperfections are also about who we are and what we bring to the world. If you do not know the story of the cracked pot, here is how it goes….

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Me In Every Thought

(photo by Jacob Botter)

From the time you are born, you are taught to identify your ego as the “I”. You learn that “my name is ________” , and soon you proceed to “this is my toy car” and “I am upset”. You identify yourself with things and if you did not get what you wanted, you get angry. You experience suffering. You also identify yourself with your gender, race, religion and country. All these make up “me and my story”. From young, you are already conditioned in your thinking.

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Intuitive Messages To Who I Am

(photo by seabamirum)

I am a sparrow. I am a humble creature with no particular claim to fame. I am not powerful like the eagle, colorful like the parrot or majestic like the peacock.

I am small and plain, indistinguishable from other sparrows. Yet every morning, I announce the dawn. And I don’t just whisper. I sing my heart out.

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