
Do You Have a Plan B? Start One Now!

“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” Steve Jobs

steve jobs quote past 33 years
Do you have a Plan B?

If you don’t, perhaps it is time you put some thought into it. Plan B could well be more important than your Plan A.

I was reading a Straits Times article written by a career coach on the importance of having plan B last week and felt compelled to add my thoughts about it.

The Difference between Plan A and B

Plan A forms your corporate life, the one whereby you spend most of your waking hours in an office. On the other hand, Plan B forms your post-corporate life. Plan B consists of activities that you can engage in outside of working hours as an employee. You could be doing social work or it could be something that is income-generating.

Most people – perhaps including yourself – are caught up with Plan A. If you are in a corporate, Plan A alone probably keeps you very busy. Already used to the same routine, you may even experience a sense of inertia to explore avenues beyond Plan A.

However, I propose looking into Plan B, even though Plan A appears to offer more financial stability currently. Here are the reasons why:

1. The False Illusion of Security

Days of having an iron rice bowl is over! In case you don’t know what it means, “iron rice bowl” is a Chinese term that refers to guaranteed income and job security. If you have an iron rice bowl, you are assured that you will never be kicked out of your company – unless you decide to leave yourself and that you can expect to work for the same company until the day you retire.

Well, times have changed. Companies now place more emphasis on profits. So if you are not performing your job or bringing in the money, there is a chance that you will be asked to leave. Retrenchment exercises seem to happen a lot more these days. About a generation ago, you get to keep your job; no matter what.

Not forgetting, you could be subjected to retrenchment exercises for reasons that are not within your control. That you will be assured of income that lasts year after year while in full-time employment is merely an illusion.

It’s time to wake up from the flawed belief!

2. Where Passion Leads into Purpose

Very likely, Plan B makes up of things and activities that you are truly passionate in. This may be rather different from your Plan A, whereby you are just working hard for the money. With Plan B, you are having fun! You derive joy from participating in these. In fact, may I say, it is where you can find your purpose.

Through these avenues, you are able to authentically express values that are at the heart of who you are. You have the opportunity to align with your soul gifts, which could have little to do with the skills you develop in your corporate – or even school – life.

When you do things out of passion, you are inspired to give your best. At the same time, because of your passion, you inspire others to do the same. You meet with purpose when you realize the difference to the lives of others that you have made.

3. Plan B can help Generate Passive Income

Plan B can be an avenue whereby you earn some extra income.

I like the idea of having multiple sources of income. In addition to my online coaching programs, I have recently ventured into essential oil products as well. My husband and I also make it a point to evaluate a range of investment and business options. Research, analysis, and learning new business skills take time. That is why it falls very nicely under Plan B.

Make Plan B an Important Priority

Plan A offers you less control since your bosses or your company management makes the say. Hence, I believe that it is a good idea to start developing a Plan B in advance, as you just won’t know when you need to fall back on it. As I have said, you need to put in the hours for Plan B. Who knows? Plan B may generate enough income for you to quit your corporate life, offering you more freedom and flexibility.

It is with the above reasons and more that I decided to pay special attention to Plan B. In fact, most of what I do is with Plan B in mind. Plan B will take me all the way to old age – very likely, past the official retirement age.

This year is an important one. It means putting Plan B in place with a solid foundation that is holistic, integrated and life-changing. It involves building structures, frameworks and networks. Yes, I am working my Plan B with passion, purpose and perseverance!

What To Do Next

Don’t have a Plan B yet? Ask yourself what your passion or soul gifts are and explore options that will allow you to channel these into your physical life. Get an akashic reading to gain an understanding of your soul blueprint here.

Already have a Plan B? Work on envisioning a Plan B into reality. Get a 50% savings off from my Life Vision Mastery Program until end Jan!

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Coach | Work with Me

P.S. Share your love! If you have enjoyed the post and agree on the reasons of having Plan B, please share this article on your favourite social media platforms. Thank you in advance 🙂

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Betsy/Zen Mama - January 16, 2015 Reply

Love the “Plan B” idea! I do this all the time, too. In fact that’s how Zen Mama started! If I had more time (which I plan to next fall) I’ll be doing a lot more plan B. Thanks for the inspiration!

PS Love the Steve Jobs quote!


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