Category Archives for "Spiritual Abundance"

EFT Tapping Circle: What Are Group Borrowing Benefits

Group Tapping Circle Borrowing Benefits

“Borrowing Benefits” is one of the most profound discoveries in EFT tapping circles. It happens when we come together in a group to clear negative emotions or limiting benefits. “Borrowing Benefits” is the discovery that simply watching other participants do EFT on their issues, while tapping along with them, reduces the emotional intensity of our own issues. It is as if we are “borrowing” the positive energetic shifts, even though we are not directly working on our own. 

To begin with, our issues may or may not be the same as what another member of the group is going through. However, just by observing and tapping along on the issues that belong to another group member, we can potentially experience a reduction in the stress or tension that we have in relation to our own issues. This phenomena is also pretty much aligned with the concepts that “everything is energy” and that we are all inter-connected.

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What is Emotional Bypassing and Why It Matters

What is Emotional Bypassing

Emotional bypassing happens when we don’t allow ourselves to fully process our negative feelings. Instead, we sweep them under the carpet or we gloss over them by “willing” the mind to think positively. Say, something traumatic happens to us. We don’t face it because we fear feeling worse off. Thus, instead of grieving or upset, we simply put on a brave front and pretend that all is fine. 

In another instance, we guilt-trip ourselves for feeling negative when we ought to be grateful. We believe that we have no right to complain about feeling poorly where someone else is at a more disadvantaged situation. And so we stuff our feelings inside. 

Emotional bypassing is often referred to as spiritually bypassing. It was the late psychologist John Welwood who coined the term spiritual bypassing to describe what he saw in a Buddhist community. He describes it as the “tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks.” In the practice of non-attachment, many Buddhists deny what they truly feel.

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7 Mindset Shifts on Wealth Attraction That You Can Make For Your Solopreneur Business

Wealth Attraction Mindset Shifts Law of Attraction for Solorepreneur Business Online

What if there are mindset shifts that you can make to raise wealth attraction for your solopreneur business?

As a life coach, energy healer or solopreneur, your desire is find fulfilment through doing what you love, creating an impact, and making  money from offering your service. Very importantly, you would like to have the ability to generate an income that is more than your expenses, thus making your business profitable. Also,  you want to have high energy levels, so that you can best serve your clients.

However, especially where you are just starting out, doing a business can be challenging. It can get overwhelming when you are managing every task on your own, anything from doing sales to admin support. You also need to keep a watch on your expenses, so that you can account for every dollar that you spend. Where you are not able to cope due to insufficient resources, stress can set in.

Well, what would help is applying the right mindset with an understanding about how the Law of Attraction works.

Allow me to explain.

Law of Attraction: Flow or In Resistance?

Why you’d be interested to leverage on the Law of Attraction is this: you want to take the struggle out of doing your business.

When you are feeling frustrated, anxious or stressed out, you are in resistance. Struggle happens when you are feeling negative about yourself, your business or life. Your ability to attract financial abundance decreases as a result. It is when you find yourself unable to attract ideal clients, doing a lot but getting very little in return and facing the uphill task of getting your business from survival to thriving.

On the other hand, when you are in the flow, feeling positive and at ease, you are in better alignment with the universal law. Since nothing is in your way, you are in wellness and able to show up fully in your business. As a result, you manifest the outcomes that you want a lot more easily…yayyy!!

Mindset Shifts for Alignment with the Law of Attraction

According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. Hence, you’d want your business to vibrate at a frequency level that matches abundance. The energy of abundance is one that feels expansive, full and of unlimited potential.

As a solopreneur running your own business and by being in alignment with a positive state of being, you’d have the universe supporting you. Click to Tweet

Your wealth attraction ability rises.

What’s more, since you are offering a service, it is imperative that you serve your customers from a positive space than one that resonates in lack and limitation.

Lifting your state of being or vibrational frequency starts with aligning your thoughts and feelings with abundance. When you are in lack, you are thinking thoughts like “I don’t have enough”, “there is not enough to go round” or “life is hard”. With thoughts like these, you invariably feel low, frustrated, and disappointed.

However, if you have thoughts like “I am enough”, “life is happening for me” and choose to see the miracles in your life, you would feel a sense of fullness, anticipation and joy. Thus, raising your vibrational state. It not only benefits you but also, your business.

What are specific ways of aligning your thoughts and feelings, so that you can lift the vibrational state of your business?

Let me share some great mindset shifts that you can make. They were ones that I had personally applied to grow my coaching business. I have been very happy since 🙂

7 Specific Mindset Shifts To Attract Wealth and Consistent Cash Flow


Mindset Shift #1 for Wealth Attraction

When you make a purchase that supports another small business today, don’t see it as an “expense”, “cost” or “wasted” item. You are helping them pay for their kids’ university fees, rent or electricity. Bless them instead of thinking them as “draining” you of your money. Have the perspective that money is a blessing for their dreams, as much as it is for you.

Mindset Shift #2 for Wealth Attraction

Whether you are the client or the service provider, always be thankful for the relationship. Let them know how thankful you are and how much you value the connection. Send them a note of thanks, “hey there, it’s my privilege to work with you”. Give thanks and you’d receive thanks.

Mindset Shift #3 for Wealth Attraction

Be open and willing to bless others with kind positive feedback online. If you’d like others to say nice things about you and to recommend your services, be willing to do the same for others too.


Mindset Shift #4 for Wealth Attraction

When making a business payment that is making you feel nervous, think of it as an “investment” rather than a “cost” or “expense”. By viewing it as an investment, you are expecting that the returns will be multi-fold.

Mindset Shift #5 for Wealth Attraction

Make a donation to a charity or someone in need from your business account, no matter how little sales you are making. What matters more is not how much you give but the thought and intention that goes behind your gift. When you are generous, you are saying that there is always more from where it came from and that you are not in lack.

Mindset Shift #6 for Wealth Attraction

For whatever outflow, imagine your business bank account being filled again easily and more. Believe that you are worthy and visualise abundant flow from the Bank of the Universe into your business.

Mindset Shift #7 for Wealth Attraction

Thank ALL the people who has supported you in order for you to do this business. Even the cleaners, trash collectors, virtual assistants and so on. “Thank you for supporting me. May abundance and blessings come back to you in return.”

Mindset Shifts To Raise Wealth Attraction Ability

Begin with making mindset shifts to one that is of gratitude, blessings and generosity.

Start believing and feeling you are abundant and worthy of it.

If you have problems in believing and feeling abundant or that you are deserving of abundance, contact me for assistance.

Let’s work on lifting your state, so that you can manifest twice as much with working less and in half the time!

Say yes to attracting wealth into the business that you love! 

Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
Women Empowerment Coach for Coaches, Healers and Solopreneurs

P.S. Share Your Comments and/or Tips Below.

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Synchronicity Meaning: Message from the Universe

What is Synchronicity Meaning and Definition

After encountering a series of events while on a solo trip in London a week ago, I discovered what it means to hear from the Universe…

“When you commit to making the decision to level up, the entire Universe moves in support of you. It lets you know of its support through synchronicity. It does this by delivering coded signs and divine messages.”

The decision to up level our life is to make the choice for growth. It involves making a shift in our mindset, habits, and behaviour. And it first requires us to step out of our comfort zone.

I had found it particularly interesting to observe how my recent London trip unfolded. It certainly differed from the holiday vacations I had taken in the past. My discovery: Where the intention for a trip has been set to one that centers on soul growth, the Universe sends the necessary resources and messages to support it.

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

At first, I was in two minds about making this trip. I felt uneasy because I would be away from family and since my last visit to London was more than 10 years ago, I did not know quite what to expect. Fear started to escalate when my imagination got hold of me about the dangers of traveling solo.

Luckily, I had a good sense of knowing what fear was doing to me. And so, I decided to bring more attention to what I wanted instead – to learn (and relearn) from EFT master trainers (who are based outside Central London), and to use the opportunity for inner work, on top of taking the time to relax and to rejuvenate my energy. Hence, 3 primary objectives: Relearn, Realign and Rejuvenate!

Well, the moment I got up the plane, I found myself encountering people who assisted me in the direction I wish to take as well as people who offered me the messages that I needed to hear. Even though I know all the Law of Attraction stuff, I was shocked at the signs that showed up.

In particular, key phrases and specific messages that I have been attuning to were being repeated back to me by strangers. I experienced goosebumps when I found out that they were coincidentally in a similar situation. “What are the chances?” I asked myself. Events happened in such a synchronistic way that I could not help but conclude once again that there is a larger force at work.

It’s been a journey of self-discovery. I gained valuable insights during the classes I attended. In London, I got lost a number of times while venturing into new areas. Despite some anxiety, I found myself making my way to where I needed to be. And in good time. There’s nothing like traveling alone to unknown territory and rediscovering myself in the process.

(On the side, Stonehendge has been on my bucket list for a long time and I am so glad to be able to put a checkmark against the item! And I almost did not make it. I was 3 minutes from missing the coach that left for Stonehendge that morning, after getting terribly lost.)

The Divine Lesson: Trust

From my experiences, I deciphered the important lesson of trust.

The Universe knows exactly what we need. It sends us the resources, opportunities and the messages when we commit. Hence, I’d like to propose that we don’t procrastinate but to make the decision to level-up. Surrender the process to the Universe, trusting and allowing it to work its magic! 

What Does Synchronicity Mean

With more time to reflect, I’d like to share my notes on Synchronicity…

The Universe reveals itself through synchronicity. It orchestrates the events, people and environment; and lining them up, so that you are exactly where you need to be. Synchronicity takes place like “a vibrational beacon” that transmits a divine message or coded sign back to you, indicating that you are in alignment or on the right path.

Through synchronicity, even as you ponder over what the message or sign means, you are invited to realise that you are part of something bigger – a cosmic whole. Eventually, you may well conclude that there perhaps isn’t a need to fully make sense of everything in order to derive meaning. On the contrary, it is by taking yourself out from habitual patterns that you get reconnected in oneness. It’s opening up to the sense of wonder and awe that makes you come alive!

Venturing out of your comfort zone enables you to fully appreciate the mysterious workings of the Universe. You learn to let go and you allow the Universe to take over. Finding your way after losing yourself, the path to walk is being revealed to you. You decipher what you need to know at each and every step – through synchronicity.

Can this be the message that you need to hear today too?

I believe that the Decision to Up-Level is the Choice to allow Magic into Your Life!

If you have been stuck with indecision, this message could be for you to make the choice to up-level and to go for it! Simply trust! The Universe will reveal the hidden messages to you in a series of synchronistic occurrences.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

Love and Abundance always,
Evelyn Lim

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How to Awaken Your Divine Feminine When You Have Lost Yourself

Awaken Your Divine Feminine

You will need to awaken your Divine Feminine if you have lost yourself.

Losing yourself can happen in various ways. One big way is when you have lost yourself in your multiple roles – as a wife, mother, lover, friend, leader and so on. At the root, you could have beliefs that stop you from connecting with your female energy and shining your core brilliance.

Born female, you could have been taught that you are of the inferior sex to males. You were told that you are to play more of a supporting role. And that you have little or less right to be heard. Invariably, you give your power away.

Thus, your Divine Feminine gets hidden, forgotten and suppressed. Over time, you become increasingly disconnected with her. When you diminish yourself as a female, you feel less attractive and if I guess right, will have difficulties with loving and accepting yourself unconditionally. Aligning with your highest potential becomes challenging. You are unable to hold your own even when you need to show up confidently.

Should this be true, you are not alone.

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What is Past Life Therapy? A FAQ Guide On Releasing The Past

Wondering if you should go for a past life therapy?

Perhaps you have got an inkling that the negative patterns that you are currently having stem from blocks that were created in past lives.

It’s not as if you have not tried to address your issues. You may have gone for some childhood therapy or counselling sessions, yet you are still stuck or feeling blocked. The same patterns keep repeating.

One great analogy is that you’ve been told not to touch a boiling kettle but you can’t stop yourself from doing so. Hence, you have to contend with burning your fingers over and over again. If anything, that you keep facing the same patterns is a sign that your issues are not fully resolved.

You are now thinking that perhaps your issues have a root cause from way back. If there is such a thing as past lives, you suspect that your issues could have started even prior to this incarnation. Then again, you can’t help but feel some doubt arising: is the thing about past life spiritual woo-woo?

Well, allow me to de-mystify what a past life therapy is. Find out what transformative shifts can happen during a session. Learn how you can finally address the root cause of your current life blocks and stop self-sabotaging patterns from repeating.
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15 Best Mindfulness Quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh

I enjoy learning from mindfulness quotes by meditation teachers. One such teacher is Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. He is a poet and peace activist, revered around the world for his powerful teachings on mindfulness and peace. I have his books and also attended his talk when he came to Singapore some years ago.

What I find appealing is the simplicity of his teachings. He draws on nature to impart his insights, for instance. While quotes do not usually comprise of a lot of words, what he says is enough for us to reflect upon.  They offer amazing life lessons.

The following are some of my favourite mindfulness quotes and in no particular order by him…

15 Best Mindfulness Quotes Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness Quote #1: Every Feeling is a Field of Energy

“Every feeling is a field of energy. A pleasant feeling is an energy which can nourish. Irritation is a feeling which can destroy. Under the light of awareness, the energy of irritation can be transformed into an energy which can nourishes.” – Thich Nhat Hanh Continue reading

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