Tag Archives for " manifest "

Use The Pink Bubble Technique for Creative Visualization

pink bubble creative visualization

More than just a game, engaging in the creative visualization exercise can apparently help give your dreams some lift. Imagine floating your fantasies wrapped in pink bubbles into the air and allowing the Universe to bring them in manifestation! Sounds like fun? Well, it is. The best part is that you can possibly turn your dreams into reality.

pink bubble visualization
(Pink Bubble Technique – illustration from my personal art journal)

The pink bubble technique is shared by Shakti Gawain, an internationally renowned teacher of consciousness in her book, Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Imagination to Create What You Want in Life. Shakti has facilitated thousands of individuals in developing greater awareness, balance and wholeness in their lives.

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30 Power Words To Activate Intention Setting

power words for intention setting

As I have found, intention setting with simply using power words and phrases can be powerful and effective. This is in contrast to setting new year resolutions. In fact, in recent years, setting new year resolutions is becoming passe amongst spiritually-aware personal development experts. More people are recommending using intentions or themes to guide our directions at the start of a new year.

Difference Between Intention Setting and Making New Year Resolutions

What is the difference, you may ask?
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10 Tips To Setting Powerful Intentions

set powerful intentions law of attraction

There can be several guidelines to be aware of, when you set powerful intentions. When applied cohesively, they can be extremely helpful in bringing your intents to fruition effectively.

how to be bold

You can set a powerful intention or a poor one. Based on my experiences with setting intentions, here is a summary of 10 tips I have picked up that I would like to share with you:

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Align with Abundance

align with abundance

To align with abundance is to realise first and foremost: We are all Energy.

We come from the same Source. Our physical BEing is an expression of Source Energy wishing to know itself. Source Energy can only know itself experientially. It cannot know its essential nature without the benefit of experience. For instance, it cannot truly know that it is Divine Love without an experience of love or its polar-opposite, fear.

The essential nature of Source/God/Universe is love, peace, compassion. It is of pure intelligence and infinite abundance. It is ever-present, eternal, expansive and never-changing. Since we are Source expressed in a physical form, our basic nature is one and the same.
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