Category Archives for "Success"

Principles that propel you to success

Tap Away Your Paralysis to Do Work that You Love

“Overthinking a situation can lead to a phenomenon called analysis paralysis which results in no decision being made.”

tap away analysis paralysisFind yourself emotionally and mentally paralyzed?

Don’t know which way to go?

Perhaps it is not that you lack options, but you could be contemplating more than one. You have got many wonderful what-if ideas. They have been in the playground of your mind. Each has called out to you until you don’t know which to choose.

Then again, it could all boil down to this: you can’t decide if you are willing to give up a job that you are not passionate about (but which pays you a comfortable salary) for something that you love but which is untested.

You have seen them all. There is plenty of advice of “do what you love” over the internet. You are drawn to the feel-good factor of the advice. A part of you is resonating with its tune. You can’t help wondering if there is something bigger and more than what your office job entails.
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10 Lessons About Your Emotional Mind from Inside-Out

“Do you ever look at someone and wonder, what is going on inside their head?” Joy, Inside-Out movie.

Picture: Disney/Pixar

Would you like to meet the voices inside your head that speak to you all day?

Well, find out the identity of these voices and how they drive your behavior by watching the Disney/Pixar movie Inside-Out.

On first glance, it would seem that Inside-Out – being an animated movie – is meant for kids. However, I found it to be great for adults too. I had watched it with my family over the weekend. The movie sheds clever and enlightening insights into the complexities of emotion; in a way that is also touching, fun and charming.
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Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You

“Don’t die with your music still in you.” Dr Wayne Dyer

Through the outpouring of tributes, Dr Wayne Dyer’s life is being celebrated by thousands all over the world. He had passed away on August 29, 2015. Still, his music lives on, with many sharing about how their life has been transformed. Since the 1970s, Dr Dyer has been encouraging everyone to take responsibility and step into personal power. His teachings are timeless.

In particular, Dr Dyer taught me about living with meaning, being of higher service, and the power of intention. A few years ago, his words “don’t die with your music still in you” had inspired me to live in greater creative expression. He had also challenged me to higher values such as serving with unconditional love, non-attachment to materialism and to live with true compassion. Dr Dyer is a source of inspired wisdom in the way of the Tao with his book, Living The Wisdom Of The Tao.

“I know that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”
Living the Wisdom of the Tao, Dr Wayne Dyer

Dr Dyer had the dream of his movie reaching 3 million people. It was last reported that only 1 million people have watched it. The Shift movie features Dyer, along with Michael DeLuise and Portia de Rossi. He had hoped to share about the “benefits of learning to go from Ambition to Meaning in their life.”

In memory of the Father of Motivation, Dr. Dyer’s movie is being offered for free viewing until September 8, 2015 by his longtime publisher, Hay House. Hay House would like to support Dr Dyer in his dream. And I would like to do the same by blogging and sharing about it too. Click over below while you still have the chance….

There is a place deep within us that wants to feel fulfilled. It wants to know that my life has made a difference. That I had left this place, this planet that I live on, better than when I arrived. That someone’s life has been profoundly touched because of my existence. We all want that. It is not about age, or about finding yourself, wherever you are and whatever age, you are only a thought away from changing your life. – Dr Wayne Dyer, The Shift Movie

May you be inspired to express the music from deep inside your soul and to let your authentic and loving heart touch the lives of others!

In celebration of a life well-lived,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Life Coach

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Abundance Alchemy Program Review: Manifest with Ease

When you finally let go of your emotional attachment, you open the space for miracles to physically manifest!

Listen in as Kristin Astourian reviewed my Abundance Alchemy Program in the video below. She also shared her thoughts on the key to manifestation and how the Universe has responded by sending her a surprise money bonus 🙂

Kristin Astourian holds a professional job and is also a singer-cum-song writer based in Austin, Texas. Her dream is to creatively express her soul at the physical level. You can find her works at http://www.chumsmusic.com.

I feel blessed to have the opportunity to connect with talented and creative artistes such as her. She has been amazing to work with! I am extremely thrilled for Kristin and continue to root for her success!!!

To dreams coming true,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Life Coach

P.S. Contact me if you need coaching assistance in making energy shifts for a success breakthrough.

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Are You Having Bugs in Your Windshield?

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” Henry Ford

Imagine this.

You are driving on the highway, with a destination that you are hoping to reach. Then, bugs started appearing on the windshield of your car. At first, from the corner of your eyes, the bugs appear small.

However, as time goes on, you feel drawn to looking at the bugs more and more. Your eyes will dart back and forth between the windshield and the bugs. You are becoming extremely distracted. In fact, the more you pay attention to some of the bugs, the bigger and more horrific they become.

With bugs on the windshield, you are no longer able to concentrate on the road. Your focus is now on the bugs. You lose sight of where you want to go.

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Map to Manifestation: Make a Plan

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Benjamin Franklin

The last I checked, many of us have some notion of a dream. I believe that the vagueness is partly fogged by our many excuses on why we are unlikely to succeed. We just have too little faith and belief in ourselves. Consequently, we may even procrastinate on making a plan that will help us achieve the success that we dream of. We live in delusion and denial, and ironically get envious when others succeed before us.

There is a popular adage often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, the father of time management, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” We are contented to sit on our butts and wait for things to happen. However, the reality is that nothing is going to happen if we don’t also take action that moves us forward. Even if we dream of striking the lottery, we will still need to go to the convenience store to buy a lottery ticket. Action needs to take place. While failing to plan may not necessarily result in failure, but it can detract us from becoming more successful.
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Photo Celebration: Singapore Turns 50

“Home is where the heart is.”

Singapore city skyline was lighted up by fireworks on August 9, 2015.

I would like to share some photos of Singapore which were taken when I stayed over at Marina Bay Sands (MBS) Integrated Resort last weekend. We had decided to have a family overnight get-together in celebration of Singapore’s 50th birthday. Developed by Las Vegas Sands, MBS is a casino hotel that fronts superb views of the bay front and city skyline.

The stay at MBS was luxurious but befitting the occasion of achieving an important milestone – hitting 50! It is a milestone with a lot of accomplishments to be proud of. From a backward Third World country with practically no natural resources, Singapore has transformed to a world-class island city in a short space of time. As we recount how far we had come despite all challenges, we feel thankful, joyful and blessed.
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How to Show Care In Conscious Leadership

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Recently, I was asked to share my secrets to building my essential oil business opportunity. One of my team members wanted to find out how I grew my sales volume. Sales volume had increased by an amazing 100 percent in the first half of this year. She asked me if there was anything special that I did.

For a while, I was stumped by her question. While searching internally for an answer, I tried to recall if I had been using any specific marketing strategy that had a direct impact on results. However, I could not think of any.
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Don’t Give Up Just Because It is Hard

reach for success

Because things have been a lot harder than what you have expected, you may be tempted to give up on your dream.

“The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up.” Robert Tew

For instance, as an entrepreneur, you may be thinking: “it is hard to get clients”, “it’s hard to understand the software system”, “my brain is just not wired that way”, “it is hard to open my mouth to promote my products” etc. Invariably, you have a lot of explanations on why things are not working out.

Do note that most businesses do not survive. It is commonly known that 90 percent of businesses fail within a year after it is set up. Getting a business off the ground can present multiple challenges.
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Unfold Your Path: Rise Up to Action

rise up to action

“Rise up and be the person that you are meant to be.” anonymous

When the Universe responds to your wish and dreams by sending an opportunity your way, what do you do?

Do you back down in fear because it will mean having to step up?

Or do you rise up to action and courageously take it up?

Fear in Disguise: Excuses

“Nothing diminishes anxiety than action.” Walter Anderson

An opportunity had opened up.
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