Category Archives for "Spiritual Awareness"

Spiritual awareness and spirituality articles.

Awaken to The Force : 10 Things You Need to Know

“The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars

force awakens

I am not a Jedi Knight nor do I have midi-chlorians, as the Star Wars movies suggest, for accessing the Force.

However, as with all energy healing practitioners alike, I have been tapping into Universal Life Energy….which I guess pretty much means the same thing as the Force, but without all the laser movie effects.

Even then, as I found out, we do not need go through any attunement process with any healing modality to experience Universal Life Force energy. Say, if we master Qigong, we can begin to feel a vital source of energy flowing within and through us.
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Enneagram Type 8: Positive Affirmations for the Path of Growth

Enneagram Personality Profile Type System

Overview of the Enneagram Type 8: The Challenger, Leader, Protector, Boss

If you are an Enneagram type 8, you are open, direct, driven, strong-willed and all powerful. The thrill of breaking barriers excites you. Taking pride in overcoming adversity, you love taking on challenges. You understand what it takes to reach great heights and you seek to develop strength, tenacity and resilience. Nothing deters you.

You are also charismatic. With strong persuasive abilities, you possess an innate ability to influence others to follow your lead in endeavours such as waging wars, starting a new company, managing a task force and so on. You have a commander’s aura.


Enneagram Grid

“I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful.
If not, it can’t be helped.” — Fritz Perls
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Enneagram Type 5: Positive Affirmations for Path of Growth

Enneagram Personality Profile Type System

Overview of the Enneagram Type 5: The Observer, Investigator, Thinker, Sage

If you are an Enneagram Type 5, you are intellectual, informed and logical. You are an observer of life, and prefer to stay on the sidelines. You like others to see you as someone wise, perceptive and knowledgeable.

You prefer to conserve your energy instead of participating or engaging actively in life. Staying on the sidelines is your way of maintaining calm and composure in a seemingly chaotic world. To make sense of the chaos, you seek refuge in knowledge. Subject mastery appeals to you. As an Enneagram Type 5, you are part of the thinking triad (Types 5, 6 and 7).

Enneagram Grid

“I am turned into a sort of machine for observing facts and grinding out conclusions.” Charles Darwin

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Enneagram Type 1: Positive Affirmations for Path of Growth

Enneagram Personality Profile Type System

“Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.” – Salvador Dali

I am on a Round-The-Enneagram tour, covering all 9 Enneagram Types in turn. Over the course of 9 weeks, I will be laying out positive affirmations aimed at serving the path of growth for each Enneagram Type. Please start off with a basic introduction to The Enneagram, as a guide for transformation, before reading on.

enneagram type1

Overview of Enneagram Type 1: The Reformer, Perfectionist, Achiever

If you are a Type 1, you strongly emphasise key moral values such as responsibility, integrity, order, discipline and control. You place attention on what is right and what is wrong and will fight for justice. You have idealistic dreams, with the goal of improving the world.
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Enneagram Quiz: How Would You Cross the River?

enneagram quiz: how would you cross the river

You can take an Enneagram quiz to help you determine your personality type.

The Enneagram quiz that I’d like to share: How would you cross the river?

There are many online tests but this is a favourite Enneagram quiz of mine. Also, as an update, I’ve benefited so much from the learnings over the years that I have since become an Enneagram Executive Coach accredited with the International Enneagram Association. I now use the Enneagram to help guide others in their personal growth.

If you don’t already know, the Enneagram is an excellent profiling tool. It describes your personality attributes. You can be one of 9 personality types. According to the Enneagram quiz,  your personality type influences how you would cross the river.

“The study of the Enneagram is the study of Everything that keeps us from Essence.” – Russ Hudson

Enneagram Quiz: How would you cross the River
(Photo taken while I was at the Trick Art Museum in Seoul, Korea)

Take the Enneagram Quiz: How Would You Cross the River?
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10 Lessons About Your Emotional Mind from Inside-Out

“Do you ever look at someone and wonder, what is going on inside their head?” Joy, Inside-Out movie.

Picture: Disney/Pixar

Would you like to meet the voices inside your head that speak to you all day?

Well, find out the identity of these voices and how they drive your behavior by watching the Disney/Pixar movie Inside-Out.

On first glance, it would seem that Inside-Out – being an animated movie – is meant for kids. However, I found it to be great for adults too. I had watched it with my family over the weekend. The movie sheds clever and enlightening insights into the complexities of emotion; in a way that is also touching, fun and charming.
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Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You

“Don’t die with your music still in you.” Dr Wayne Dyer

Through the outpouring of tributes, Dr Wayne Dyer’s life is being celebrated by thousands all over the world. He had passed away on August 29, 2015. Still, his music lives on, with many sharing about how their life has been transformed. Since the 1970s, Dr Dyer has been encouraging everyone to take responsibility and step into personal power. His teachings are timeless.

In particular, Dr Dyer taught me about living with meaning, being of higher service, and the power of intention. A few years ago, his words “don’t die with your music still in you” had inspired me to live in greater creative expression. He had also challenged me to higher values such as serving with unconditional love, non-attachment to materialism and to live with true compassion. Dr Dyer is a source of inspired wisdom in the way of the Tao with his book, Living The Wisdom Of The Tao.

“I know that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”
Living the Wisdom of the Tao, Dr Wayne Dyer

Dr Dyer had the dream of his movie reaching 3 million people. It was last reported that only 1 million people have watched it. The Shift movie features Dyer, along with Michael DeLuise and Portia de Rossi. He had hoped to share about the “benefits of learning to go from Ambition to Meaning in their life.”

In memory of the Father of Motivation, Dr. Dyer’s movie is being offered for free viewing until September 8, 2015 by his longtime publisher, Hay House. Hay House would like to support Dr Dyer in his dream. And I would like to do the same by blogging and sharing about it too. Click over below while you still have the chance….

There is a place deep within us that wants to feel fulfilled. It wants to know that my life has made a difference. That I had left this place, this planet that I live on, better than when I arrived. That someone’s life has been profoundly touched because of my existence. We all want that. It is not about age, or about finding yourself, wherever you are and whatever age, you are only a thought away from changing your life. – Dr Wayne Dyer, The Shift Movie

May you be inspired to express the music from deep inside your soul and to let your authentic and loving heart touch the lives of others!

In celebration of a life well-lived,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Life Coach

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Abundance Alchemy Program Review: Manifest with Ease

When you finally let go of your emotional attachment, you open the space for miracles to physically manifest!

Listen in as Kristin Astourian reviewed my Abundance Alchemy Program in the video below. She also shared her thoughts on the key to manifestation and how the Universe has responded by sending her a surprise money bonus 🙂

Kristin Astourian holds a professional job and is also a singer-cum-song writer based in Austin, Texas. Her dream is to creatively express her soul at the physical level. You can find her works at http://www.chumsmusic.com.

I feel blessed to have the opportunity to connect with talented and creative artistes such as her. She has been amazing to work with! I am extremely thrilled for Kristin and continue to root for her success!!!

To dreams coming true,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Life Coach

P.S. Contact me if you need coaching assistance in making energy shifts for a success breakthrough.

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The Guest House by Rumi: Practice Mindfulness Meditation

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival. – Rumi

MolanaOne of the most cited poems by meditation teachers is The Guest House by Rumi. Heard of it? It is a beautiful piece that captures the essence of a mindfulness practice.
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Why Be the Biggest Loser

destress meditation let go

Buddha was asked, “What have you gained from meditation?” He replied, “Nothing! However,” Buddha said, “let me tell you what I lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old age and Death.”

Letting Go

We are in a habit of acquiring things be it a new car, house or a prestigious title to add to our name. The more we acquire, the stronger our ego is. We may even be after a state of bliss when we think about what we can gain out of a meditation sitting. It’s the spiritual ego that gets swollen with false pride.

Our struggles often arise when we are not successful in getting what we want. We become angry, anxious, depressed, insecure and fearful as a result. We act out of our ego selves.

By having more as compared to someone else, our egos believe that we are one up over another. It does not count if everyone has the same material item. Ours have to be bigger, better and more powerful than what our friends, relatives or colleagues have. After all, if it is the same, what is the point on posting the pictures of these things on Facebook or Instagram? The more “likes” we get on social media, the more we feel good about ourselves. Never mind if we don’t even know half the strangers who clicked “like” to our posts online.
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