
How to Create A Conscious Life of Financial Breakthroughs

How you do money is how you do everything. And vice versa.

financial breakthroughFinancial or money situations offer divine lessons. They are opportunities in disguise. Each presents you a chance for a breakthrough. It is a chance for you to break free yourself from worry, frustration and any limiting belief. The process of alchemy whereby you transmute into your brilliance – free from all fear – offers a holistic path to happiness.

I recall one of my coaches telling me about his vision 2-3 years ago. His vision was to lead a breakthrough life and inspire his students to do the same. When I first heard his vision, I was doubtful. My critical voice protested, “that will be overwhelming and impossible on a daily basis!” Little did I know that I would be encouraging my clients in a similar vein today 🙂

I have since realized that my initial doubts were due to non-awareness. In fact, I have come to understand that there is an opportunity for a breakthrough in every situation. Thus, financial situations are no different. How you do money is how you do everything…..and vice versa.

Here are 4 examples of everyday situations that present opportunities for shifts….

1. Family. Rather than bury your dreams, you decide to let your family members know that you wish to leave your job and become an entrepreneur. The situation happens when you realize how important it is for you to live congruently from your heart by doing what you love. You already have on hand the exit plan for your day job for months…. and what is left is convincing your family members that you are making a responsible decision.

Instead of fearing of what they may say, you pluck up courage. You have a breakthrough moment when you are able to stand in your own ground and not cave in to the anxieties of the naysayers around you. Additionally, you are able to solicit the best level of support from them. You will eventually find that having community support is vital to building a solid solo-business.

2. Relationship with Your Partner. Rather than sweep things under the carpet, iron out issues with your partner. Sweeping things under the carpet can lead to a breakdown in communication over time. Both parties no longer say what they really feel or think. By doing so, they rob themselves of the chance to bring their relationship to the next level.

I recommend open communication with deep listening. It is not just about hearing but you listen deeply to what your partner has to say. You are able to step aside from your own pain and view things from the other party’s perspective.

The benefits are tremendous. Each issue that you are able to resolve in the best interest of all parties concerned represents a breakthrough. Your relationship just keeps improving. Invariably, you become a better friend, healer, life coach, business partner and a team player in all other areas of your life.

3. Relationship with Others. If you are in the habit of giving and feeling exhausted in the process, it is time to consider doing things differently. When you over-give, it is possible to end up in a situation where you feel unappreciated. You experience an energy drain due to fatigue. Over time, you also start to feel resentful. Your giving is no longer unconditional. You start to keep score.

This is when it is best that you retreat for a while. You decide that you are ready to love yourself and take care of your own needs. It is a breakthrough for you when you say “no” firmly to the requests of those who have taken you for granted. You courageously let them know what your needs are. In front of your clients, you also become ready to charge the price that you deserve for your products and services.

4. Money/Finance. If you are self-employed or work in a commission-based job, opportunities for income ceiling breakthroughs are many. You can set a bold money goal or sales target for yourself. You can challenge yourself to step up and try something different to increase your sales channels every other day.

I have got plenty to share about increasing customer reach. This is an area that I take a personal interest in. Even though I started out by not having a clue, I went on to to setting up a blog, self-publishing two books, performing akashic readings, facilitating coaching and energy healing over skype, attracting a long list of clients and so on. I refused to let doubt stop me. I simply decided what I wanted and then, allowed the “how” to emerge. In fact, I often set more and more challenging targets that are in congruent for my vision. Each step that I take has proven to be an important one for a growth in online income.

Lead a Breakthrough Life

Please understand that if you are only interested in living a mediocre life, then achieving breakthroughs will not be your thing. Breakthrough lives involve living in discomfort. Yet, it is in the discomfort that offers a chance for growth. There are always opportunities to love more deeply, live more freely or connect more meaningfully.

Making the commitment to lead a conscious life involves being ready to make shifts. The shifts bring you into greater and greater alignment with your true potential. They are energetic especially where you have released your negative emotions in the process. The succession of little energetic shifts prepares you for the big leap forward in your income. Manifestation happens in the form of money, while you also experience the intangibles such as joy, freedom and fulfillment – in short, abundance.

Breakthroughs can only happen with making a commitment and taking action.

The question is: are you ready to make an energetic shift for a breakthrough?

If so, I will be interested to work with you 🙂 Check out my services here or contact me.

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Life Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, Intuitive Consultant

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What breakthroughs have you had and what breakthrough opportunity is presenting for you right now?

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Rahim - October 23, 2013 Reply

This article was very inspirational. I have followed your postings for some time now, and they always hit the mark. My dreams is to necome a coach as well, although I jave allowed my inner dialogue talk to me and side track my vision. I know better! I feel your articles are the universe screamimg ate to awaken already. Thank you Evelyn for allowong yourseld to be a transmission for my greater good.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rahim,

Thank you for your feedback.

Good for you in wanting to be a coach. I wish you every success in turning your dreams into reality!

Abundance always,


John Vespasian - October 31, 2013 Reply

The most difficult thing for achieving a breakthrough is maintaining a steady course. Since success is never guaranteed, it is always difficult to focus our actions on long-term goals. More often than not, patience is more important than motivation when it comes to achievement.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi John,

I agree. Maintaining focus on long term goals can be pretty challenging.

I would like to think what is needed is perseverance…a will to endure in spite of difficulties…while working towards a goal. Definitely, don’t give up!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


lynne - February 23, 2015 Reply

Hi, this is really very interesting. It is sometimes difficult to stand up for what we truly want to happen in our life. This breakthrough moments will definitely help us move forward, it is difficult at first, but once done, it will lead us to a more meaningful, happy, free life. Thanks for sharing. Great article.


Sherill - March 17, 2015 Reply

How to achieve financial breakthroughs. Adopt the author’s formula which involves a real process. An eye opener.


Tanja Steiner - July 5, 2015 Reply

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