Category Archives for "Positive Affirmations"

How to think positively and about positive affirmations.

How to Create Affirmation Cards On-The-Go

affirmation cards

Consider creating a unique deck of positive affirmation cards using your private collection of favorite of positive affirmations, mantras or sayings!

Have you been keeping a list of lovely quotes, romantic sayings or catchy phrases every once in a while which you get from magazines, books or online? Well, instead of simply copying the words down in a book or storing them in a word or excel file, think of making a set of affirmation cards that you can flip easily and carry around!

affirmation cards on the go
(Affirmation Cards On-the-Go)

Like the idea of mini collages for affirmation cards on-the-go (see picture example above for end product) ? If so, let’s get crafty with today’s post – creating affirmation cards the fun, cheap and easy way!

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Create a Feng Shui Wealth Vision Board

If you have been thinking of creating a wealth vision board, how about incorporating feng shui elements and pictures into it? There are many feng shui symbols for wealth, luck and prosperity. We can see them in huge display at shopping centers and stores this time of the year.

feng shui wealth vision board
(A feng shui wealth vision board featuring images of a laughing Buddha, the word “fu” for prosperity and koi fish.)

If you don’t already know, Chinese New Year celebrations start this weekend and last for a period of fifteen days. Decorations in red, gold and yellow and sweet delicacies that promise to melt prosperity in your mouth are being sold aplenty!

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Attitude of Gratitude versus Appreciation

What is Attitude of Gratitude?

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.” — Melodie Beatty

Many personal development practitioners tell us that gratitude is the best feeling to cultivate because it helps keep our vibrations positive and uplifted. So it is that when we adopt an attitude of gratitude, we are mindful about being thankful. We constantly express our gratitude for the blessings we are enjoying.

Admittedly if we are conditioned by past habits or find ourselves hijacked by our busy lifestyles, we may find it difficult to remember to express our thanks on a regular basis. We fall back into our old patterns of complaints, frustrations, and anger about how life sucks and is not treating us well.

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30 Power Words To Activate Intention Setting

power words for intention setting

As I have found, intention setting with simply using power words and phrases can be powerful and effective. This is in contrast to setting new year resolutions. In fact, in recent years, setting new year resolutions is becoming passe amongst spiritually-aware personal development experts. More people are recommending using intentions or themes to guide our directions at the start of a new year.

Difference Between Intention Setting and Making New Year Resolutions

What is the difference, you may ask?
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10 Tips To Setting Powerful Intentions

set powerful intentions law of attraction

There can be several guidelines to be aware of, when you set powerful intentions. When applied cohesively, they can be extremely helpful in bringing your intents to fruition effectively.

how to be bold

You can set a powerful intention or a poor one. Based on my experiences with setting intentions, here is a summary of 10 tips I have picked up that I would like to share with you:

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Create Powerfully In Pictures

“I am an artist. I love creating masterpieces, valued works of art. I draw love, inspiration, peace and harmony into my life. My purpose is to express my gift beautifully, completely and divinely; so that I can share my light with the world.”

(An acrylic painting of dolphins in underwater I did in 1999; my hobbies included scuba diving and painting.)

I wrote the above lines and shared them from my facebook account recently. I thought I would like to describe a little more of what I mean with an article on creating powerfully in pictures. There is a lot of truth to the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”. The language of your subconscious mind is not by words but symbols and visuals. Any image in your mind held constant with every belief and trust materializes.

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Align with Abundance

align with abundance

To align with abundance is to realise first and foremost: We are all Energy.

We come from the same Source. Our physical BEing is an expression of Source Energy wishing to know itself. Source Energy can only know itself experientially. It cannot know its essential nature without the benefit of experience. For instance, it cannot truly know that it is Divine Love without an experience of love or its polar-opposite, fear.

The essential nature of Source/God/Universe is love, peace, compassion. It is of pure intelligence and infinite abundance. It is ever-present, eternal, expansive and never-changing. Since we are Source expressed in a physical form, our basic nature is one and the same.
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No Such Thing as Failure; Only Feedback

Now that you have recognized that perhaps some of your difficulties thrown onto your path are part of a Divine curriculum (from previous posts such as Master Your Life Lessons), you may put yourself in a state of review. In your analysis, you may be tempted to perceive yourself as a complete failure in all your “tests”; especially if you have not managed to transcend the repeated patterns.

(photo by julianne.hide)

Before you proceed to beat yourself up, consider this often quoted Neuro-Linguistic Programming supposition: There is No Such Thing as Failure, Only Feedback.
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5 Wealth Affirmations From Famous Authors

wealth affirmations from famous authors

If you want to improve your relationship with money, consider using wealth affirmations regularly.

Don’t know which affirmation to use? Well, let us borrow some inspiration from famous authors out there in their wealth affirmations. In my post, I have selected wealth affirmations by Dr Joseph Murphy, Louise Hay, T Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill and one that is traced back to Rev. Christopher Ian Chenoweth. All the affirmations are empowering statements that can help us create positive thoughts about money.

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Interview On How To Attract Life Balance

(Finding Balance; limevelyn on flickr)

Stacey from Create a Balance emailed me saying that she was inspired with the term “attracting life balance” while meditating, which could put us working together. We decided to kick off our joint collaboration with this interview of her and a discussion that marries the ideas of “the law of attraction” and “life balance” together.

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