Category Archives for "Conscious Living"

Meaning of Conscious Living

EFT Tapping: Release Stress from The Rise in Cost of Living

EFT Tapping Economic Stress
Feeling the pinch lately?

Noticed that food and oil prices have been rising?

Feeling uneasy, tensed and concerned about the economy and its impact on the value of your money?

Tap along with me to release stress and fear, so that you can step into greater ease and opportunities…

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How to Heal Your Invisible Childhood Wounds

How to Heal Your Invisible Childhood Wounds

We may not realise at first that we have been carrying childhood wounds, so any talk about healing will be considered moot.

Childhood wounds are, after all, invisible to us.

And if we can’t see them through our naked eye, why does it matter whether we are carrying them or not?

Well, it may well explain contributing reasons behind our current day issues like

  •  anxiety
  • depression
  • constant insecurity
  • low self-esteem
  • inability to find loving relationships
  • inability to have better success,
  • etc

In other words, just because we can’t visually see our wounds does not mean that they don’t exist.

As I understand, according to Sigmund Freud, they are hidden in the deep recesses of our psyche, buried deep in the unconscious. We repress our pain, hurt and anger in these wounds. Because they are yet to be resolved, they can blindside us. It is why we are often in self-sabotage.

Thus, if we don’t heal our past wounds, they can bleed into everything that we do or encounter today.

“We have to listen to the child we once were, the child who still exists inside us. That child understands magic moments. We can stifle its cries, but we cannot silence its voice.The child we once were is still there.” Paul Coelho

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EFT Tapping: Heal from the Inside-Out

EFT Tapping Heal from the Inside-Out

What does it mean to heal from the inside-out?

Well, according to naturopathic doctors, the symptoms that we see on the outside is a manifestation of what is going on from the inside. Symptoms are often the body’s way of signalling to us that something has gone wrong and we need to investigate. If our health issues are chronic  or we are in bad pain, it means that there could be an underlying root cause. When we heal from the inside-out, we are addressing the problem at a deep level. We are not just slapping on a bandaid to cover up the bleeding on the inside.  

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EFT Tapping: From Lack Mentality to Abundance Consciousness

Tend to have a lack mentality?

Does your mind focus on scarcity and “not having enough”?

It’s possible to be focused on the lack and have poverty consciousness even if you have money in the bank and it doesn’t make logical sense to be counting the pennies. 

This can happen if your reptilian brain or nervous system is activated in fight-flight-freeze mode and due to past conditioning. 

If so, I’d like to invite you to work on letting go of the conditioning.

Tap along with me, so that you can let go of a lack mentality and align with abundance consciousness.

Let me know how the tapping session went for you.

Love and Abundance Always,
Evelyn Lim 
Certified EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner

P.S. Join My Group Tapping Circle here if you’d like to work on your specific issues. 

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Vulnerability Hangover: How to Overcome Shame From It

Vulnerability Hangover: Heal Your Shame

Vulnerability hangover is the regret, anxiety and shame that you feel after having exposed vulnerable parts about yourself to others. 

Enough was enough, you had said. You decided that you were quite done with hiding. And so, even as your heart raced, you proceeded with boldly sharing something vulnerable about yourself. With a trembling voice, you went through your story. You shared it from deep within your heart. 

The moment you let it out, you heaved a sigh of relief. The burden of keeping it all in was lifted. It was also when you gave yourself a pat on the back for your courage and congratulated yourself for being more authentic and daring greatly. 

But wait a minute!!! As the dust settled, you began to compute what you’ve just done. Filled with regret, you started to shame yourself for such a stupid move. Feeling vulnerable about being vulnerable hit you in waves of nausea. You became sick to the stomach over the thought that others might ridicule you or reject you. 

Well, in case you don’t know what had just taken place, there is one apt phrase that describes the phenomena: Vulnerability Hangover

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How You Can Communicate with Money through S.P.A.R.K.

Communicate with Money SPARK

Just imagine money as a partner for life.

In order to build the best relationship with it, learning to “communicate” with it can be helpful. Ultimately, we are able to receive a better response from our partner. Conversely, when we are not in sync, our ability to relate to each other goes down. 

After reviewing what I had learned from my 20 years of marriage, I came up with 5 ways on how best to cultivate communication in a couple relationship. When I put the 5 ways together, I found out that it fitted nicely with a SPARK acronym 🙂

On a wave of inspiration, I extended its application to working with our relationship with money

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How to Create A Personal Energy Shield For Protection

personal energy shield for protection

Update: I continue to get the same question on how to create a personal energy shield for protection, even though I posted the answer in this article (read below) years ago. Well, I have decided to update it with a Bonus Energy Shield tip#5 and a video. 

Why is it important to create a personal energy shield for protection? You’d want to create one if you find yourself constantly drained or have the tendency to be sensitive to energy interferences. 

I was prompted to write this article after posting  70 Ways for Self Care. In response to tip #57, Lei – a reader to the article – had asked in the blog comments how she could create one as she has found herself surrounded by toxic people. Well,, I’d like to respond to her question in two parts; one specifically on how to create a personal energy shield for protection and the other, on how to handle toxic relationships in another article.

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The 3Ps of Shame and How You Can Let Them Go

The 3Ps of Shame: How to Let Go

The 3Ps of Shame can be found in People-pleasing, Perfectionism and Procrastination.

The 3Ps of Shame: What are they

People-pleasing – refers to seeking approval from others and pleasing others in their needs and wants and often at the sacrifice of our own.

Perfectionism – the need to be perfect in the way we are, do or have and the refusal to accept flaws, imperfection or mistakes.

Procrastination – refers to the constant postponement of activities & employing distraction tactics, so that we can hide from our shame.

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Mindfulness Teachings from Reconciliation: Healing the Inner Child

Reconciliation Healing the Inner Child by Thich Nhat Hanh

I’ve enjoyed reading Reconciliation: Healing the Inner Child by Zen Master  Thich Nhat Hanh and thought I’d honour his recent passing by sharing what I’ve learnt about applying mindfulness for healing the inner child.

Connecting with The Energy of Mindfulness

“The energy of mindfulness is the salve that will recognize and heal the child within.” Thich Nhat Hanh

In Buddhist psychology, there are two parts to consciousness, the mind consciousness and the store consciousness. Mind consciousness is our active awareness for everyday living while store consciousness is often referred to as the “unconscious mind” where our past experiences are stored. In some situations, we go through life without engaging our mind consciousness. For example, when we drive without actively thinking, we are using our store consciousness.

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How EFT Tapping for Inner Child Healing Works

Applying EFT Tapping for Inner Child

EFT tapping for inner child healing involves using our fingertips to tap on specific meridian points on the face and body for addressing childhood wounds. As our physical reactions today could be tied to issues that stem from childhood, applying EFT is effective because unhealed emotions can get trapped and the body keeps the score. Even though the past is long gone, it is possible to heal in the now by applying tapping.

Download this resource page on EFT Tapping for Your Inner Child.

Women often approach me for help to deal with their stress. Their stress can be anything from dealing with a money or work-related challenge, relationship problems, not feeling “good enough”, low self-love to anxiety issues. They would have been holding on to anger, worry, insecurity and frustration for a long time before asking for help. (Understandably, most of us face resistance with getting assistance.)

Some would share about experiencing the same repetitive themes of abandonment and rejection in their lives. Thus, when we get together in a session, we usually begin by patiently peeling off the layers to determine the root cause of their issues. Invariably, we would find out that these issues stem from their past – primarily in childhood. As a result, we are led to working on healing their inner child.

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