Tag Archives for " prosperity "

How to Overcome The Lack Mentality of Not Having

lack mentality poverty mindset

One sure sign of lack mentality is if you are constantly thinking “I am not having this” and “I am not having that.” Thought after thought is about by what is missing in your life. Even if there is a lot of good that is going on, your attention is placed on “not having”.

Law of Attraction Quote: Focus

A lack mentality is set to negative thinking by default. You automatically zoom in on the things that you do not have. What you already have is never good enough. Your fear is on falling short, limitation in resources and not enough to go round.

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Detach from Your Money Drama

money drama screen

What is standing in your way of abundance could be money drama that is playing in your head. It may well be the same script that has been playing for many years. Unfortunately, while there are some positive themes, the script plays a mostly negative one especially in the area concerning money. In fact, there are days when it is kind of like a soap play.
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10 Empowering Thoughts To Prosperity Consciousness

“Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.” Eric Butterworth

prosperity consciousness
Photo Credit: Ichtor | Dreamstime Stock Images

I would like to share my treasure trove of 10 empowering thoughts to Prosperity Consciousness:

1. I am the co-creator of my reality. By taking ownership, I release blame of anyone else or the situation at hand. Instead, I consciously choose to co-create with the universe by focusing my thoughts in the direction of my dreams.

2. My net worth is influenced by my self-worth. I understand that the greater self-worth and esteem I have, the greater will be my net worth. Hence, I dedicate time to doing inner work to address any issues in low self-worth.
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Money Is Not a Dirty Word

money is not a dirty word

Money is not a dirty word.

Yet, many people make it out to be.

They avoid talking about it at all cost. They squirm whenever they have to ask for money in exchange for their service or product. They conclude that the desire for money is a sin, partly from watching way too many Hollywood movies about how the pursuit for money corrupts the mind. Then, there are the religious ones take comfort in being spiritual and poor.

“Not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, does the enlightened man dislike to wade into its waters.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Well, let’s put things in perspective.

Money is in the form of cash and coins. It is a convenient form of exchange. It helps to make trade efficient.
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5 Possible Outcomes From Battling Money Woes

Money Woes

Are money woes causing you to react in a way that affects your overall wellness even more?

I have observed some common outcomes that my clients and friends – those with money struggles – report to having. Their money woes might not have started out as something huge – in the big picture of things. Yet, a number of them felt that they “cannot take it”. They experienced emotional reactions that caused them to take on irrational behavior or unwise actions.

Eventually, their behavior and actions made the situation worse. Their money woes soon became bigger. Their problems became a lot harder to deal with.

I lost a dear friend who took his own life. It was money issues that contributed a large part to his depression. Although he was not the reason why I decided to specialize with helping others deal with their money struggles a year on, his encounters certainly gave me a lot of food for thought on how financial triggers could end dramatically.
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