Category Archives for "Intention-Manifestation"

Pure intention and visualization tips and techniques for successful manifestations!

How to Connect with Your Inner Child: Words for Healing

How to Connect with Your Inner Child

When connecting with our inner child for the first time, we may feel at a loss about what to say or what to do. It’s possible that we feel weird because it is as if we are talking to ourselves. After all, our inner child exists in the mind and no one else can see her (or him) but us. Also, what words can we use to support healing?

According to psychologists, our inner child is described as the hidden part of our personality that is characterised by playfulness, spontaneity, and creativity usually accompanied by anger, hurt, and fear attributable to childhood experiences.

Through our mind’s eye, we connect with our inner self from tracing back to our earliest memory on when we felt the same (negative) way. We get a sense of how old our younger self was and the situation she was in. She may be our 3-year old, 6 year-old or whatever age and she is holding on to hurt, anger, helplessness or any unresolved need. It is when we (our adult self) enter the memory to meet her. 

Next, we may encounter the situation of not knowing what to say to her. We have grown in chronological age but we could have left her behind. In fact, I’ve observed how emotional it can be when we do inner child work for the first time. It was that way for me too. The great news is that once we start healing, we gain a sense of well-being like never before. 

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How Nellie Released Limiting Money Blocks to Client Attraction and Authentic Selling

Limiting Money Blocks to Client Attraction

I was helping a client (let’s call her Nellie, not her real name) clarify the ideal client that she’d like to work with, when we discovered that she was having some limiting money blocks about people who are wealthy.

Nellie’s line of work requires her to service the needs of wealthy individuals or at least people with excess funds.  If she releases her subconscious blocks, client attraction can potentially happen with greater ease. It will certainly help Nellie to have more clients as the extra income that she gets can go a long way to supporting her family with two young kids. Since her beliefs could be in the way for client attraction and business sales, we proceeded to work on releasing the limiting money blocks.

Childhood Situation that Created Limiting Money Blocks

When I asked Nellie what some of her discomfort was reminding her of, she recalled two childhood incidents when she was 11 years old that had left her feeling lousy, disgusted and ashamed. 

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3 Mindful Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Is imposter syndrome in the way for you with putting yourself out there?

Perhaps you have been hoping to step up as a coach, leader or to move to the next level. 

But somehow you believe that you are some kind of a “fraud” even though you already have the experience or expertise in your field of work. 

You just don’t feel “good enough”. 

It is also possible that you are afraid of being exposed at any moment. 

Well, in case you think that you are the only one facing imposter syndrome, what I’d like to share with you is: you are not alone!

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6 Daily Gratitude Prompts for Shifting into an Abundance Mindset

Daily Gratitude Attraction for Abundance Mindset

I’d like to invite you to adopt a practice of daily gratitude, if you are interested to shift into an abundance mindset. 

Gratitude IS the gateway to abundance.

When we are thankful, our attention is on the blessings that we have in our life. In that moment of expressing our gratitude, we are not focused on any worry, blame, frustration etc.

By virtue of the Law of Attraction, the sustained joy that we feel from reminding ourselves about our blessings sends out a positive vibe to the Universe that helps us to draw more of the same.

Here’s a graphical representation on how a practice of gratitude compounds and brings you dividends in terms of financial well-being. Obviously, while we can start with a 10-day or a 21-day challenge, it is best that we can make the practice very much a part of our life going forward. 

Daily Gratitude Attraction Multiplier

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3 Powerful Steps to Manifesting from the Inside-Out

How to Manifest from Inside Out

What “manifesting from the inside-out” means is to create the physical reality that we want by using the power of the mind.  Most of us think of manifesting in a positive light, even though it is also possible to manifest a negative set of outcomes. When perceiving things positively, we hope to manifest our ideal or dream life, or even a breakthrough. 

With an inside-out approach, we manifest the results we want in the external world by taking charge of what goes on internally;  namely our thoughts and feelings. We don’t have 100% control of external factors but we can certainly begin by taking charge of our mind. However, as we are likely to discover, what is often in the way for successful manifestation are our limiting beliefs and negative emotions. 

When I coach my clients on manifesting from the inside-out, I like to keep things simple with a 3-step system. The 3 steps form the backbone of my coaching-and-healing sessions with them. They are as follows…
1) Reset Your Intentions
2) Release Your Limitations
3) Rewrite Your Story

3 Key Steps for Manifesting from Inside Out

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EFT Tapping: Why Focus and Tap Through Your Negative Feelings

Why Focus Negative Feelings EFT Tapping

I’d like to address the very common concern about tapping through negative feelings while using EFT tapping. 

Recently someone who has viewed my EFT tapping videos wrote to me and shared that she did not enjoy the experience of tapping her negative feelings. If she has a choice, she would prefer to tap and just use positive affirmations. In fact, she reported how nice she felt while tapping through the positive statements along with my video. 

(For those who don’t already know, EFT tapping is a method whereby we use our finger tips to lightly tap on specific meridian points on our face and body for emotional release. It is otherwise also known as the emotional form of acupuncture but without the needles, since we are using our fingertips.)

Well, she wouldn’t need to tap through any negative feelings if it is indeed true that she had none. Hopefully she is not in denial of any actual negative feelings. May I concede that many of us are not comfortable with bring attention to our negative emotions. In fact, I used to have the same resistance myself. 

When I was first introduced to EFT tapping, I was afraid that I would be reinforcing the negatives.  I was concerned that I would start to feel worse with bringing attention to my negative feelings. It felt like a counter-intuitive thing to do when I was desperately trying to feel better. 

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What is Money Scarcity REALLY Teaching You

financial lack money scarcity lessons

If you are experiencing the struggle over financial lack, it can be challenging to see the lessons money scarcity offers. You are in emotional struggle when you feel worry, frustration and stressed out. Many of us do find it hard to have clarity when we experience emotional overwhelm. Through this article, I hope to shed some insights that have personally helped me create a shift in my relationship with money

For a start, it may seem impossible to will away the perception of scarcity. After all, limits are very much a natural part of our physical life. Just think about it, there is 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in one minute. You have got to finish the work that needs to be done within a certain time frame.

Then, there is also ageing and the cycle of life and death. The physical world has some kind of built-in mechanism where conditions and limits are already preset.

It was also where my confusion came in as well.

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Spoon Bending Exercise: It is the Mind that Bends

My Spoon Bending Exercise Experience

In a workshop I attended more than 10 years ago, there was a spoon bending exercise that I can still recall today. I’m updating this post with photos of the spoons that I have kept on my desk. 

During the exercise, we were handed some metal spoons and asked to bend them – not by using the hands but by the power of our minds.

Nancy, the facilitator, offered this advice, “Be One with The Spoon”. 

“Sounds like mambo jumbo,” I could hear my skeptic saying. 

How do you BE One with a Spoon, for crying out loud???

The weekend had culminated with an exercise that required us to bend a metal spoon, not by brute force but by the mental focus of thought. Nancy shared that we, be it spoon or human, are made up of energy.  Therefore, instead of viewing ourselves as separate from another matter, we are One. Through the awareness that we are One, it was suggested that we could alter the appearance of the metal spoon.

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[Client Story] Breaking Free from High Anxiety During Covid Lockdown

Charmain Tan approached me for help when her anxiety started to spike during the lockdown in 2020. 

She kindly sent me a letter of gratitude and recounted what happened to her…Continue reading

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3 Lessons of 2020

2020 Review

2020 has been a difficult year for most. Against the backdrop of confusion, chaos and challenges, I reviewed the happenings that took place, in order to redesign plans for a new year ahead.

As 2020 comes to an end, I’d like to invite you to do the following too…
What’s your review for 2020 like?
What were your 3 most important lessons learnt?
How can you pivot your life and business for a stronger 2021 ahead?

May 2021 be a better year for you. 

To your success, health and happiness! 
Love and abundance always, 
Evelyn Lim

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