Tag Archives for " love "

Self Love Series: 101 Loving Yourself Quotes

loving yourself quotes

Loving yourself quotes are sayings to inspire you for practising greater self-love.

From brilliant poets to inspirational writers and the great sages of all time, each had espoused one and the same: love within yourself leads you to love for all. Self-love is the secret to living fully. Through healthy self-love, you lay the foundation to creating your best life!

Loving Yourself Quote
(Love who you are. Love yourself through self acceptance, forgiveness and esteem. My collage illustrates Loving Yourself Quote #62 below.)

The following are 101 loving yourself quotes. I have also classified the quotes according to the sub-categories of self-love, where possible. Pick one each day to contemplate over its meaning. Enjoy!
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Remove Abundance Blocks With An Akashic Reading

remove abundance blocks with akashic records reading

Are you having abundance blocks that are preventing you from manifesting what you want?

Well, one way of removing abundance blocks is through taking an akashic reading.

Let me explain further.

Abundance blocks can manifest in the following ways…

 You are stuck and unable to achieve a breakthrough, no matter how much effort you put in.

You are feeling the struggle as many areas of your life such as relationship, money, family and so on….are in bad shape.

Opportunities don’t seem to be coming.

You keep reverting back to your old beliefs, despite having attended workshop programs.

Something just keeps turning up that sabotages your path to success.

 You keep attracting toxic relationships or debilitating situations that suck the energy and life out of you.

You keep attracting what you don’t want.

You just find it hard to trust that the Universe is abundant, no matter what spiritual teachers tell you.

For a start, like many others, you probably have dreams of abundance. You’d like to have a life that is filled with love, enough money, great health and having things go smoothly.

Abundance is simply the capacity to live life fully. To live in abundance is to be able to live life according to your own terms and with nothing in the way. Abundance also includes financial abundance because living well and fully is to have access to resources. Money as a form of energy exchange simply allows you to get resources and options.

Yet, if you had been having abundance blocks for a long time, you may be tempted to think that you are not destined to live a great life or that there is nothing that you can do about your fate. Well, before you give up on the idea that abundance is just as available to you as someone else, consider the following.

Ask yourself:

– Have you tried investigating if there are deeper root causes to your inability to manifest abundance?

– Could you be having blocks that are rooted in the past….perhaps all the way to past lives?

– Could there be blocks that exist beyond the third and forth dimensional levels?

– Are there repeating negative patterns that you are constantly trapped in…like as if they are karmic patterns?

– Have you completely let go of negative or toxic relationships, people and situations in your life?

Soul level abundance blocks occur when you are out of alignment with divine abundance. They are obstructions that prevent you from manifesting what you want easily in the physical dimension. They are like “unseen” impediments that stand in your current life path.

Now, in case you are mistaken, a 100% alignment with divine abundance does not guarantee you would be able to manifest things with a snap of your fingers. You still need to follow through with inspired actions. Being on the physical plane does require physical actions. Your soul has incarnated on Earth to ground the energies of your creative desires. In fact, the greater you work through your life lessons, the greater your ability to fulfill your purpose magnificently.

You can make changes at the mental, emotional and physical level, that’s for sure. However, what if blocks exist at a level beyond these? What are possible blocks, by the way? Well, they can possibly include poverty vows that you have made in past lives, chakra imbalances, unconscious patterns that you have adopted from collective consciousness, soul-level agreements made that have outlived its purpose and subconscious imprints.

What Are Akashic Records?

To know whether they exist or not requires a reading into your akashic records. Don’t know what akashic records are? Here’s a short video clip that explains what they are…


What Margaret’s Experience Was Like 

I received the following unsolicited testimonial from one of my clients, who had purchased an Abundance Alignment Akashic Reading with me….

“I’m very grateful for the amount of work that you’ve put into my reading, and in the preparation of my report. I can understand how exhausting the exercise must be for you, so I’m all the more appreciative of your efforts. Thank you for offering this service, which I believe to be an important and valuable ‘tool of insight’ for us all.

I have read my report a number of times, very carefully, and I wanted to become more familiar with the knowledge you’ve provided, before contacting you about the report. I was especially touched by the 21-day ‘homework’ prayer ritual-exercise you’ve sent me. The ideas within the prayer very much mirror many of my spiritual requests as it is…but to have them articulated in such a precise and clear manner – and with so much expertise – is very valuable for me, and I enjoy very much my ‘homework’.

I wish you continued success – on all levels – with your life, Evelyn. I’ve enjoyed very much being a part of your Abundance Tapestry family, and it’s been such a motivation to watch you grow in empowerment, to create your life, in the way you have over the past weeks and months. Your weekly online emails are incredibly useful. I love the clarity with which you write, and the originality and practicality of your ideas towards abundance.

Bless you, dear Evelyn. And thank you again for the opportunity you’ve given me to continue to grow in this life.

Love and light to you.”
– Margaret O Connor, Ireland

Thank you, Margaret, for sending me the feedback. I wasn’t expecting any but was most delighted to receive it 🙂

Other than Margaret, I have worked with many clients. My clients are from all walks of life and all over the world. They are from professions such as life coaches, energy therapists, online entrepreneurs, accountants, writers and so on. Hence, no matter where you are located or what you work as, so long as your soul gives me the permission to, I should be able to read what your abundance blocks are through your akashic records. If not, I refund you your money – 100%!

If you would like to read more testimonials, you can find them on my Akashic Secrets site.

Remove Abundance Blocks – Now

By removing abundance blocks, you shift into greater alignment with divine source. You are enhancing your ability to manifest abundance in the physical dimension. A greater alignment with divine source plugs you into universal consciousness. As a soul, you are fully equipped to manifest abundance at the third dimensional physical plane.

Once a greater alignment is established, you can find it easier to attract ideas, inspiration and resources for manifesting financial abundance.

No longer stay stuck or be in the pain of repeating negative patterns. Remove Abundance Blocks with an Akashic Reading >>>

Abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Coach

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Use The Pink Bubble Technique for Creative Visualization

pink bubble creative visualization

More than just a game, engaging in the creative visualization exercise can apparently help give your dreams some lift. Imagine floating your fantasies wrapped in pink bubbles into the air and allowing the Universe to bring them in manifestation! Sounds like fun? Well, it is. The best part is that you can possibly turn your dreams into reality.

pink bubble visualization
(Pink Bubble Technique – illustration from my personal art journal)

The pink bubble technique is shared by Shakti Gawain, an internationally renowned teacher of consciousness in her book, Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Imagination to Create What You Want in Life. Shakti has facilitated thousands of individuals in developing greater awareness, balance and wholeness in their lives.

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Installing Love On the Human Computer

(Photo modified. Original by gesteves)

A customer ran into some computer problems and called the helpdesk for assistance. Here was how the conversation went….

Tech Support: Yes, how can I help you?

Customer: Well, after much consideration, I’ve decided to install Love. Can you guide me through the process?

Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?

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25 Ways To Nurture Your Soul

Nurture Your Soul

Start to nurture your soul to improve the quality of living. If you are currently starving yourself of love, warmth and all things chocolate, it is time to do things differently. Starving your soul is tantamount to a refusal to say yes to the joy of enjoying rich beauty and abundance around.

By starving your soul of needed nourishment, you end up carrying a negative vibe. It is evident when you are constantly swearing, complaining and being rude to others. Soul starvation makes you bitter, needy, angry and resentful. It is even possible that you feel lonely because friends inadvertently shy away from you.

Conversely, when you nurture your soul, life feels full. You become a lover of life. Every little experience opens you to delight. Rose buds unfolding their miracles. Unicorns riding on rainbows in the sky. Red strawberries coated in fresh cream. And the scent of early morning dew. Invariably, living life with an exuberance puts you in a heightened state of energy consciousness

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Remove Your 10 Blocks To Creativity

creativity blocks space

Encountering blocks to creativity?

Let’s first consider adopting a shift in perspective.

Most people, including yourself, may think about about creativity as doing well in art and music. Hence, if you find that you are nowhere near producing great works in these areas, you may well declare that you are not creative. However, I would like to embrace a broader definition of what creativity is.

To begin with, you need not be a genius to be creative. Creativity is a surge – a burst of imaginative and new ideas or your own unique interpretation of your five senses – that arises within your inner Being and turning this surge into reality. It also involves the the translation of your unique gifts and talents into something new and useful.

Creativity can also be about problem solving. In fact, you do not need to have a big problem to solve, to be considered creative. If you can solve your everyday problems in an ingenious way or come up with solutions to plug gaps, you are creative.

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A Random Act of Kindness: 15 Ideas To Kickstart Your Intention

random act of kindness

Have you come across this phrase “random act of kindness”? What is it? What does it mean to do one?

Here is how Wikipedia definites a random act of kindness….

“A random act of kindness is a purportedly selfless act performed by a person or persons wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual or in some cases even an animal. There will generally be no reason other than to make people smile, or be happier. Either spontaneous or planned in advance, random acts of kindness are encouraged by various communities.”

In 1982, California peace activist Ann Herbert scribbled on a placemat in a restuarant “Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” The words left an impression on a fellow diner, who later told the phrase to others. The words inspired much thought and conversation, including the movie “Pay it Forward” in 2000. An international bestseller also helped to catapult this concept .

There is now a World Kindness Movement. I also found out to my surprise, while doing a google search, that many of the meetings by this movement is being held here from Singapore (my country).

Why Bother To Make A Random Act of Kindness

Perhaps, you may be wondering why bother to make your act of kindness Random? Isn’t it enough to be kind to your family members, friends and colleagues or at least, to the people that you come into contact with?

Well, commiting a random act of kindness is a demonstration of the generosity of your spirit. Kindness is an expression of love. It is an abundance concept. It is the thinking that you are full of love for your fellow human kind that you’ve got more to give, even to strangers or people that you don’t really know.

A random act of kindness is a manifestation of an abundance mindset!

Sure, you do have to start with being kind to those nearest to you. However, when you commit an act randomly, maybe anonymously as well, you are extending an energy of love, hope, trust and support to the Universe.

Making a random act of kindness is fulfilling in itself. It provides you the opportunity for expansive awareness, a chance to explore your potential for human divinity. While you may have commited your act to benefit the recipient and not to ask for anything in return, you get untold benefits in terms of joy and purpose that you have served others. Do it often enough, it’s no longer called random; it’s kindness that permeats all levels of your Being.

“Some measure their lives by days and years,
Others by heart throbs, passion and tears;
But the surest measure under the sun,
Is what in your lifetime for others you have done.”
— Ruth Smeltzer

Random Act of Kindness To Dissolve Random Act of Violence

As it is often discussed, random acts of kindness is today’s antitode to random acts of terrorism and violence.

You continue to read in the papers about intricate plots by terrorist groups, bent on crashing or bombing planes killing randomly all on board. These are usually sensational news, perhaps meant to highlight to you the importance about being vigiliant and to treasure peace and security. At the same time, how often do you read of reported cases of random acts of kindness?

If random acts of kindess can be encouraged, they can overshadow acts of senseless killing, bringing about a More Loving World. The threat of terrorism is a dense negative energy that you probably instinctively experience, whenever you come across such news. You feel it in the chill of your spine, thinking about how potentially destructive terrorism can be.

It’s good to be aware that random acts of kindness can dissolve this negative energy, bringing the Universe to much light. Then, maybe, these so-called random acts of kindness will not be occuring at an infrequent time space reality but much as a way of life.


How To Make A Random Act of Kindness

It’s more than likely that you’ve ever committed a random act of kindness. To make this a conscious process, simply form an intention to be kind and start with an act today. You may be tempted to think that an act of kindness often involves the giving of money or the buying of gifts. However, it need not necessarily be so.

It can be as simple as sending a card, doing a unsolicated task for those in need or letting others in a hurry to get ahead of you in line.As with everything, the more often you do it, the more it becomes a habit. Your next act can seem small to you but may mean a lot to the recipient!Aesop once said…

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”


My Random Act of Kindness

Here’s my random act of kindness that I would like to share. I’ve often noticed irate drivers while parking my car in shopping centers during peak hours. Cars will be circling round waiting for a slot.I may have entered the carpark later but more often than not, I would get a slot pretty fast. It helps that I use the three-fingers technique from the Silva Method to “intend” for an empty lot quickly.

If I’m not in a hurry, I may just graciously give it up to a driver of another car, waiting some distance away. I do not focus on the fact that it may take ages for me to find another empty space. Instead, I’ll just wait around and use the Silva Method to “manifest” another free opening for my car!!

The three-fingers technique is a simple technique to learn. Simply put your first three fingers together and program yourself by going into the alpha level and state that it will always be easy for you to find the shortest queue, a free parking space or not having to wait to get tickets.

Each finger apparently represents a subjective energy, desire, belief and expectancy. Together, the three implies faith. Visualisation is key to success for this method. When you next encounter the situation, simply put your three fingers together and visualise the picture of your desired intent. Viola!! You will be surprised by the results.

Well, yesterday was no exception. I was parking my car on a Sunday in a busy mall. A perfect opportunity presented itself for me to commit a random act of kindness.

14 Other Examples For A Random Act of Kindness To Pick From

If you are busted for ideas, here are 14 more examples to kickstart your intention for a random act of kindness:

1. Pay the toll for the person behind you.

This is perhaps the most common example cited. If you’re at a motorway toll booth, pay for the car behind.

2. Donate to a charitable cause.
Turn your papers today to look for a charitable cause to donate to. Forget about the tax break for larger donation sums, even if it is a small amount that you can afford.

3. Send an anonymous card.
Think about someone who deserves to know that he or she is worthy of love or as an acknowledgement of what he or she has done. How often have we been rendered good customer service and a “thank you” is all we give? How about taking it one step further? Send a card. You may not even want to sign off with your name.

4. Deliver a goodie basket made with love.
Bake muffins or cookies and send them to the old folk’s or children’s home.

5. Be kind to your environment.
Avoid littering your environment. Treat your environment with loving care and kindness. While at the beach, pick up the rubbish.

6. Cheer the disspirited.
Grab a bunch of flowers and give it to the cleaner of the toilets in your office building. He or she may be looking somewhat disspirited while slogging away at a less-than glamourous job.

7. Let the person in a hurry behind, go before you.
If you are not in a hurry but notice that the person behind you is, let him or her go first. Here you are showing kindness by giving up your time.

8. Lend a helping hand to a distraught parent.
Kids missing in shopping centers or in public areas occur very often. Parents are often distraught. Offer to help look for these kids.

9. Give up your seat in the public bus to the weary soul.
While it may not take all that much for you to give up your seat in a crowded public bus to the pregnant or the elderly, how about giving up your seat to just any passenger who looks weary or who is carrying a heavy bag?

10. Offer your hand in carrying groceries at the supermarket.
If you notice someone who is struggling with carrying bags of groceries, offer to help lighten their load.

11. Be kind to stray cats or dogs.
The practice of loving kindness should not just extend to your fellow human race. You should also show kindness to animals. If you notice a stray cat or dog, do the right thing and not kick it away!

12. Do a secret act of service.
If you notice a neighbour or a colleague in need of some assistance, how about rendering the help secretly? It can be mowing your neighbour’s untidy lawn or it can be sorting out some files for your colleague. Leave an anonymous card that says “please pay it forward”.

13. Give up your lunch to the needy.
How about skipping your expensive lunch today and donating the money away? Or you can buy lunch and give it to the begger on the street round the corner. Consider having just a salad for yourself instead.

14. Volunteer your help randomly.
Pick randomly a family or someone in crisis. Don’t know where to look? Search your local newspaper for leads. Determine if you can offer in kind or in service.

15. Return Lost Items.
If you’ve picked up a lost item, write a short note with your contact details and place it at the location where you’ve found it.

This list is by no means exhaustive. The idea is to be creative and spontaneous. Be on the prowl over the next few days for an unsuspecting recipient.

“The only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”— Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Prize Winner

Love and abundance always,

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