Tag Archives for " Money "

Are You Spiritually Rich but Financially Poor?

spiritually rich abundance

Are you spiritual but feeling broke?

Many spiritual people have problems reconciling their wants for spirituality and money together.

It could be the same for you too.

You have been reading spiritual books, going for Reiki sessions and attending meditation classes and so you do know a lot. As a result, you may even have experienced vibrational shifts. You are already more aware. Yet, despite all the spiritual and personal growth made, you are finding that your financial life is lagging behind.

Well, I’ve been surveying my newsletter subscribers to find out more. Typically, they share the interests of spirituality, law of attraction and personal growth. What struck me was the same energy of struggle or confusion.

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5 Consequences of Having a Love-Hate Relationship with Money

love hate relationship with money

Do you have a love-hate relationship with money?

For a start, the idea of having a relationship with money may seem new to you. It sure sounded foreign to me at first. Until one day, after being exposed to the idea from various channels for years, I finally understood it!

One great way to think of the relationship you have money is to draw analogies from the relationship you have with a lover, spouse or partner. It is also easy to imagine such a relationship if you have watched romantic movies and TV shows.

love hate relationship with money abundance

Some of you may declare that you are “in love” with money. Or some of you may confess you are having such a difficult relationship that you resent the struggles you are in. It’s also possible that you describe your relationship with money as one of love-hate.

love-hate relationship with wealth
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How You Do Money Is How You Do Everything

How You Do Money is How You Do Everything

How you do money is how you do everything. How you do everything is how you do money.

How you do money is your financial behavior. Your financial behavior is a function of how you have been responding in the world. Your response is found in your emotions and thoughts. From your external actions, you are likely to find a common pattern or a set of beliefs that underlie every aspect of your life.

Everything is inter-related. Thus, how you do anything is how you do everything. Your external world mirrors your internal one. Your inner world influences how you are showing up in the world. A process of self-inquiry will lead you to uncover what perceptions you have about the world and about yourself. You can dive in to find out what your core beliefs are, whether through a money situation, relationship situation or any other life situation.

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Money Mindset: 21 Positive Beliefs for Conscious Individuals

“Money flows to me as a result of having added value to other people’s lives.” Evelyn Lim

Money Mindset Flows to Me
Having a positive money mindset is absolutely important if you are hoping to be financially well. A positive money mindset is one that is backed by empowering beliefs, rather than ones that are on lack and limitation. Very importantly, it is a conscious money mindset that you would like to cultivate. Setting the intention for a conscious money mindset enables you to integrate spirituality into your financial life.


To be financially well does not necessarily mean that you sit on truckloads of money. You can have loads of money but still be unhappy. Financial wellness simply means having enough to thrive and being in a state of fulfillment and contentment. As you are already aware, money struggles can bring on a lot of stress and stress is a huge contributor to major diseases. Thus, financial wellness is not something that can be ignored in this day and age. On the contrary, it is a vital component for holistic wellness.
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How to Overcome the Freeze Response

overcome freeze response

In my search to find out about what keeps us stuck, I came to know more about the freeze response…

Freeze response: a survival strategy used when fight or flight is impossible.

Apparently, it is often overlooked in our studies on reactions to stress. What is the case is that we go into a fight-flight-freeze response every time we perceive that we are facing a threat. Our coping mechanism helps us to guard against threats to our survival. When we see a lion running towards us, we can choose to fight or flee. However, there is also the freeze response that could take place right before fight or flight.

“Based on recent literature, freeze, flight, fight, fright, faint provides a more complete description of the human acute stress response sequence than current descriptions.” Merie Friedman

We may not meet menacing lions everyday. However, there could be many situations where we perceive we are in danger. While the threat we face in our lives is hardly real, it is our perception of it that keeps it real. The illusion of danger gets played out in the physical world as if it truly exists.
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5 Crucial Factors for Money Manifestation

“Clean the energy pathways and you can have, do or be anything your want” —Joe Vitale

energy pathways money manifesting

You may be expecting miraculous instantaneous results especially after being informed about the wonders of removing old programing that would unblock your money and abundance channels. Deleting old programs can be done through various forms of energy healing, NLP or hypnosis therapies. Energy healers, including myself, emphasize on the importance of dealing with your problem at the subconscious rather than the conscious for deeper healing.

And so, you have understood that if you weed from the root, your problem will be over. Thereafter, as a divine being, you become naturally plugged into the flow of universal abundance. This makes is easy for you to manifest your desires.

However, it is possible not to experience the results that you are hoping for even after getting some inner work done.
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Video Testimonial For Money Success Breakthrough

“A breakthrough happens when you finally make the decision not to settle for anything less than what you deserve. It is when the impossible becomes possible. It is when you become free of what has held you back from becoming your highest potential.” Abundance Alchemy Program

Julie Cumming, my client from Australia, graciously agreed to provide a video testimonial for having worked together for money breakthroughs in my Abundance Alchemy Program. While listening to her during the recording, I was bowled over what she had to say. View the video below….

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Money Is Not a Dirty Word

money is not a dirty word

Money is not a dirty word.

Yet, many people make it out to be.

They avoid talking about it at all cost. They squirm whenever they have to ask for money in exchange for their service or product. They conclude that the desire for money is a sin, partly from watching way too many Hollywood movies about how the pursuit for money corrupts the mind. Then, there are the religious ones take comfort in being spiritual and poor.

“Not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, does the enlightened man dislike to wade into its waters.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Well, let’s put things in perspective.

Money is in the form of cash and coins. It is a convenient form of exchange. It helps to make trade efficient.
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3 Under-the-Radar Sabotaging Money Gremlin Situations

Your Money Gremlin has the habit of sabotaging your money-making dreams. You may have an inspired vision that you would like to achieve or some financial targets to meet. However, your Money Gremlin will introduce thoughts that will hold you back. Even famous singer, Ricky Martin, shares this, “My goal is to think of nothing when I’m writing a song because too many influences could sabotage a potentially amazing song.”

Your money gremlin enjoys playing sabotage games. It sabotages you from following your heart-centered dreams. It stops you from manifesting abundance. Until now, you may not have been fully aware about the existence of a Money Gremlin. I don’t blame you. Your Money Gremlin can act in sneaky and covert ways.
Money Gremlin enjoys playing self sabotage games.

“For me personally it is because I get an awful amount of success and I don’t think I deserve it and then I want to sabotage it.” Michael Parkinson
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7 Tips to End Money Worries and Stop Struggling Instantly

money stress struggle

Money worries is like a crippling disease. You are in a perpetual state of anxiety. From the moment you wake up, your mind goes into an inner chatter about finances. You may not even be able to fall asleep easily at night due to the non-stop chatter and your ensuing roller coaster emotions. You worry over paying your bills, whether you can afford to send your children to university or whether you can afford to move to a bigger house.

“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” Glenn Turner

Worry is a state of emotional and mental struggle that affect you physically. You can end up feeling so miserable that you are not unable to function well at all. Even as you go about pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams or work in the office, stress is the extra burden that you carry. Obviously, worrying is not going to help you reach towards your goals. It is clearly unnecessary.

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