Tag Archives for " Money "

5 Possible Outcomes From Battling Money Woes

Money Woes

Are money woes causing you to react in a way that affects your overall wellness even more?

I have observed some common outcomes that my clients and friends – those with money struggles – report to having. Their money woes might not have started out as something huge – in the big picture of things. Yet, a number of them felt that they “cannot take it”. They experienced emotional reactions that caused them to take on irrational behavior or unwise actions.

Eventually, their behavior and actions made the situation worse. Their money woes soon became bigger. Their problems became a lot harder to deal with.

I lost a dear friend who took his own life. It was money issues that contributed a large part to his depression. Although he was not the reason why I decided to specialize with helping others deal with their money struggles a year on, his encounters certainly gave me a lot of food for thought on how financial triggers could end dramatically.
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7 Tips to Overcoming Money Insecurity While Undergoing Career Transition

“Change is always tough. Even for those who see themselves as agents of change, the process of starting a new thing can cause times of disorientation, uncertainty and insecurity.” Joyce Meyer

career transition

Are you in-between jobs or undergoing a career transition?

Or perhaps you have been thinking long and hard about quitting your job and changing line…and yet have not dared take the plunge?

If so, let me guess: you are not having an easy time.

You have been feeling a level of insecurity with a sudden loss in income or the thought of an expected loss in income.
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How to Solve the Root Cause of Your Money Story

Would you be interested in solving the root cause of your money story, instead of just dealing with the symptoms?

Your money story is the one you often tell to others. It is made up of the issues going on in your current financial situation, the persistent worry that you are experiencing or/and the complaints you have about the economy, property prices, cost of living and so on. It is a story that occupies your mind throughout the day.

As I have found, money stories often act as a smoke screen to deeper underlying issues. At first, it is easy to be mistaken into believing that your financial challenges are caused by a string of bad luck, the fault of the tax authorities, the constant unfair treatment by your employers, the failure of receiving payment on time, or the banks who are out to get you. This being the case, you try to remedy your challenges with band-aide or by rearranging certain aspects of your life.

iceberg theory

However, should you step aside for a bit, you may be able to observe money patterns that keep repeating. What you observe are likely to be debilitating cycles of frustration, worry, panic, resentment and anger over finances. Over and over again, you have not been able to truly break free.

Where there is a repeating pattern in your external issues, a root cause could exist internally. 

Feeling intrigued? Read on……
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How to Stop Money Worship and Create More Wealth

money worship

Money worship results from being in a state of craving. It happens when you are in hot pursuit of ventures for the sole purpose of making cash alone (without any desire to add value). One thing is clear when you are desperately wanting: you are in lack.

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” – Will Smith

“Money is usually attracted, not pursued.” – Jim Rohn

Money worship also happens from hankering after material items. You don’t feel like you will ever have enough. This puts you in a constant pursuit of money from having the belief that that money can solve all your issues. You dream about the time when you are able to buy a luxury good and finally feeling satisfied. However, by doing so, you are giving away your power to feeling happy in the here and now.
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How Low Self Worth Affects Your Net Worth

self esteem self talk self worth

Could your low self worth be affecting your net worth?

Oddly enough, whether you perceive yourself as worthy or not can affect your net worth. According to the dictionary, self worth means the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. On the other hand, net worth refers to your net economic balance, which is derived from the value of all your assets minus the value of your liabilities.

“When your self worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it.”- Mark Victor Hansen

“Self worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy.” Wayne Dyer

With self worth, you undergo an internal appraisal process whereby you assess whether you are “good enough” or “deserving”. From my understanding, self-worth is based on values. If you are not living up to the values that you hold dear, the esteem that you hold for yourself drops. When this happens, you will find it to project yourself confidently; thus impacting your ability to shine on the outside.
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How to Overcome the Fear of Money

“There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor.” – Oscar Wilde

fear of money

You would think that most people would love to have lots of money. However, there are also those who fear money or having too much of it. Maybe it is the reminder about King Midas that puts these people in fear. His wish that everything he touched be turned to gold was fulfilled. However, he later found, to his dismay, that even his delicious food and beloved daughter were transformed into gold.
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How to Overcome Self Doubt

strong woman overcome self doubt

Self doubt happens when you have little belief in yourself. There is an inner lack of faith and confidence. You are not able to claim your own accomplishments, even when due. You feel like an imposter, a fraud and a cheat. You deem yourself as unworthy of any kind of praise, accolades or validation; although you are deserving.

When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt. Click to Tweet

It does not matter that others may think highly of you. What counts is the perception and evaluation of your own capability. You very much doubt in your own ability or power to garner required resources or support.
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21 Role Models for Success

role models for success

Do you have a role model for success that you look up to ? An important key foundation in Neuro-linguistic Programming is modelling. To model, you emulate those who have already achieved success. You observe, analyse and then replicate the factors that contributed to the outstanding performance.

While there is no 100% guarantee that you can garner the same results, modelling helps you shorten your learning curve. You learn to avoid common mistakes and apply the essential steps and strategies that have helped your role model succeed. The idea is that it is much easier to follow a previously proven path to success.
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Billionaire Song: Sing Yourself To Wealth

Dreaming about wanting to be a Billionaire sounds like a fun thing to do, when you are visualizing being on the cover of Forbes magazine, smiling next to Oprah, and talking to the President. And it now all comes in a song by Travie Mccoy. I first heard the Billionaire song two days ago on radio while driving my daughter to her art class and found myself liking its easy reggae beat.

What is best about the song, obviously, is its lyrics which resonates with the ideas of visualizing. So I thought I would publish the official music video that goes along with the song – which was only recently released – in my post today. Listen to it if you have not done so……it is likely to make you smile….

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20 Funny Money Quotes

(photo by Carlos R; the words on the Mickey coins say “where a kid can be a kid”.)

Many of us are just too uptight when we think about money. Well, consider relaxing instead. Tune into positive feelings by lightening up!! It will also be great if we are able to laugh at ourselves in the process. We realize how attached we have been to something which has no permanence. It is true that we cannot bring money with us to our next plane of existence…wherever that is! Perhaps, in that moment of awakening, our hangups start to dissolve. We experience a breakthrough!

Well, let us look through some funny money quotes to help you gain some enlightenment today….

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