Category Archives for "Emotional Healing-EFT"

Using Emotional Freedom Technique to clear emotional blocks before the Law of Attraction can work.

Release Fear To Reawaken Into Love

“Release the fear in your mind and reawaken to the love inside your heart.” – Self-Love Secrets: How to Love Yourself Unconditionally

Release the Fear in Your Mind

Fear corrupts the mind like a virus. It lays siege on your thought patterns. It infiltrates insidiously into some of your worst nightmares, causing you to wake up in terror in the middle of the night.

Many people use the words “mind” and “brain” to mean the same thing. Well, they are not. The mind is not the same as your brain.

Just as well, I was helping my children with some science over the weekend. My children learned this from their textbooks: The brain is a biochemical organ in the human body. As I was writing this post, I realized that what I have forgotten to point out to them is the truth that I have discovered outside their books. And so, I hope to share the rest of what I have written in this article later with them.
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10 Depression Symptoms: Warning Signs to Look Out For

depression symptoms: 10 warning signs to look out for

Depression symptoms are more intense than just fleeting moments of sadness. It is human to feel blue every now and then but when it comes to depression, you are in a vibrationally low state of being for an extended period. Over time, you could identify yourself with your depression symptoms so much that living with them feels normal.

Being depressed creates energy leakage. When severe, you can possibly lose the ability to function and to perform the most routine of tasks. You would rather confine yourself in your cave.

When sinking into despair becomes severe, it can turn into clinical depression. In extreme cases, depression can drive a person to suicide. This was what happened to my friend, Arch.

“Depression is the inability to construct a future.” – Rollo May
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How to Develop a Positive Attitude With Meditation

positive attitude

How to Develop a Positive Attitude with Meditation – Guest post by Benjamin Norris.

A positive attitude puts you in a more positive vibrational state of being, thereby enabling you to attract success and abundance more easily. One of the most common techniques for developing a positive state of mind is meditation. Meditation offers an excellent avenue for exploring your inner world.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha

There are many different meditation techniques that can specifically assist with the development of a positive mental attitude. Some of the most popular meditations are:
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How to Get Over the Fear of Aging

“I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and… I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn

audrey hepburn quote

We live in a society that values looks and youth. And so as we mature past our 30s, then 40s and 50s, we can start to face the fear of aging. I believe that females feel the fear even more. The fear of aging can be like a looming dark cloud that drives us to irrational behavior such as undergoing multiple plastic surgery jobs to tighten sagging skin.
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How to Overcome the Fear of Money

“There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor.” – Oscar Wilde

fear of money

You would think that most people would love to have lots of money. However, there are also those who fear money or having too much of it. Maybe it is the reminder about King Midas that puts these people in fear. His wish that everything he touched be turned to gold was fulfilled. However, he later found, to his dismay, that even his delicious food and beloved daughter were transformed into gold.
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How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

overcome fear of failure resistance

Does the fear of failure stop you from venturing forth?

The fear of failure often strikes with terror. A shiver goes down your spine. You break out in profuse sweat. Your imagination goes on the overdrive. Whether the trial you are undergoing is a big or small one, you feel faint from the thought of being seen as a failure in life.

The fear of failure may not all that negative. For instance, it can spur you to overcome your barriers and conquer new heights. I believe it was how I have studied and passed my examinations relatively well while in school. However, in the recent years, I realised that being motivated by fear may not exactly be the best way to go about living. I have also found that my children do not respond too well when fear is being used to get them to study or to instil some of discipline. With awareness, I intend to be mindful about not using fear on them.

fear of failure

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How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

fear of rejection

Is the fear of rejection stopping you from being free to pursue what you want?

Well, it is one fear that strikes many of us. The perception of having been rejected can cut like a stab in the heart. In an instant, you can feel as if you are drained of all blood. Dizziness ensues and you hang on to dear life, gasping for air.

“There is going to be a hundred thousand doors slammed in your face before one opens, so feel ok about taking rejection.” – Heather Matarazzo

I don’t know of anyone who has the privilege of going through life without ever experiencing the fear of rejection at least once. I have certainly been rejected many times. In a few of the situations, back when I was in my early 20s, I had thought that I would not be able to survive past the rejection. With despair, I would drown my sorrow via drinking and clubbing several times a week. Fortunately, these days, I have found better ways to deal with the fear of rejection.
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Law of Attraction: Activate with Joy

law of attraction joy

One excellent way to activate the Law of Attraction powerfully is with joy. Since the Universe operates on vibrations, joy is a positive-feeling state that can help magnetise more joy into your life.

“You are joy, looking for a way to express. It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy—frolicking and eager—that’s who you are. And so, if you’re always reaching for alignment with that, you’re always on your path, and your path will take you into all kinds of places. We will not deny that you will not discover miracles and create benefits and be involved in creation, and that you will not uplift humanity—we will not say that you will not find satisfaction in so many things that you create, but we can’t get away from the acknowledgment that you are Pure Positive Energy that translates into the human emotion of joy.” – Abraham, Abraham-Hicks

law of attraction activate with joy

To be joyful, you can focus on your blessings, visualize for a brighter future, address your emotions and to let more laughter into your life. These are the very tips that have helped me make a shift from feeling poorly about things. Feeling joy mostly keeps me be positive all day.

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Disallow Criticisms From Stifling Your Creativity

If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.
– Vincent Van Gogh

Paint Quote by Vincent Van Gogh

Once upon a time, I dreamed of being a fashion designer. I filled my sketchbooks with pictures of women wearing clothes that I have designed.

I imagined what it would be like to have models walking down the catwalk, wearing my designs.

I imagined what it would be like to be popular because of my beautiful work.
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How To Let Go of The Past

let go of the past

Not being able to let go of the past can keep you stuck for years. The suffering of holding on keeps your stories alive. Attachment drives you into heartache. In fact, over time, you could have also gotten used to the suffering. So much so that you may even feel lost at the thought of becoming free from pain.

release the past
(Photo: Singapore Botanic Gardens)

It is possible to fear that there will be emptiness when you let go of the past. You are not sure what could be left of you if all the anger, hurt and resentment is gone. After all, you have defined yourself by the stories you believe in. You may think that it is better to cling on the old stories because you fear losing your identity. Well, as I had discovered, this is erroneous thinking.Continue reading

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