Category Archives for "Positive Affirmations"

How to think positively and about positive affirmations.

3 Mompreneur Mindset Tips That Support Your Success

mompreneur mindset

As a mompreneur, having a mindset that is geared for success is extremely helpful if you are hoping to make serious money. Many mompreneurs fall into the trap of treating their business as a hobby. Let’s face it. A hobby mindset will only earn hobby income…which in the case of a crafty business means earning barely enough to cover the cost of accessories for the most part.

Many new mompreneurs report to one of the following emotions:

1. Guilt if they harbor ambitious dreams
2. Regret for the care-free life they had behind.
3. Shame if they fail to make busincess a success.

Is this true for you too?

Are you also having beliefs such as:

– I am not good enough to run a business;
– I am just not good with anything technical such as putting up a website;
– I can’t do sales and since having a business will involve sales, I can’t do a business;
– I suck at promoting myself;
– I am too slow to be learning anything like business and marketing etc.
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Are You Spiritually Rich but Financially Poor?

spiritually rich abundance

Are you spiritual but feeling broke?

Many spiritual people have problems reconciling their wants for spirituality and money together.

It could be the same for you too.

You have been reading spiritual books, going for Reiki sessions and attending meditation classes and so you do know a lot. As a result, you may even have experienced vibrational shifts. You are already more aware. Yet, despite all the spiritual and personal growth made, you are finding that your financial life is lagging behind.

Well, I’ve been surveying my newsletter subscribers to find out more. Typically, they share the interests of spirituality, law of attraction and personal growth. What struck me was the same energy of struggle or confusion.

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30 Signs That You Need a Money Mindset Makeover

Money Mindset Makeover Signs

What are the signs indicating that you need a money mindset makeover?

I find that most people don’t recognise that they could be having a money mindset issue. They prefer to avoid any discussions about money altogether. What’s more, it’s a hit on the ego to admit to having a limiting mindset. Yet ignorance is not bliss when a money mindset makeover can help you grow your income without more pain and struggle.

Your money mindset simply refers to how you have been thinking about money. It affects you in the way you feel and also drives your actions and behavior concerning your finances. If you want to attract financial abundance, having a healthy money mindset is important.

How do you know what your money mindset is like? One great way is to look at what’s been happening in your financial situation. The thoughts and beliefs you have about money impact the outcome that you manifest.


Do You Have a Money Mindset Issue?

Here are 10 signs that you need to have a money mindset makeover immediately…..

1. Money is hard to come by every month.

2. Multiple areas in your life (eg. love and finances) are in jeopardy of crumbling.
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How to Love Life Fully

love life fully

Do you know how to love life fully?

Well, for a period in time, I was asking myself this very question.

I put myself on a search.

The journey felt incidentally harder perhaps because of the internal struggle that I was going through during that period.

Yet, no matter how and where I search, I could not get complete answers.

Which led me to the realisation that I the answers I sought are not out there.

They pretty much lie from within.

The answers came from a wise part of the self….

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How to Let Go of the Past and Move On

let go of the past

You may be wondering how you can let go of the past and move on fter realizing that you are stuck in it. Letting go to move forward can seem challenging when you have little idea on how to deal with the multitude of emotions that arise. At the same time, you do not feel equipped to move on.

Let go of the past and move on

Letting go of the past is certainly something that has not been taught as a life skill back in school. Yet, it is incredibly important. I wish someone had taught me how when I was young.  It would also have been nice to receive some wise advice on how I could have let go of the past and move on.

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How to Let Go of Resistance to Change

overcome fear of failure resistance

Learning to let go of resistance to change is incredibly important if we are hoping to grow, evolve or improve ourselves. A resistance to change can happen when we are caught in the habit of doing things in a certain way. We become rigid even when the landscape has changed. We lose flexibility. We ask ourselves: why rock the boat when the old ways have worked?

Resistance to Change

This message became clear to me early last year. A new train station had opened near my home. It now takes 4 minutes for me to walk out of my front door to the train stop. With the newly opened tracks, I have more options in routes to many destinations.

Anyone would have excited about the improved convenience. Except that it took weeks for me to process my increased options. I continued taking old routes and ways to reach where I wanted to go.

Until one day, while at a bus stop, I found myself thinking about how much time I was wasting waiting for a bus that was taking a long time to show up. This was also when I had an “aha” moment (where dark clouds start to part and light finally came in)!

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Tapping Script for Self-Love: Overcome Self-Rejection

EFT Tapping for Self-Love

“The greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity or power but self-rejection.” Henri Nouwen, Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian.

Are there parts about yourself that you reject?

When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you find it hard to get past your imperfection or flaw?

Is this imperfection or flaw the reason why it is difficult to love and embrace yourself fully?

You may be hoping to be better, smarter, richer, taller or more successful. Whatever it is, there could be something about yourself that you are not happy with yourself. On the extreme, it can be a case of self-rejection.

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How Not to Give Up On Yourself

_1_the_only_failure_in_life_is_giving_up_on_yourself__your_hopes_and_dreams“The only failure in life is giving up on yourself, your hopes and dreams.” #evelynlimcoach

What happens when you give up on yourself?

It can literally mean death. You are basically saying “no” to life. On the contrary, as long as you are in the game, you are still participating in the here and now. Of course, it does not mean that you have achieved worldly success but neither, have you failed.

If you have intense thoughts of giving up on yourself, know that you are not alone. I have walked the alleys of darkness a few times in my life and it is definitely not a place to dwell in. Over the past few years, as an energy healing practitioner , I have also discovered that there are many who are afflicted with depression at one point in their life.


Do know that depression over prolonged periods of time can lead to thoughts of suicide. Please seek professional help. Do not procrastinate. To get well, you definitely need love and support.

It is best to arrest the situation early when you feel as if you are draining of hope. Lean on the survival instinct that is innate and trust that you have got what it takes to figure a way out. You don’t give up yet! Bear in mind that everyone has a choice. We can choose to see the stars or we can choose the mud. The choice determines which thought we pay attention to.

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Create Vision Board for Travel Dreams

“Visioning is the practice of visualisation with belief, focus and consistency.”


It has been a long time since I shared about visioning in a blog post. Well, I had been working hard at mine. One of my travel dreams is finally coming true! It’s been a long wait.


Young Living Photo Vision Board


I am flying to Salt Lake City in the U.S. to visit a lavender farm in a few days’ time. The best part is that the air flight from Singapore and accommodation at a luxury hotel in the city for my stay are completely free! I will also be attending leadership training workshops organised for attendees to the Silver Retreat as well as having time to explore the city. Hurray!!

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How to Tap to Reduce Nervousness for Facebook Live

I have just posted my Tapping Video on Facebook Live. Yayyyy!


The topic that I covered is conveniently on How to Tap to Overcome Nervousness when venturing into something new or unknown such as Facebook Live 🙂


“Step into the Unknown and the Unknown becomes Known, no longer binding you in knots over What is Unknown.” #evelynlimcoach


Step into the Unknown

As I understand from many bloggers and friends, most of them would like to do Live videos but have fear and resistance around it.  And so, I thought that there is no more opportune time than this. After all, just last week, I was feeling very nervous myself with my first attempt. I had covered the topic on Essential Oils for Meditation and posted it to my Facebook group.

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