Category Archives for "Self Awareness"

Who am I and what is my soul purpose?

How to Love and Accept Yourself Even if You Feel Ugly

Love and Accept Your Body

You may find it hard to love and accept yourself if you believe and feel that you are ugly. Hate to look at yourself in the mirror? Have challenges with attracting a soul mate or your dream job because you think that your looks is in the way?

Read on to find out how you can love and accept yourself anyway. I am updating this post with more tips as I am discovering that this is an issue that afflicts a number of the clients I have been working with.

Through this post, I hope to stress the importance of self-love despite having an appearance that you may perceive as “flawed”. When you have a negative perception about yourself, your self-confidence comes down. This ultimately affects your ability to achieve your highest potential and also with manifesting what you want in life.

In fact, you could be aware that how you look to yourself matters more than what other people are saying.  Whether or not you are truly “ugly” can be an issue that is perceived or real. Some women can sweat over a mole or having wrinkle lines. Others may have features that could be deemed ugly by society’s standards. Whatever the case may be, you face difficulties with getting past your looks, no matter how others may assure you.

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How to Free Yourself from Body Image Issues

Have you ever wondered why you may continue to have body image issues, in spite of consciously knowing that you need to love yourself?

Body image is how you see yourself when you look in the mirror or when you picture yourself in your mind. It is what you think and feel about your physical body. Many of us internalize messages during our childhood. These messages can  lead to either positive or negative body image. Having a healthy body image is an important part for practising self-love. 

While most of us do not suffer from eating disorders caused by poor body image issues, we have the tendency to be overly critical in how we look. Chances are, if you are like the vast majority, you’d find yourself constantly thinking “I am flawed” or I don’t look good enough”. Thoughts like these can have a negative impact on self-confidence and your ability to shine!

There was a day when I was rudely awakened to why it could be so challenging for women to stop beating themselves up over their appearance. It happened when I was reading an article about Lady Gaga who encouraged thousands to embrace their bodies after hitting back at critics who called her fat. The article was in the pull-out Friday segment of our main newspaper. The writer then went on to rounding up 5 celebrity women who were proud of their curves.

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7 Tips to Overcome Perfectionism

let go of perfectionism

Were you taught to believe that striving for perfection is a worthy goal since young? Perhaps, from the time when you were a child, you learnt that perfect scores are ideal. If you did not, you would be penalised even if it was just one mistake out of every ten correct ones. And so, you have been conditioned to believe that you need to be perfect – that is, without a flaw, failure or weakness.

What you crave for is approval, in the strive for perfection. The shadow side is the fear of rejection that you hold.  You fear being ridiculed and not accepted for who you are if you are perceived as less than perfect.

Note that there is nothing wrong with wanting to produce your best work or hoping to present yourself in a good light. However, having a perfectionistic streak can have negative consequences. You are in the energy of “striving”, in seeking to meet a certain standard; failing which, you would shred yourself to pieces. The thought of imperfection makes you feel not-whole, incomplete, discontented and ill. The emotion that you experience is shame. There is a strong sense of disapproval towards the self.

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How To Ground Yourself In 7 Ways

ground yourself

A reader to my blog posed me this question: How to Ground Yourself. Well, it can be accomplished in a few ways. I would like to share my ideas in this article.

(Update: I’m republishing this post once again as the ideas are timeless and as I am still being asked “how to ground yourself” today.)

What Is Grounding?

Whenever I get a question about grounding, I am aware that mostly, my clients refer to spiritual grounding.
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The Secret to Manifesting What You Want Starts Here

Secret to Manifesting Your Dreams

Are you hoping to get an absolute guarantee or proof that something or some idea will work first before you would consider putting in “trust” or effort?

Maybe it is a new coaching program, business venture, new life direction or even applying the principles of the Law of Attraction.

To set aside your skepticism, you’d like to be assured by an expert, coach or even a pyschic fortune teller that you’d achieve 100% success?

Well, it doesn’t quite work that way.Continue reading

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7 Signs of Inferiority Complex

inferiority complex signs

Learn to recognise signs of inferiority complex. An inferiority complex is a state whereby you persistently believe and feel that you are not able to measure up to others. It is a sign of low self-esteem. The thought behind an inferiority complex is “I am not good enough”.

“The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge to conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation.” – Alfred Adler

At least 95% of people have at one point or another encounter thoughts and feelings of inadequacy. However, you are said to have an inferiority complex should you constantly compare yourself with others. You see yourself as being in second place or falling short. Consequently, you feel poorly about yourself.

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How to Create Wealth with Little or No Money Down

Create wealth with little or no money down

Are you drawn to idea of being able to create wealth with little or no money down?

If such an idea is true, it puts you in charge of your financial destiny; no matter what your family background is like.

We all know that money can be used to generate more money. Yet, some of us grapple with the self-defeating money belief that it is the only way for wealth creation. And so, if we don’t have the fortune of being born rich or are not smart enough to earn a decent amount of money each month, we mistakenly think that we are doomed to never get ahead.

Well, in recent years, I found out that while having the capital to generate income helps, having money – in itself – is not what it is that creates prosperity. Hence, it is possible to create wealth with little or no money down.

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How To Love Yourself In 17 Ways

How to Love Yourself in 17 Ways

How to love yourself when you don’t know how?

It’s exactly what it was like when I first started realising that I needed to love myself but have no idea where to start.

I felt embarrassed that I was clueless and that I should already know this stuff. “How to love yourself” sounded like something that everyone ought to know from young. You see…by the time I became aware about the importance of self-love, I was already an adult, married and with young children.

I even found it surprising (and even laughable) to realise that I was clueless.

Surely, I should be some kind of an expert? After all, as I recalled, relationship matters had been a key focus since my younger days. My attention was on dating, partying and looking for a potential partner. Over cups of latte, I would have long conversations with my girlfriends about relationship issues. As things turned out, I found myself failing miserably in my early relationships. I was in and out of love.

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5 Money Gremlin Stories: How You Have Been in Self-Sabotage

money gremlin sabotage situations

By paying too much attention to your money gremlin stories, you sabotage your plans for prosperity. At the soul level, all of us are gifted with the blueprint for abundance and success. Yet, this individual blueprint can become corrupted by the negative voice inside your head.

“Through consistent sabotage, your Money Gremlin stops you from becoming your best self and aligning with your highest potential.”

Money Gremlin Sabotage SelfFor easy understanding, your Money Gremlin is the psychological personification of your limiting beliefs and negative emotions around finances. A Money Gremlin that has free rein is going to lay siege of your mind. You become sieged by  limitation and lack. Over time, these money gremlin stories get programmed subconsciously (out of your awareness).
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7 Steps To Self Discovery

What are the steps to self discovery?

To begin with, do you know yourself well?

Are you clear about you want in life?

Do you have a sense of purpose?

What defines you?

What makes you happy?

It may be that you find yourself answering “no” or “don’t really know” to most of the questions above.

Well, should this be true, you are not alone.

It may also be that while you are happy with some parts of your life, there could be also parts that you do not like. Any dissatisfaction is an indication that you have got things about your life that are unresolved.

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