Tag Archives for " abundance "

7 Tips to End Money Worries and Stop Struggling Instantly

money stress struggle

Money worries is like a crippling disease. You are in a perpetual state of anxiety. From the moment you wake up, your mind goes into an inner chatter about finances. You may not even be able to fall asleep easily at night due to the non-stop chatter and your ensuing roller coaster emotions. You worry over paying your bills, whether you can afford to send your children to university or whether you can afford to move to a bigger house.

“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” Glenn Turner

Worry is a state of emotional and mental struggle that affect you physically. You can end up feeling so miserable that you are not unable to function well at all. Even as you go about pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams or work in the office, stress is the extra burden that you carry. Obviously, worrying is not going to help you reach towards your goals. It is clearly unnecessary.

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Master Visioning for Manifesting Abundance

Begin with the end in mind and live your vision forward!

We all know how tools can help us enhance our productivity and achieve results that are otherwise not possible. In the quantum field, one such tool for visioning is the vision board. There are many advantages to visioning and using vision boards for designing a life of abundance. And so if you are hoping to manifest something that is missing in your life right now, employ powerful tools and techniques that will magnify your chance of success.

It is a good idea to update your vision board at least once a year. I updated mine recently and included goals that I never once thought I would make. Despite feeling anxiety, I know that it is far better to challenge myself with a big vision than settle for a small dream. I encourage you to do the same too 🙂
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How to Stop Money Worship and Create More Wealth

money worship

Money worship results from being in a state of craving. It happens when you are in hot pursuit of ventures for the sole purpose of making cash alone (without any desire to add value). One thing is clear when you are desperately wanting: you are in lack.

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” – Will Smith

“Money is usually attracted, not pursued.” – Jim Rohn

Money worship also happens from hankering after material items. You don’t feel like you will ever have enough. This puts you in a constant pursuit of money from having the belief that that money can solve all your issues. You dream about the time when you are able to buy a luxury good and finally feeling satisfied. However, by doing so, you are giving away your power to feeling happy in the here and now.
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How Low Self Worth Affects Your Net Worth

self esteem self talk self worth

Could your low self worth be affecting your net worth?

Oddly enough, whether you perceive yourself as worthy or not can affect your net worth. According to the dictionary, self worth means the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. On the other hand, net worth refers to your net economic balance, which is derived from the value of all your assets minus the value of your liabilities.

“When your self worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it.”- Mark Victor Hansen

“Self worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy.” Wayne Dyer

With self worth, you undergo an internal appraisal process whereby you assess whether you are “good enough” or “deserving”. From my understanding, self-worth is based on values. If you are not living up to the values that you hold dear, the esteem that you hold for yourself drops. When this happens, you will find it to project yourself confidently; thus impacting your ability to shine on the outside.
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Curiosity as a Path to Abundance

I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

This article and photo image are submitted by Betsy Talbot.

My husband Warren and I have been traveling around the world since 2010. It took a couple of years of serious saving and downsizing to make it happen, and during that lean time you could say we were a bit challenged when it came to entertainment options.

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How to Develop a Positive Attitude With Meditation

positive attitude

How to Develop a Positive Attitude with Meditation – Guest post by Benjamin Norris.

A positive attitude puts you in a more positive vibrational state of being, thereby enabling you to attract success and abundance more easily. One of the most common techniques for developing a positive state of mind is meditation. Meditation offers an excellent avenue for exploring your inner world.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha

There are many different meditation techniques that can specifically assist with the development of a positive mental attitude. Some of the most popular meditations are:
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25 Benefits To Having a Heart-Centered Vision

What are the benefits of having a heart-centered vision for your dreams?

Knowing what the benefits of having a vision are keeps you focused. It is best to have a vision that connects with your soul desire.

Here are 25 benefits to having a heart-centered vision…

1. You no longer go around in circles.

2. Rather than lament about what-is, you become joyful when you think about your ideal picture. Thus, you are able to shift your vibrations more positively.
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Why Vision Boards Fail? Avoid 7 Common Mistakes That Others Make!

vision boards not working

You have been inspired at the idea of creating vision boards after watching the movie, The Secret.

In fact, you may have Already created one by now.

You have spent an entire afternoon looking, cutting and pasting the pictures onto your board. They are pictures that represent what you want in a desired lifestyle. In a riot of colours, star stickers and glitter, it’s like a work of art – your masterpiece vision board.

Yet, since then……you have not managed to manifest any of your desires…..and you are beginning to doubt the idea about creating vision boards in the first place.

Well, I would like to introduce you to Charlie….

Why My Vision Board Fail to Work

(Image Credit: Min, my daughter, drew the character of the confused guy “Charlie”.)

On Charlie’s vision board, he had the following pictures: the dream car, the beautiful house by the beach, the lovely designer bags, the holiday in The Caribbean and a gorgeous looking person (who looks some famous Hollywood star) as a partner. After two hours or so during a weekend afternoon, he had completed his board. At first, Charlie felt happy that he had done his part.

“My vision board is the window to my dream life coming true.”

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How To Develop Courage By Overcoming Daily Fears

lion courage bold

If you wish to develop courage, please know that it does not merely involve performing heroic acts such as rescuing a child from a burning apartment or putting our lives on the line to do rescue work in the aftermath of a natural disaster in a developing country. Hence, you do not have to wait for a catastrophe or a dramatic event to occur in order to demonstrate courage. Where there is fear on a daily basis, there are opportunities for you to practice it.

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ – Eleanor Roosevelt


Courage is needed whenever you are feeling helpless, vulnerable, ashamed, and weak. You leak energy. Your negative emotions are really indications that you are experiencing fear. Instead of drowning in these, use them as feedback on the need to develop courage.
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How To Let Go of The Past

let go of the past

Not being able to let go of the past can keep you stuck for years. The suffering of holding on keeps your stories alive. Attachment drives you into heartache. In fact, over time, you could have also gotten used to the suffering. So much so that you may even feel lost at the thought of becoming free from pain.

release the past
(Photo: Singapore Botanic Gardens)

It is possible to fear that there will be emptiness when you let go of the past. You are not sure what could be left of you if all the anger, hurt and resentment is gone. After all, you have defined yourself by the stories you believe in. You may think that it is better to cling on the old stories because you fear losing your identity. Well, as I had discovered, this is erroneous thinking.Continue reading

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