Tag Archives for " abundance "

Law of Attraction Quotes – Thanksgiving Tribute

gratitude law of attraction

We do not celebrate Thanksgiving with a public holiday in Singapore during this time of the year. Nonetheless, I would like to take the opportunity to express thanks to one special person – Jerry Hicks. He has passed on. This post is a special thanksgiving tribute to him! 

law of attraction
(Photo credit: Min, my daughter, depicting what the Law of Attraction is about in her drawing dated Feb 2011).

I first got to know about Jerry Hicks after watching “The Secret behind the Secret” in a DVD that we purchased from Amazon. However, it was the movie “The Secret” which caught my interest when I first viewed it. By then, I had already started gaining an interest and knowledge in energy mechanics.
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Let Your Inspired Dreams Take Flight

abundance affirmations

Are you on your way to pursuing your inspired dreams? Have you thought about how awesome it would be if your dreams take flight? Or are you one of the vast majority of people who have given up on their dreams long time ago?

Dreams Take Flight
(Let our kite of dreams take flight)

It could be that you have once harbored the thought of becoming a ballerina, pilot, artist, singer or even the President when you were young. Most of these would have qualified for wishful thinking but there could have been the one or two that held the embers of your true desires.
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How to Overcome the Fear of Success

overcome the fear of success

It sounds ridiculous that anyone can have the fear of success. However, the fear of success is as psychologically valid as the fear of failure. In fact, the fear of success is often not as easily detectable because it lies in your subconscious. It is through recognizing repeated self-sabotaging behavior that you can possibly deduce that you may just be having this fear.

There is a difference between the fear of success and the fear of failure. The fear of failure is the fear of making mistakes, fear of falling short and fear of not reaching your intended goal. Conversely, the fear of success is the deliberate (although rooted in the subconscious) subversion to success that you already know is reachable.
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21 Role Models for Success

role models for success

Do you have a role model for success that you look up to ? An important key foundation in Neuro-linguistic Programming is modelling. To model, you emulate those who have already achieved success. You observe, analyse and then replicate the factors that contributed to the outstanding performance.

While there is no 100% guarantee that you can garner the same results, modelling helps you shorten your learning curve. You learn to avoid common mistakes and apply the essential steps and strategies that have helped your role model succeed. The idea is that it is much easier to follow a previously proven path to success.
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Self Love Series: 101 Loving Yourself Quotes

loving yourself quotes

Loving yourself quotes are sayings to inspire you for practising greater self-love.

From brilliant poets to inspirational writers and the great sages of all time, each had espoused one and the same: love within yourself leads you to love for all. Self-love is the secret to living fully. Through healthy self-love, you lay the foundation to creating your best life!

Loving Yourself Quote
(Love who you are. Love yourself through self acceptance, forgiveness and esteem. My collage illustrates Loving Yourself Quote #62 below.)

The following are 101 loving yourself quotes. I have also classified the quotes according to the sub-categories of self-love, where possible. Pick one each day to contemplate over its meaning. Enjoy!
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Self Love Story: Lessons From the Heart

self love open your heart

My self love story first arose from lessons in relationships.  The inability to experience love outside myself eventually led to a search from within. It’s going to take me courage to share more details about my life experiences. However, for some reason, the twinkling stars from beyond the cosmos seem aligned today. I have decided to proceed with publishing my self love story. So here goes…Be The Author of A Compelling Self Love Story

(Taken from My Art Journal: Be the Author of A Compelling Self Love Story)

For a long time, I sought for love everywhere else other than from the inside. I had no awareness about what it meant to love myself back then. Brought up on a diet of fairy tales, I was seriously hoping to ride into the sunset with the One, happily married ever after. Obviously, my dreams never quite materialised in the way I was expecting them to.
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Remove Abundance Blocks With An Akashic Reading

remove abundance blocks with akashic records reading

Are you having abundance blocks that are preventing you from manifesting what you want?

Well, one way of removing abundance blocks is through taking an akashic reading.

Let me explain further.

Abundance blocks can manifest in the following ways…

 You are stuck and unable to achieve a breakthrough, no matter how much effort you put in.

You are feeling the struggle as many areas of your life such as relationship, money, family and so on….are in bad shape.

Opportunities don’t seem to be coming.

You keep reverting back to your old beliefs, despite having attended workshop programs.

Something just keeps turning up that sabotages your path to success.

 You keep attracting toxic relationships or debilitating situations that suck the energy and life out of you.

You keep attracting what you don’t want.

You just find it hard to trust that the Universe is abundant, no matter what spiritual teachers tell you.

For a start, like many others, you probably have dreams of abundance. You’d like to have a life that is filled with love, enough money, great health and having things go smoothly.

Abundance is simply the capacity to live life fully. To live in abundance is to be able to live life according to your own terms and with nothing in the way. Abundance also includes financial abundance because living well and fully is to have access to resources. Money as a form of energy exchange simply allows you to get resources and options.

Yet, if you had been having abundance blocks for a long time, you may be tempted to think that you are not destined to live a great life or that there is nothing that you can do about your fate. Well, before you give up on the idea that abundance is just as available to you as someone else, consider the following.

Ask yourself:

– Have you tried investigating if there are deeper root causes to your inability to manifest abundance?

– Could you be having blocks that are rooted in the past….perhaps all the way to past lives?

– Could there be blocks that exist beyond the third and forth dimensional levels?

– Are there repeating negative patterns that you are constantly trapped in…like as if they are karmic patterns?

– Have you completely let go of negative or toxic relationships, people and situations in your life?

Soul level abundance blocks occur when you are out of alignment with divine abundance. They are obstructions that prevent you from manifesting what you want easily in the physical dimension. They are like “unseen” impediments that stand in your current life path.

Now, in case you are mistaken, a 100% alignment with divine abundance does not guarantee you would be able to manifest things with a snap of your fingers. You still need to follow through with inspired actions. Being on the physical plane does require physical actions. Your soul has incarnated on Earth to ground the energies of your creative desires. In fact, the greater you work through your life lessons, the greater your ability to fulfill your purpose magnificently.

You can make changes at the mental, emotional and physical level, that’s for sure. However, what if blocks exist at a level beyond these? What are possible blocks, by the way? Well, they can possibly include poverty vows that you have made in past lives, chakra imbalances, unconscious patterns that you have adopted from collective consciousness, soul-level agreements made that have outlived its purpose and subconscious imprints.

What Are Akashic Records?

To know whether they exist or not requires a reading into your akashic records. Don’t know what akashic records are? Here’s a short video clip that explains what they are…


What Margaret’s Experience Was Like 

I received the following unsolicited testimonial from one of my clients, who had purchased an Abundance Alignment Akashic Reading with me….

“I’m very grateful for the amount of work that you’ve put into my reading, and in the preparation of my report. I can understand how exhausting the exercise must be for you, so I’m all the more appreciative of your efforts. Thank you for offering this service, which I believe to be an important and valuable ‘tool of insight’ for us all.

I have read my report a number of times, very carefully, and I wanted to become more familiar with the knowledge you’ve provided, before contacting you about the report. I was especially touched by the 21-day ‘homework’ prayer ritual-exercise you’ve sent me. The ideas within the prayer very much mirror many of my spiritual requests as it is…but to have them articulated in such a precise and clear manner – and with so much expertise – is very valuable for me, and I enjoy very much my ‘homework’.

I wish you continued success – on all levels – with your life, Evelyn. I’ve enjoyed very much being a part of your Abundance Tapestry family, and it’s been such a motivation to watch you grow in empowerment, to create your life, in the way you have over the past weeks and months. Your weekly online emails are incredibly useful. I love the clarity with which you write, and the originality and practicality of your ideas towards abundance.

Bless you, dear Evelyn. And thank you again for the opportunity you’ve given me to continue to grow in this life.

Love and light to you.”
– Margaret O Connor, Ireland

Thank you, Margaret, for sending me the feedback. I wasn’t expecting any but was most delighted to receive it 🙂

Other than Margaret, I have worked with many clients. My clients are from all walks of life and all over the world. They are from professions such as life coaches, energy therapists, online entrepreneurs, accountants, writers and so on. Hence, no matter where you are located or what you work as, so long as your soul gives me the permission to, I should be able to read what your abundance blocks are through your akashic records. If not, I refund you your money – 100%!

If you would like to read more testimonials, you can find them on my Akashic Secrets site.

Remove Abundance Blocks – Now

By removing abundance blocks, you shift into greater alignment with divine source. You are enhancing your ability to manifest abundance in the physical dimension. A greater alignment with divine source plugs you into universal consciousness. As a soul, you are fully equipped to manifest abundance at the third dimensional physical plane.

Once a greater alignment is established, you can find it easier to attract ideas, inspiration and resources for manifesting financial abundance.

No longer stay stuck or be in the pain of repeating negative patterns. Remove Abundance Blocks with an Akashic Reading >>>

Abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Coach

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37 Abundance Affirmations To Manifest Your Dreams

abundance affirmations

Abundance affirmations are positive sayings that you can repeat like a mantra on a daily basis. Repeating abundance affirmations helps you to engage in positive states. They are also statements of intentions for attracting your dreams.

For your convenience, I am publishing a video with a list of 37 abundance affirmations. Simply play the video and repeat the words as they come up….

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30 Power Words To Activate Intention Setting

power words for intention setting

As I have found, intention setting with simply using power words and phrases can be powerful and effective. This is in contrast to setting new year resolutions. In fact, in recent years, setting new year resolutions is becoming passe amongst spiritually-aware personal development experts. More people are recommending using intentions or themes to guide our directions at the start of a new year.

Difference Between Intention Setting and Making New Year Resolutions

What is the difference, you may ask?
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