Tag Archives for " vision board "

Why Vision Boards Fail? Avoid 7 Common Mistakes That Others Make!

vision boards not working

You have been inspired at the idea of creating vision boards after watching the movie, The Secret.

In fact, you may have Already created one by now.

You have spent an entire afternoon looking, cutting and pasting the pictures onto your board. They are pictures that represent what you want in a desired lifestyle. In a riot of colours, star stickers and glitter, it’s like a work of art – your masterpiece vision board.

Yet, since then……you have not managed to manifest any of your desires…..and you are beginning to doubt the idea about creating vision boards in the first place.

Well, I would like to introduce you to Charlie….

Why My Vision Board Fail to Work

(Image Credit: Min, my daughter, drew the character of the confused guy “Charlie”.)

On Charlie’s vision board, he had the following pictures: the dream car, the beautiful house by the beach, the lovely designer bags, the holiday in The Caribbean and a gorgeous looking person (who looks some famous Hollywood star) as a partner. After two hours or so during a weekend afternoon, he had completed his board. At first, Charlie felt happy that he had done his part.

“My vision board is the window to my dream life coming true.”

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21 Favorite Law of Attraction Quotes and Sayings

favourite law of attraction quotes

21 Favourite Law of Attraction Quotes and Sayings 

Law of Attraction Quote #1. “Welcome to Planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be, or do, or have. You are a magnificent creator.” – Abraham

law of attraction quote 1
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How to Create a Powerful Personal Life Vision

powerful personal life vision

Creating a powerful personal life vision has many benefits. It offers you guidance in charting the way forward. It also drives the actions, decisions and behavior that you undertake. Where it is lived into, it basically sums up who you are, your life story and the meaning you have created.

Some people don’t bother with making a personal life vision. Well, not having one can leave you like a boat without a rudder; subject to the currents of life. You are more likely to paddle along (which makes your progress slow) or go around in circles. However, if you hope to lead a life that is more than mediocre and one that can potentially allow you to be happier, you will need to take charge.

“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” – Woodrow Wilson

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Let Your Inspired Dreams Take Flight

abundance affirmations

Are you on your way to pursuing your inspired dreams? Have you thought about how awesome it would be if your dreams take flight? Or are you one of the vast majority of people who have given up on their dreams long time ago?

Dreams Take Flight
(Let our kite of dreams take flight)

It could be that you have once harbored the thought of becoming a ballerina, pilot, artist, singer or even the President when you were young. Most of these would have qualified for wishful thinking but there could have been the one or two that held the embers of your true desires.
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Use The Pink Bubble Technique for Creative Visualization

pink bubble creative visualization

More than just a game, engaging in the creative visualization exercise can apparently help give your dreams some lift. Imagine floating your fantasies wrapped in pink bubbles into the air and allowing the Universe to bring them in manifestation! Sounds like fun? Well, it is. The best part is that you can possibly turn your dreams into reality.

pink bubble visualization
(Pink Bubble Technique – illustration from my personal art journal)

The pink bubble technique is shared by Shakti Gawain, an internationally renowned teacher of consciousness in her book, Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Imagination to Create What You Want in Life. Shakti has facilitated thousands of individuals in developing greater awareness, balance and wholeness in their lives.

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Create a Feng Shui Wealth Vision Board

If you have been thinking of creating a wealth vision board, how about incorporating feng shui elements and pictures into it? There are many feng shui symbols for wealth, luck and prosperity. We can see them in huge display at shopping centers and stores this time of the year.

feng shui wealth vision board
(A feng shui wealth vision board featuring images of a laughing Buddha, the word “fu” for prosperity and koi fish.)

If you don’t already know, Chinese New Year celebrations start this weekend and last for a period of fifteen days. Decorations in red, gold and yellow and sweet delicacies that promise to melt prosperity in your mouth are being sold aplenty!

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30 Power Words To Activate Intention Setting

power words for intention setting

As I have found, intention setting with simply using power words and phrases can be powerful and effective. This is in contrast to setting new year resolutions. In fact, in recent years, setting new year resolutions is becoming passe amongst spiritually-aware personal development experts. More people are recommending using intentions or themes to guide our directions at the start of a new year.

Difference Between Intention Setting and Making New Year Resolutions

What is the difference, you may ask?
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5 Wealth Affirmations From Famous Authors

wealth affirmations from famous authors

If you want to improve your relationship with money, consider using wealth affirmations regularly.

Don’t know which affirmation to use? Well, let us borrow some inspiration from famous authors out there in their wealth affirmations. In my post, I have selected wealth affirmations by Dr Joseph Murphy, Louise Hay, T Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill and one that is traced back to Rev. Christopher Ian Chenoweth. All the affirmations are empowering statements that can help us create positive thoughts about money.

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My Vision Board Tops Amazon’s Bestseller List?

My Vision Board made it to the Amazon’s Best Seller List?

Well….yes in a way!!

So here’s the scoop: The above background picture of my Vision Board made it to The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life, currently the #1 Spiritual best seller on Amazon since its launch on Oct 28!! Already, the book has been featured in The Chicago Sun Times, Foxbusiness News and on ABC TV.

More Buzz!! And in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past one week, there has been a buzz surrounding Vision Boards. Oprah Winfrey revealed that she created one, with the intention that Obama not only become president but that she would go to the inaugural ball wearing the dress she pictured on her Board.

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68 Seconds Of Pure Thought: Visualize In 4 Creative Ways

68 seconds of pure thought for law of attraction manifestation

Apparently, all you need is 68 seconds of pure thought to bring about the manifestation of a major miracle. According to Abraham-Hicks, your intention setting begins with a block of 17 seconds.

How Thought Creates A Major Miracle

In a nutshell,

A block of 17 seconds generates an energy expansion equivalent to 2,000 action hours and results in the creation of a mini miracle.

Pure Thought
Energy Expansion (Action Hours)
Mini Miracle
Medium Miracle
Large Miracle
Major Miracle

Remember the key is to have pure thought; that is a thought with absolutely clear intent. It means that you do not have any have any sabotaging or canceling thought that follows the first. If you can have pure thought after pure thought, you increase the number of combustion points. By passing the mark in 68 seconds of pure thought, you would have transmitted a positive energy of intention into the Universe.
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