Category Archives for "Money"

Financial Abundance

Do You Have a Plan B? Start One Now!

“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” Steve Jobs

steve jobs quote past 33 years
Do you have a Plan B?

If you don’t, perhaps it is time you put some thought into it. Plan B could well be more important than your Plan A.

I was reading a Straits Times article written by a career coach on the importance of having plan B last week and felt compelled to add my thoughts about it.

The Difference between Plan A and B

Plan A forms your corporate life, the one whereby you spend most of your waking hours in an office. On the other hand, Plan B forms your post-corporate life. Plan B consists of activities that you can engage in outside of working hours as an employee. You could be doing social work or it could be something that is income-generating.

Most people – perhaps including yourself – are caught up with Plan A. If you are in a corporate, Plan A alone probably keeps you very busy. Already used to the same routine, you may even experience a sense of inertia to explore avenues beyond Plan A.
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What My Power Word for Intention Setting in 2015 Is

“Our intention creates our reality. We are powerful beyond measure.”

What intentions are you setting for the year 2015?

Like many others, I start the year thinking about my intentions and things I would like to do. Well, I admit that I have not achieved every single goal made. However, upon reflection, I have found that my path has been going steadily in the direction of my overall intention.

It was not quite that way before I decided to do intention setting. I was going round and round in circles for a very long time. Things started to change when I got clearer about my purpose, and especially on how I would like to serve others in the world. Clarity helped me set on the direction I would like to take. (If you like some help in knowing your soul gifts and aligning with purpose, check out my reading services here).
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I Am Finally Moving Home

“Living through a home renovation is like living in the wild….you do whatever it takes to survive.” anonymous

I am finally moving home! And, I can’t wait to begin a new phase in my life! If you are new to my blog, read this post about how I manifested my new home.

The picture is an image of what my new place looks like a few days ago. We began home renovation in early September. At first, we started out with some challenges due to Feng Shui elements that we wanted to incorporate.
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5 Crucial Factors for Money Manifestation

“Clean the energy pathways and you can have, do or be anything your want” —Joe Vitale

energy pathways money manifesting

You may be expecting miraculous instantaneous results especially after being informed about the wonders of removing old programing that would unblock your money and abundance channels. Deleting old programs can be done through various forms of energy healing, NLP or hypnosis therapies. Energy healers, including myself, emphasize on the importance of dealing with your problem at the subconscious rather than the conscious for deeper healing.

And so, you have understood that if you weed from the root, your problem will be over. Thereafter, as a divine being, you become naturally plugged into the flow of universal abundance. This makes is easy for you to manifest your desires.

However, it is possible not to experience the results that you are hoping for even after getting some inner work done.
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Repair Your Soul Matrix With Healing Birth Trauma

subconscious mind

Have you got birth trauma that you are interested to seek healing on?

Are you tuning into an awareness that there is something about your birth that you need to seek a resolution for?

As I discovered, healing birth trauma and removing the thought patterns that no longer serve you can do wonders energetically. You’d find life less of a struggle and experience a sense of freedom. What’s awesome is that manifesting abundance happens with a lot more ease and grace too!

I’d also like to clear a misconception. Some teachers or coaches may say that the idea of healing is erroneous. They believe that there is nothing to heal because you are complete and whole.

Well, it is true.

You are like a diamond; perfect and divine in your soul matrix.You are also a multi-dimensional soul. There is a facet of you that exists at each dimensional level. Hence, any idea about needing to heal from birth trauma could be wrong since you are already whole and complete.

However, a distortion that results in a leakage can exists at any layer, aspect or level affecting your completeness. The luminous shine in a perfectly encoded soul matrix becomes duller as a result. In fact, it is in the human incarnation that distortions to your soul matrix can happen.

Birth traumas or pre-birth traumas affect your soul matrix at root cause. It is imperative that healing or restoration happen here if there is trauma.  Note that trauma can be formed as a result of your perception about the situation. Hence it will help to release any false story and embed a new one that serves you instead.

“In the instant of our first breath, we are infused with the single greatest force in the universe–the power to translate the possibilities of our minds into the reality of our world. To fully awaken to our power, however, requires a subtle change in the way we think of our ourselves in life, a shift in belief. Just the way sound creates visible waves as it travels through a droplet of water, our ‘belief waves’ ripple through the quantum fabric of the universe to become our bodies.” Greg Braden

Should the distortion be left unaddressed, your ability to realise your true self in the physical world with ease and grace becomes impacted. You carry the thought patterns that affect how you behave and respond to the world for years since inception. They are the root causes to your struggles, pain and suffering.

Manifesting the life that you want becomes more difficult when patterns caused by birth trauma are distorted.
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How to Overcome the Need for a Success Guarantee

“If we get our self-esteem from superficial places, from our popularity, appearance, business success, financial situation, health, any of these, we will be disappointed, because no one can guarantee that we’ll have them tomorrow.” Kathy Ireland

guarantee of success
Stuck at a crossroad? One reason why you may feel stuck because you would like to have the guarantee of a successful outcome before you make a change. Having the guarantee of success gives you the perception that it is safe to give up what you already have. Without the guarantee, you prefer not to run any perceived risk.

One classic example of a crossroad: trying to decide whether to staying in your current job (which you hate) or starting a business (something more aligned with your passion but of which you have had little experience in). Before making any drastic move, you prefer to have the guarantee that the latter choice will be a good one. You want the certainty that things will turn out successful with the change.
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7 Ways to Resolve Money Conflicts For Saving Your Marriage

“Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.” Anthony J D Angelo

resolve money couple conflicts

You may perceive two hundred dollars as small change, but your partner kicks up a big fuss.

You may deem the purchase of an item as a necessary expense, but your partner thinks otherwise.

You may place a cap for spending on a vacation at one thousand dollars, but your partner has a different quantum in mind.

Then, there is the question of fairness. Who is entitled to spend the excess money in the joint account first?

With the end of the honeymoon phase in your marriage, you could find that money is the constant thing that you had been bickering about with your spouse.

Well, you are not alone.

It is common for couples to fight over money matters. As I wrote last week, money has been cited as a major factor leading to a marriage breakdown.
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How Money Triggers Impact Your Relationship

“When two people love each other and can’t make it work, that’s the real tragedy.” Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

gone girl

Watching the movie – Gone Girl – over the weekend prompted me to finish this article, which I had begun writing a while back. In the movie, Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike, both of who acted as a couple, put up stellar performances. The film, based on a best-selling novel by Gillian Flynn, was engaging, riveting, suspenseful, and disturbing. It made me reflect on how money issues can trigger off reactions that cause a relationship to deteriorate so badly.

As much as a relationship breakdown can bring about financial issues, the reverse is also true. Reportedly, one of the major factors leading to a divorce is brought about by money problems. Differences in money management styles and financial attitudes can bring about conflict in a couple. You are likely to build frustration if you experience constant worries about not having enough money to meet expenses or to build savings and then blaming the other partner for not doing his or her part.
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How to Handle Financial Woes After a Relationship Break Up

“Never let a past relationship tear your heart apart and rob you of joy from living in the present.” Evelyn Lim

You long for a fairy tale ending.

You want things to turn out perfect.

In your dreams, you see yourself living happily and abundantly ever after.

However, should your relationship not turn out the way you hope it would, you feel utterly disappointed.

Your heart sinks.

The blue skies turn grey.
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She Wasted Her Money Hiring The Wrong Coach

“Testimonials are thank-you gifts from the heart of someone who has been touched by our love, passion and commitment.” Evelyn Lim

I was surprised to receive an email recently from an ex-client of mine. She had been wanting to write a testimonial for me since last year but had forgotten about it. Well, she finally got to it.

In her email, Angeline Tang shared her story about hiring a coach who, unfortunately, was not able to assist her in a better way forward. Here is what she wrote….
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