Category Archives for "Make Money Online"

My 2013 Work Report: Lessons in Productivity

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” Paul J Meyer

productivity quote

2013 has been turning out to be a productive year.

Well, as things turned out, I not only tutored my girl – helping her improve her grade in her weakest subject to an “A”, but also improved work productivity levels on the business front.

I was not expecting things to turn out the way it did at first.

Right from January, I was all prepared to slow down my business.

I wanted to avail my time for my 12-year old girl who was sitting for national exams in October. Just to give you an idea on how competitive the situation is, parents are known to take a sabbatical or leave their jobs so that they can coach their children in an exam whereby they eventually get ranked according to their scores nation-wide. The scores would largely determine their schooling for the next 4-6 years.
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7 Painful Lessons to Avoid While Pursuing Multiple Sources of Income

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” Soren Kierkegaard

multiple sources of income


In the book, Multiple Sources of Income, Robert Allen presents 10 sure-fire ways to generating more than $100,000 a year, on a part-time basis and with little or no money. If the topic interests you, then by all means buy his book. However, should my personal experience be anything to go by, allow me to share that some of my best tips in the pursuit of multiple sources of income.


Well, my tips come from having made many unwise decisions in finance, stock trading and buying into “make money quick” schemes. In the last two decades, I have ventured into many opportunities: from investing in Bordeaux wine in a French vineyards, physical gold holdings, foreign exchange, property in the States and elsewhere in the world, and so on. I have also explored a few business models online, only to realise later that they did not work out.
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How to Create A Conscious Life of Financial Breakthroughs

How you do money is how you do everything. And vice versa.

financial breakthroughFinancial or money situations offer divine lessons. They are opportunities in disguise. Each presents you a chance for a breakthrough. It is a chance for you to break free yourself from worry, frustration and any limiting belief. The process of alchemy whereby you transmute into your brilliance – free from all fear – offers a holistic path to happiness.

I recall one of my coaches telling me about his vision 2-3 years ago. His vision was to lead a breakthrough life and inspire his students to do the same. When I first heard his vision, I was doubtful. My critical voice protested, “that will be overwhelming and impossible on a daily basis!” Little did I know that I would be encouraging my clients in a similar vein today 🙂
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How to Solve the Root Cause of Your Money Story

Would you be interested in solving the root cause of your money story, instead of just dealing with the symptoms?

Your money story is the one you often tell to others. It is made up of the issues going on in your current financial situation, the persistent worry that you are experiencing or/and the complaints you have about the economy, property prices, cost of living and so on. It is a story that occupies your mind throughout the day.

As I have found, money stories often act as a smoke screen to deeper underlying issues. At first, it is easy to be mistaken into believing that your financial challenges are caused by a string of bad luck, the fault of the tax authorities, the constant unfair treatment by your employers, the failure of receiving payment on time, or the banks who are out to get you. This being the case, you try to remedy your challenges with band-aide or by rearranging certain aspects of your life.

iceberg theory

However, should you step aside for a bit, you may be able to observe money patterns that keep repeating. What you observe are likely to be debilitating cycles of frustration, worry, panic, resentment and anger over finances. Over and over again, you have not been able to truly break free.

Where there is a repeating pattern in your external issues, a root cause could exist internally. 

Feeling intrigued? Read on……
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How To Practice Gratitude Prayers for Work

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” John Milton

Source: Original image edited.

If you would like to attract more business, increase sales or have more clients, here is a tip for you: practice gratitude for your work. A sense of appreciation goes a long way. You not only say thanks to your clients but you also thank the Universe or God. The Universe obligingly responds by giving you more of the same.

Is the following scenario true for you? You have been thanking your customer after the transaction or purchase politely. However, instead of feeling really happy, you are mostly in a state of stress, exhaustion and overwhelm. You are busy with making sales calls, promoting your business and monitoring your marketing program. In fact, oftentimes and out of the earshot of your client – you are lamenting, complaining and feeling lousy about your sales, performance and work.
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3 Reasons Why You May Object to Doing Marketing Promotion

“I’ve always viewed myself as a brand. When I started 10 years ago, that was very controversial. ‘Marketing’ and ‘PR’ were dirty words for the literary world, but that has changed. Once the book is finished, I want as many people as possible to read it.” – Camilla Lackberg, award-winning crime writer

work from home business

Many of us dislike the idea of having to do marketing and promotion. We may even view it as “dirty work” altogether. We find it a real pain with a capital P. Yet, promotion is one of the factors crucial to business success and consequently, financial abundance.

After setting up our website, we would like to believe “build it and they will come”. However, it is possible to spend years twiddling our thumbs, waiting for traffic and hoping to be discovered. This is not likely to happen if we do not do something to even let others know that our products, services or websites exist.
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Tap Away Anxiety over Money Problems with EFT

“There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable.” Christian Nestell Bovee

tap away anxiety

Are you feeling anxious over some money issue?

Are you financially stuck?

Are you having problems with attracting clients with your business?

Feeling anxious is a normal human reaction. However, please know that anxiety does nothing to help you out of your situation. In fact, being anxious merely increases your stress levels. You start to feel poor, depressed and frustrated.

Negative emotions lower your vibrations which make things worse if you are hoping to attract a better set of outcomes, by virtue of the Law of Attraction.
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How to Apply EFT Tapping Easily for Abundance

Learn how you can apply EFT tapping easily for abundance by subscribing to my 3-part video series on How to Clear Money Blocks here. The same steps apply whether you are using it for a money breakthrough, health issues, emotional blocks such as anxiety, relationship conflicts, attracting soul mate and so on.

meridian eft tapping girl

While results are not guaranteed, I am reasonably confident that anyone can benefit from using this method. To begin with, it is a technique that involves a healing statement of self-love and acceptance, creating a safe place for emotional release.


Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature

Life Vision Coach. Author. Energy Healing Practitioner.

P.S. Image credit: Min, my 10-year old daughter, who took time out to help me with the drawing 🙂

Share Your EFT Experience

Have you tried using EFT or applied EFT for abundance and business success? How was your experience like? Please share in the comments below.

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Which Online Entreprenur or Preneur Group Are You Part Of?

“An entrepreneur assumes the risk and is dedicated and committed to the success of whatever he or she undertakes.” – Victor Kiam

online entrepreneur

Enter the Exciting Age of Entrepreneurship, with having a “preneur” tag in trend. Some of these tags have been coined by specific groups of people for the creation of online movements. I have been noticing an avalanche of preneur- labels such as “solopreneur”, “mompreneur”, “lovepreneur”, “photopreneur”, “successpreneur”, “careerpreneur”, etc.

Indeed, the path to entrepreneurship has been made a whole lot easier with the internet. Coming from a banking and finance background, I used to think entrepreneurs as those who seek millions in venture capital to raise funds for an innovation or project. However, in recent years, I have observed that the term is being increasingly used by many small business owners on the web as well.
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7 Winning Life Tips from Top Financial Alchemists

financial planning

Financial alchemists are those with the ability to make gold of their investments. They appear to have the Midas touch. And we all clamor to learn their winning strategies. What I have not been aware of previously is that it is equally – if not more important – to find out about the way they think, their beliefs and behaviour.

Successful financial alchemists have a lot in common, in terms of mindset, that we can also learn from. Knowing what these are can help us beat any financial market – whether they are trending upwards or downwards!
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