Category Archives for "Make Money Online"

How to Transform Your Relationship with Money

relationship with money

How to transform your relationship with money?

Perhaps you are used to the idea of consulting a financial advisor or a banker on money matters….but it may feel weird to envisage having a relationship with money, much less transform it.

I get it. The idea of having a relationship with money may not be something that you often come across. As someone who used to work in a bank, I certainly did not see this in any of its training manuals. It’s also not a topic that was taught in school. Still, these reasons aside, it’s never too late to begin having a whole new perspective towards money.

Let’s backtrack a little.

Why even bother with the idea of improving your relationship with money?Can we have a relationship with something that is inanimate?
Why even think about money as forming a relationship with it?
Why is it important and how do you transform your relationship with money (when you prefer to avoid handling financial matters)?

These questions had bothered me some years ago, and after realising that I could not get any meaningful idea from others online, I decided that I needed to search for my own answers. These answers have inadvertently helped me to grow on a personal basis and to also help others find out more about their own relationship with money since then.

If you have been wondering the same or are curious to find out more, may I have the permission to shed more light?

For a start, let’s bring attention to the word “relationship”.

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How to Get Out of Your Financial Rut Spiritually

financial rut

Are you trapped in a financial rut?

A financial rut is a repeated pattern that obstructs your way to abundance.
The heart of the matter is: the same old ways of being, doing and thinking leads to the same old results.

Then again, that you are in a pattern may escape you, even if it is repetitious.

Being in the rut can result in unclear vision. When you are emotional overwhelm, clarity goes down. It can happen when you are in a rut. It takes awareness to realise that you are encountering the same pattern over and over again.

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Are You Spiritually Rich but Financially Poor?

spiritually rich abundance

Are you spiritual but feeling broke?

Many spiritual people have problems reconciling their wants for spirituality and money together.

It could be the same for you too.

You have been reading spiritual books, going for Reiki sessions and attending meditation classes and so you do know a lot. As a result, you may even have experienced vibrational shifts. You are already more aware. Yet, despite all the spiritual and personal growth made, you are finding that your financial life is lagging behind.

Well, I’ve been surveying my newsletter subscribers to find out more. Typically, they share the interests of spirituality, law of attraction and personal growth. What struck me was the same energy of struggle or confusion.

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30 Signs That You Need a Money Mindset Makeover

Money Mindset Makeover Signs

What are the signs indicating that you need a money mindset makeover?

I find that most people don’t recognise that they could be having a money mindset issue. They prefer to avoid any discussions about money altogether. What’s more, it’s a hit on the ego to admit to having a limiting mindset. Yet ignorance is not bliss when a money mindset makeover can help you grow your income without more pain and struggle.

Your money mindset simply refers to how you have been thinking about money. It affects you in the way you feel and also drives your actions and behavior concerning your finances. If you want to attract financial abundance, having a healthy money mindset is important.

How do you know what your money mindset is like? One great way is to look at what’s been happening in your financial situation. The thoughts and beliefs you have about money impact the outcome that you manifest.


Do You Have a Money Mindset Issue?

Here are 10 signs that you need to have a money mindset makeover immediately…..

1. Money is hard to come by every month.

2. Multiple areas in your life (eg. love and finances) are in jeopardy of crumbling.
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How to Raise Client Attraction For The Business that You Love

client attraction for law of attraction

If you are struggling with client attraction despite implementing all the marketing strategies,
If you tend to attract client relationships that are toxic,
If you are already feeling jaded in your existing client relationships,
If there is just too much struggle in your client relationships or attracting ideal clients, you may wish to tap into my tips on the Heart of Client Attraction.

View the video on Client Attraction that I have recorded…

Here’s a synopsis of what I had to share in my video on client attraction…

Client attraction can be more challenging when you are not passionate, do not enjoy what you are doing or do not feel inspired to give your best.
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How You Do Money Is How You Do Everything

How You Do Money is How You Do Everything

How you do money is how you do everything. How you do everything is how you do money.

How you do money is your financial behavior. Your financial behavior is a function of how you have been responding in the world. Your response is found in your emotions and thoughts. From your external actions, you are likely to find a common pattern or a set of beliefs that underlie every aspect of your life.

Everything is inter-related. Thus, how you do anything is how you do everything. Your external world mirrors your internal one. Your inner world influences how you are showing up in the world. A process of self-inquiry will lead you to uncover what perceptions you have about the world and about yourself. You can dive in to find out what your core beliefs are, whether through a money situation, relationship situation or any other life situation.

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Why You Need to Start with Why: Book Review

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek

Start with WhyStart with why is something that I have heard over and over again in leadership events. Almost every speaker dishes out this advice, to which I nodded dismissively. After all, as someone from the personal growth field, wouldn’t I already know why I am doing what I am doing?


Well, it finally took a book to get my attention on the finer details of Why Start with Why. I received a free copy of Start with Why by Simon Sinek by virtue of a winning ticket during the Silver Retreat in Utah that I was in last week. As I turn its pages during my 25-hour journey back to Singapore, I was intrigued.

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Enneagram Type 9: Positive Affirmations for Path of Growth

Enneagram Personality Profile Type System

Overview of the Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker, Mediator, Spiritual Seeker

If you are an Enneagram Type 9, you are about harmony. You are peace-loving, trusting, easy-going and even-tempered. Your mantra is to go with the flow. Sitting on the crown of the Enneagram, you hold spiritual instincts. What is ironical is that despite your orientation to spirituality, you are potentially the most grounded in the physical world.

You exude a positive energy. What appeals is the pleasant side of life. You enjoy being stress-free and desire life to be effortless. Being optimistic, you carry the faith that things will somehow work out on its own. Your belief is that everything will be okay should everyone stay cool and collected and no one rocks the boat.

Enneagram Grid

“If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry.” — 14th Dalai Lama
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Detach from Your Money Drama

money drama screen

What is standing in your way of abundance could be money drama that is playing in your head. It may well be the same script that has been playing for many years. Unfortunately, while there are some positive themes, the script plays a mostly negative one especially in the area concerning money. In fact, there are days when it is kind of like a soap play.
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Let the Fountain of Wealth Flow

“The greatest fountain of wealth is between your ears.” Brian Tracy

In Singapore, we have the Fountain of Wealth which is located in the Suntec City Mall. It is visited by throngs of visitors hoping for fortune and good luck. A symbol of prosperity, the Fountain Of Wealth is recognized since 1998 by the Guinness Book Of World Records as the World’s Largest Fountain.

The Fountain of Wealth is designed with symbolic meaning. For instance, the bronze ring of the fountain is built based on the Hindu Mandala, meaning universe, and a representation of the oneness in spirit. In Singapore, an important value that we often emphasize is harmony with all races and religions.
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