Category Archives for "Positive Affirmations"

How to think positively and about positive affirmations.

Life Lessons That Will Turn Your Life Around

Life lessons are experiences to help us grow and evolve. They aren’t always pretty when we first encounter them. In fact, it is often the case that if we don’t learn them, we are likely to find ourselves going through the same negative situation over and over again.

Hence, if you are caught in repeated patterns, it helps to ask yourself what are the life lessons you are meant to learn.

I recall crying out in frustration, complaining in bitterness and reeling in pain over negative experiences that are of the same patterns in the past. A string of broken relationships. A stack of failures. A series of bad calls. It was only when I saw the light and chose to act differently that the same patterns stopped occurring.

I would like to share the life lessons that were written by Maya Angelou who was an American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist. Her words had made me stop to reflect. They were helpful reminders that life is happening FOR me, rather than to me. Perhaps, reading them for a start can do the same for you too.Continue reading

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30 Positive Affirmations for Highest Potential

What positive affirmations for highest potential would be great to use if you are hoping to step into a picture of success?

While mentoring spiritual entrepreneurs, I have had a few of them share that they struggle with knowing what words to say or what to affirm when they are doing tapping or some other work that helps them with belief change. They would like to shift into a paradigm that supports their growth and success. However, what has kept them stuck was at the “words” part. And so, they wanted to find out how to overcome this problem.

Well, if you are having the same issue, here are some answers.

It takes practice and repeatedly reading and saying positive affirmations. Having a list of positive affirmations to start off with can help. In my post, I have laid out 30 positive affirmations for highest potential that you can apply. If you are in need for a guide, do bookmark this page!Continue reading

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21 Excuses That Make Up Your Money Story

21 Excuses for Money Story

Is the money story that you have been telling actually a cover-up?

Could the reason that you have been giving for the lack of a financial breakthrough be really an excuse?

Your money story may be a cover that you have created for helping you avoid pain or to playing small. Or it could be that your ego needs to know that it is not diminished in any way. The excuses that you tell is your way out to feeling justified in your behaviour or the results you have been getting.

All of us have, at some point, made excuses. We give excuses to explain our behaviour, current situation or why we have to decline and say “no” to an invitation. We may feel obliged to give an excuse sometimes not to hurt the other party.

But what happens when you give excuses to explain away a choice that you are making, even if it one that keeps you small and does not move you positively forward?

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver

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30 Positive Affirmations for Female Entrepreneur

If you are aspiring to be a successful female entrepreneur, this article is specially written for you.

It applies if you are a self-employed professional such as a life coach, energy healer, a network marketing professional, financial services provider or a real estate agent and you are hoping to create a thriving business consciously.

According to stats published by small biz trends (refer to reference below), 34 percent of female entrepreneurs say that they are struggling while 20% of entrepreneurs without a mentor were no longer in business after a year. Would you like to ensure that you do not belong to any of these groups?

As a business owner myself, I can say this for sure: mindset is key. It accounts for whether or not you thrive against all odds or you give up. It also accounts for whether or not you launch your business idea or you shelf it in your drawer. Finally, it determines whether or not you will do what it takes to achieve your next breakthrough.

A negative mindset is going to sabotage your success as a new or aspiring entrepreneur. The voice inside your head can destroy you about “being a failure” or “not good enough”, resulting in a depressed state of mind. If your mindset is rooted in fear and limiting beliefs, you will definitely need to work on overcoming them. The great news is that it is possible to do so.

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How To Multiply Your Energy for Powerful Manifestation

What is needed for powerful manifestation

How would you like to be able to multiply your energy for powerful manifestation to take place?

For manifestations to occur, there are two essential factors: pure intention and focused attention.

Intention is what directs potentiality, while attention is the intensity of this intention. As intention comes from thought, and thought is energy, then it goes to show that the more energy in your attention, more your intentions will manifest. If you find yourself getting stuck in your manifestations, then these could be two factors you need to look into.

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What is True Financial Freedom? An Integrated Perspective

What is financial freedom?

Is this what financial freedom mean to you…

A beach lifestyle where you do not have to work and yet the cash register go ka-ching?

A jet-setting lifestyle while your trading portfolio generates income with the click of a button?

A real estate plan that would generate passive income for you while you play golf on the weekdays and have enough time for your family?

I am not surprised if you are already being sold such dreams by marketing professionals or sales advertisements with a ticket like the picture below….

Now, who wouldn’t like the idea of firing their boss and creating a lifestyle of their dreams?
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How to Love and Accept Yourself Even if You Feel Ugly

Love and Accept Your Body

You may find it hard to love and accept yourself if you believe and feel that you are ugly. Hate to look at yourself in the mirror? Have challenges with attracting a soul mate or your dream job because you think that your looks is in the way?

Read on to find out how you can love and accept yourself anyway. I am updating this post with more tips as I am discovering that this is an issue that afflicts a number of the clients I have been working with.

Through this post, I hope to stress the importance of self-love despite having an appearance that you may perceive as “flawed”. When you have a negative perception about yourself, your self-confidence comes down. This ultimately affects your ability to achieve your highest potential and also with manifesting what you want in life.

In fact, you could be aware that how you look to yourself matters more than what other people are saying.  Whether or not you are truly “ugly” can be an issue that is perceived or real. Some women can sweat over a mole or having wrinkle lines. Others may have features that could be deemed ugly by society’s standards. Whatever the case may be, you face difficulties with getting past your looks, no matter how others may assure you.

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7 Daily Morning Affirmations for Abundance

Daily morning affirmations for abundance

What would you say to making morning affirmations for abundance?

Some people may find the advice of making daily morning affirmations to start the day simplistic and may erroneously think that it is not valuable. They would rather set it aside.

What is more, if you are already not having enough sleep, making morning affirmations could be the last thing you are thinking of. Just recall how you have been dragging yourself out of bed at the sound of the alarm. Your engine has barely started to crank up. You are hardly feeling the surge in energy that is required for making affirmations.

However, I’d like to ask you if you have noticed how there is a follow-on effect when you are feeling happy? Begin your morning right and you set the tone for what it is to follow. You are in a state that leverages on the law of attraction positively, thereby attracting positive outcomes throughout the day.
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7 Tips to Overcome Perfectionism

let go of perfectionism

Were you taught to believe that striving for perfection is a worthy goal since young? Perhaps, from the time when you were a child, you learnt that perfect scores are ideal. If you did not, you would be penalised even if it was just one mistake out of every ten correct ones. And so, you have been conditioned to believe that you need to be perfect – that is, without a flaw, failure or weakness.

What you crave for is approval, in the strive for perfection. The shadow side is the fear of rejection that you hold.  You fear being ridiculed and not accepted for who you are if you are perceived as less than perfect.

Note that there is nothing wrong with wanting to produce your best work or hoping to present yourself in a good light. However, having a perfectionistic streak can have negative consequences. You are in the energy of “striving”, in seeking to meet a certain standard; failing which, you would shred yourself to pieces. The thought of imperfection makes you feel not-whole, incomplete, discontented and ill. The emotion that you experience is shame. There is a strong sense of disapproval towards the self.

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4 Ways to Water Programming with Positive Affirmations

water programming emoto masaru

One of the best techniques I have learnt is about how to do water programming with positive affirmations.

The use of water for healing is nothing new. For instance, in churches, for centuries, blessings of water have often done for the purpose of baptism or for the blessing of persons, places or things. Hence, water programming can be used for just about anything that you wish for.

As such, I am going to suggest that you look into using water for carrying messages of positive affirmations on success, health, relationships, love, happiness and abundance, to every single cell of our body.

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