Category Archives for "Subconscious Mind Power"

About what our subconscious mind is thinking and using the power of the subconscious mind

37 Abundance Affirmations To Manifest Your Dreams

abundance affirmations

Abundance affirmations are positive sayings that you can repeat like a mantra on a daily basis. Repeating abundance affirmations helps you to engage in positive states. They are also statements of intentions for attracting your dreams.

For your convenience, I am publishing a video with a list of 37 abundance affirmations. Simply play the video and repeat the words as they come up….

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What Does Your Inner Money Script Say?

How does your inner money script look like? Does it say: I am a Money Magnet and I attract wealth easily? If it isn’t, let us discuss more about the self talk you have about money today.

i am a money magnet

(Source from my Personal Art Journal: “I am a Money Magnet” drawing)

A confession. For several years, I have had a poor money script. My script has since gone through many changes. In fact, the more I take on the director role of my life, the more I realize the importance of having excellent positive self talk.
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How to Create Affirmation Cards On-The-Go

affirmation cards

Consider creating a unique deck of positive affirmation cards using your private collection of favorite of positive affirmations, mantras or sayings!

Have you been keeping a list of lovely quotes, romantic sayings or catchy phrases every once in a while which you get from magazines, books or online? Well, instead of simply copying the words down in a book or storing them in a word or excel file, think of making a set of affirmation cards that you can flip easily and carry around!

affirmation cards on the go
(Affirmation Cards On-the-Go)

Like the idea of mini collages for affirmation cards on-the-go (see picture example above for end product) ? If so, let’s get crafty with today’s post – creating affirmation cards the fun, cheap and easy way!

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10 Tips To Setting Powerful Intentions

set powerful intentions law of attraction

There can be several guidelines to be aware of, when you set powerful intentions. When applied cohesively, they can be extremely helpful in bringing your intents to fruition effectively.

how to be bold

You can set a powerful intention or a poor one. Based on my experiences with setting intentions, here is a summary of 10 tips I have picked up that I would like to share with you:

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Create Powerfully In Pictures

“I am an artist. I love creating masterpieces, valued works of art. I draw love, inspiration, peace and harmony into my life. My purpose is to express my gift beautifully, completely and divinely; so that I can share my light with the world.”

(An acrylic painting of dolphins in underwater I did in 1999; my hobbies included scuba diving and painting.)

I wrote the above lines and shared them from my facebook account recently. I thought I would like to describe a little more of what I mean with an article on creating powerfully in pictures. There is a lot of truth to the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”. The language of your subconscious mind is not by words but symbols and visuals. Any image in your mind held constant with every belief and trust materializes.

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The Masquerade Play Of Life

Masks are often used in masquerade parties. They are costume accessories that disguise one’s true appearance. In today’s post, I am using the metaphor of the masks as facade devices. You use masks to hide your true self. You find comfort and solace in that the world does not know who you really are. There can be also a different mask that you wear for various groups of people. After all, you have important public images or persona to uphold.

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5 Wealth Affirmations From Famous Authors

wealth affirmations from famous authors

If you want to improve your relationship with money, consider using wealth affirmations regularly.

Don’t know which affirmation to use? Well, let us borrow some inspiration from famous authors out there in their wealth affirmations. In my post, I have selected wealth affirmations by Dr Joseph Murphy, Louise Hay, T Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill and one that is traced back to Rev. Christopher Ian Chenoweth. All the affirmations are empowering statements that can help us create positive thoughts about money.

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My Vision Board Tops Amazon’s Bestseller List?

My Vision Board made it to the Amazon’s Best Seller List?

Well….yes in a way!!

So here’s the scoop: The above background picture of my Vision Board made it to The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life, currently the #1 Spiritual best seller on Amazon since its launch on Oct 28!! Already, the book has been featured in The Chicago Sun Times, Foxbusiness News and on ABC TV.

More Buzz!! And in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past one week, there has been a buzz surrounding Vision Boards. Oprah Winfrey revealed that she created one, with the intention that Obama not only become president but that she would go to the inaugural ball wearing the dress she pictured on her Board.

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Be Careful What You Wish For

(Photo by spacemonkey on flickr)

Be Careful What You Wish For or You Just May Get it so the saying goes!

Seated quietly in a romantic corner of a dimly lit restaurant was a married couple in their 60s. They brought their glasses of champagne together in a toast. There was every reason to celebrate. It was their 30th wedding anniversary that day.

In a whiff of smoke, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared before them, hovering over the table. She said, “For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish.”
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68 Seconds Of Pure Thought: Visualize In 4 Creative Ways

68 seconds of pure thought for law of attraction manifestation

Apparently, all you need is 68 seconds of pure thought to bring about the manifestation of a major miracle. According to Abraham-Hicks, your intention setting begins with a block of 17 seconds.

How Thought Creates A Major Miracle

In a nutshell,

A block of 17 seconds generates an energy expansion equivalent to 2,000 action hours and results in the creation of a mini miracle.

Pure Thought
Energy Expansion (Action Hours)
Mini Miracle
Medium Miracle
Large Miracle
Major Miracle

Remember the key is to have pure thought; that is a thought with absolutely clear intent. It means that you do not have any have any sabotaging or canceling thought that follows the first. If you can have pure thought after pure thought, you increase the number of combustion points. By passing the mark in 68 seconds of pure thought, you would have transmitted a positive energy of intention into the Universe.
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