Category Archives for "Abundance-Law of Attraction"

Abundance and the Law of Attraction

How to Create a Powerful Personal Life Vision

powerful personal life vision

Creating a powerful personal life vision has many benefits. It offers you guidance in charting the way forward. It also drives the actions, decisions and behavior that you undertake. Where it is lived into, it basically sums up who you are, your life story and the meaning you have created.

Some people don’t bother with making a personal life vision. Well, not having one can leave you like a boat without a rudder; subject to the currents of life. You are more likely to paddle along (which makes your progress slow) or go around in circles. However, if you hope to lead a life that is more than mediocre and one that can potentially allow you to be happier, you will need to take charge.

“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” – Woodrow Wilson

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Vision for the Year of the Water Dragon

I am no expert on the Chinese zodiac signs but I have been reading up on the Year of the Water Dragon. I thought it will be interesting to find out what the New Year heralds for us. 2012, being the Year of the Dragon, is an auspicious year to begin with. It starts from January 23, 2012 and ends February 9, 2013.

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101 Ways to Love Your Life

love your life

When you love your life, everything works. You become happy. There is a skip in your walk, a song in your heart, a shine in your aura, a joy in your being. Others are attracted to you. You find yourself supported by the universe. Success, invariably, becomes easy.

(See Tip #100 below)

Just imagine if the opposite is true.

Life appears bleak and that there is nothing to live for. And you believe that you are right in holding on to the pessimistic view: your life sucks. You have enough evidence to prove that life has little or no meaning. Everything has been a struggle so far.
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Life Tip: My Wish For You

“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life.”
– Lynnie Buttercup

Dear friend,

I wish you nothing but the best of what life can offer. If life has been a struggle, a dread or a disappointment for you, then things are about to change. There is no need to fear.

I see you. I feel your despair, sorrow and pain. Just like you, I have my difficulties, doubts and problems. I have encountered situations when courage has failed me. I have felt my spirit sank.

And one fine day, I realized that I was not alone. The Universe started sending Earth Angels and Earth Mother, in response to my heartfelt wish. And so, through its special messengers, I have been enjoying comfort, smiles, rainbows, laughter, sunsets, hugs, beauty, friendships, faith, confidence, courage, patience and most of all, love.

Hence, it is not money that I wish most for you. But aspects of love that connects, transforms and heal. They may not be what you are expecting but will be just what you need. In case you miss the signs, take a look around. Be open to the many unexpected ways of how blessings may arrive for you. You are worthy in every way.

Just a note, my wishes often do come true 🙂 Watch your life change when you make the same wish for yourself and others too. In fact, the more you believe in wishes, the more resounding support you get from the Universe.

Abundance always,

fbprofilemktg-2evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

P.S. If you like what you are reading today, don’t forget to share it with your loved ones 🙂

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21 Positive Ways to Start the New Year

The New Year offers an opportunity to start things on a fresh slate. It is the period for letting go of the old to make way for the new. If you have been going round in circles previously, it is time to let go of the energies that have kept you stuck. If you have been distracted along the way last year, it is time to once again set your priorities straight.

New Year Quote: Book is Called Opportunity

Thus, the turn of a new year represents hope. Hope is energy that renews you. It is an infusion of energy that moves you forward. Your eyes sparkle with promise when you have hope. Hope makes you come alive.
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Gratitude List: 10 Thank You Items

An excellent way to roundup for the year is to create a gratitude list. In your list, you express your appreciation for the events, people and things that have happened for the past 12 months. Gratitude tunes you into joy straightaway – it is a great vibration to align with while ushering the beginning of next year.

Gratitude Quote
(Photo taken: A tree of starry leaves, Everland Theme Park, Seoul)

So, let’s pop the champagne. Here is my Gratitude List for 2011:
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Christmas Greetings Everyone!

As it is often said, there are no strangers on Christmas Eve. Hence, I would like to take the opportunity to send you – whether you are new to my site or not – and your loved ones an abundance of blessings.

Christmas Greetings from Korea
(Christmas Greetings – Photo taken in Nami Island, Korea 2011)

I have been celebrating creativity, love and magic this December. Here are some of my favorite Christmas Greetings and Quotes (also posted on my Facebook Page) that I would like to share with you…..
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Top 10 Favorite Blog Posts for 2011

Time flies, doesn’t it? The year 2011 is already coming to a close.

At this time of the year, you are probably reviewing what you have done for the last 12 months. If you have already been seeing your fruits from your hard work, congratulations!

Abundance Tapestry: Merry Christmas
(It has been a year of working hard while at my laptop – but I have been loving it!)

You need to give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it. All the late nights have been worth it. It is always wonderful to manifest the results that you have been working towards.
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7 Top Christmas Gift Ideas

It is an annual problem because you have run out of ideas. You have been wondering what Christmas gifts you should buy this year for your loved ones and friends. Although you are spoiled for choice, it can be hard to generate new ideas year-after-year.

Christmas Gift Ideas and Suggestions

Well, stretch your imagination a little. Gifts do not have to be physical. Consider giving from the goodness of your heart. And so I intend to use great gift suggestions by Oren Arnold, a published author, as a basis for my article…

“Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect. “~ Oren Arnold

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Abundance Alchemical Magic in A Bottle

Fancy some alchemical oils as a gift for yourself or your loved one? I recently had the pleasure of receiving a complimentary bottle from Michelle McGrath in Australia. We had earlier gotten to know each other over Facebook, due to similar interests. I found out that she runs an online shop selling alchemical oils that not only helps others raise their energetic vibrations but with a special focus on self-love, abundance and alchemy (and as you already know, three of my favorite subjects).

Abundance Magic In a Bottle
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