Tag Archives for " EFT "

How to Address The Emotional Causes to Skin Problems

Emotional causes to skin problems can be something that you want to look into, if your issues are persistent. While using steroids may alleviate your itch-scratch-itch symptoms, they are not cures. Also, long time reliance on drug medications can result in a “thinning” of your skin layer.

I know enough about dealing with skin healing issues myself. After all, I have had bad eczema outbreaks for many years until a few years ago. Recently, from working with clients, I noticed that there is a distinct relationship between those who are particularly energetically sensitive at the soul-level with also having a skin problem.

Skin disorders are like no other. Just as stress can result in skin problems, skin disorders can also cause tremendous stress. In cases of severe skin issues, those afflicted can become depressed. While it seems shallow, let’s admit that appearances do have an impact on first impressions. It can also affect our ability to find a mate, land that all-important interview or secure our next promotion.

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50 Shades of Fear

50 shades of fear

I thought it would be interesting to share my perspective on 50 shades of fear. Clients had been coming to me with their issues which are rooted in various forms of fear. In case you are wondering, I did not read the book 50 Shades of Grey nor have watched the movie. However, I would like to borrow the theme of 50 shades.

As we already know, fear can manifest at different levels and degrees of negative emotions; which is influenced by the story that our minds tell. Our fears make up the stories we tell ourselves.

For instance, fear can be in the form of worry….or in more severe cases, it can grow into depression. Fear can also be in the form of nervousness or a diagnosed panic disorder. We can also express fear in the form of blame or if we feel it strongly, we become antagonistic. Obvious symptoms can range from breaking out in cold sweat, turning ashen white, or the racing of our hearts. Whether a niggling sense of anxiety or intense anger, all are signs of fear.
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Repair Your Soul Matrix With Healing Birth Trauma

subconscious mind

Have you got birth trauma that you are interested to seek healing on?

Are you tuning into an awareness that there is something about your birth that you need to seek a resolution for?

As I discovered, healing birth trauma and removing the thought patterns that no longer serve you can do wonders energetically. You’d find life less of a struggle and experience a sense of freedom. What’s awesome is that manifesting abundance happens with a lot more ease and grace too!

I’d also like to clear a misconception. Some teachers or coaches may say that the idea of healing is erroneous. They believe that there is nothing to heal because you are complete and whole.

Well, it is true.

You are like a diamond; perfect and divine in your soul matrix.You are also a multi-dimensional soul. There is a facet of you that exists at each dimensional level. Hence, any idea about needing to heal from birth trauma could be wrong since you are already whole and complete.

However, a distortion that results in a leakage can exists at any layer, aspect or level affecting your completeness. The luminous shine in a perfectly encoded soul matrix becomes duller as a result. In fact, it is in the human incarnation that distortions to your soul matrix can happen.

Birth traumas or pre-birth traumas affect your soul matrix at root cause. It is imperative that healing or restoration happen here if there is trauma.  Note that trauma can be formed as a result of your perception about the situation. Hence it will help to release any false story and embed a new one that serves you instead.

“In the instant of our first breath, we are infused with the single greatest force in the universe–the power to translate the possibilities of our minds into the reality of our world. To fully awaken to our power, however, requires a subtle change in the way we think of our ourselves in life, a shift in belief. Just the way sound creates visible waves as it travels through a droplet of water, our ‘belief waves’ ripple through the quantum fabric of the universe to become our bodies.” Greg Braden

Should the distortion be left unaddressed, your ability to realise your true self in the physical world with ease and grace becomes impacted. You carry the thought patterns that affect how you behave and respond to the world for years since inception. They are the root causes to your struggles, pain and suffering.

Manifesting the life that you want becomes more difficult when patterns caused by birth trauma are distorted.
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10 Fears Related to Leaving the Security of a Job

“Fear can be good when you’re walking past an alley at night or when you need to check the locks on your doors before you go to bed, but it’s not good when you have a goal and you’re fearful of obstacles. We often get trapped by our fears, but anyone who has had success has failed before.” Queen Latifah

fear of failure

Through my conversations with others, I find that most people share the similar dream of being able to leave the security of a regular paycheck, so that they can build a business or do work that they love. Yet, the thought of going into something that seemed unstable look scary. Even as fear keeps them stuck, they experience a lack of fulfillment in their job increasingly.

If the above scenario is what you are going through, read on.

It will be far too easy to paint the picture of running an online marketing business as a bed of roses. However, I will not be telling the truth. Far too many people are sold the dream of a beach lifestyle while running an online business by internet marketers hoping to push their “get-rich-quick” schemes.
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Tap Away Anxiety over Money Problems with EFT

“There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable.” Christian Nestell Bovee

tap away anxiety

Are you feeling anxious over some money issue?

Are you financially stuck?

Are you having problems with attracting clients with your business?

Feeling anxious is a normal human reaction. However, please know that anxiety does nothing to help you out of your situation. In fact, being anxious merely increases your stress levels. You start to feel poor, depressed and frustrated.

Negative emotions lower your vibrations which make things worse if you are hoping to attract a better set of outcomes, by virtue of the Law of Attraction.
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How to Apply EFT Tapping Easily for Abundance

Learn how you can apply EFT tapping easily for abundance by subscribing to my 3-part video series on How to Clear Money Blocks here. The same steps apply whether you are using it for a money breakthrough, health issues, emotional blocks such as anxiety, relationship conflicts, attracting soul mate and so on.

meridian eft tapping girl

While results are not guaranteed, I am reasonably confident that anyone can benefit from using this method. To begin with, it is a technique that involves a healing statement of self-love and acceptance, creating a safe place for emotional release.


Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature

Life Vision Coach. Author. Energy Healing Practitioner.

P.S. Image credit: Min, my 10-year old daughter, who took time out to help me with the drawing 🙂

Share Your EFT Experience

Have you tried using EFT or applied EFT for abundance and business success? How was your experience like? Please share in the comments below.

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10 Depression Symptoms: Warning Signs to Look Out For

depression symptoms: 10 warning signs to look out for

Depression symptoms are more intense than just fleeting moments of sadness. It is human to feel blue every now and then but when it comes to depression, you are in a vibrationally low state of being for an extended period. Over time, you could identify yourself with your depression symptoms so much that living with them feels normal.

Being depressed creates energy leakage. When severe, you can possibly lose the ability to function and to perform the most routine of tasks. You would rather confine yourself in your cave.

When sinking into despair becomes severe, it can turn into clinical depression. In extreme cases, depression can drive a person to suicide. This was what happened to my friend, Arch.

“Depression is the inability to construct a future.” – Rollo May
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How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

overcome fear of failure resistance

Does the fear of failure stop you from venturing forth?

The fear of failure often strikes with terror. A shiver goes down your spine. You break out in profuse sweat. Your imagination goes on the overdrive. Whether the trial you are undergoing is a big or small one, you feel faint from the thought of being seen as a failure in life.

The fear of failure may not all that negative. For instance, it can spur you to overcome your barriers and conquer new heights. I believe it was how I have studied and passed my examinations relatively well while in school. However, in the recent years, I realised that being motivated by fear may not exactly be the best way to go about living. I have also found that my children do not respond too well when fear is being used to get them to study or to instil some of discipline. With awareness, I intend to be mindful about not using fear on them.

fear of failure

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How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

fear of rejection

Is the fear of rejection stopping you from being free to pursue what you want?

Well, it is one fear that strikes many of us. The perception of having been rejected can cut like a stab in the heart. In an instant, you can feel as if you are drained of all blood. Dizziness ensues and you hang on to dear life, gasping for air.

“There is going to be a hundred thousand doors slammed in your face before one opens, so feel ok about taking rejection.” – Heather Matarazzo

I don’t know of anyone who has the privilege of going through life without ever experiencing the fear of rejection at least once. I have certainly been rejected many times. In a few of the situations, back when I was in my early 20s, I had thought that I would not be able to survive past the rejection. With despair, I would drown my sorrow via drinking and clubbing several times a week. Fortunately, these days, I have found better ways to deal with the fear of rejection.
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30 Reasons Why You Need to Build Self-Confidence

build self confidence

On a scale of 1-10, how much self confidence would you say that you have? You rate 1 if you have extremely low self-confidence and 10 if you have high self confidence. Avoid putting too much thinking into the rating process, the score should come up intuitively.

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”- Norman Vincent Peale

self confidence love art journal

There are many everyday signs of low self confidence. It happens when you have little trust, cannot make decisions on your own and are constantly caught in a sense of helplessness. Invariably, your attitude towards life is poor.

Should your self confidence be low, it shows up in your awkwardness in social settings. You may constantly look at the ground, quiver in anxiety and keep apologising for yourself in front of others. One client who came to see me last week about her low self-confidence kept shaking and shifting her legs nervously for a whole one hour.
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