Category Archives for "Intention-Manifestation"

Pure intention and visualization tips and techniques for successful manifestations!

How to Start Building Self-Worth and Raise Your Standards

building self worth raise your standards

Do you struggle with building self worth?

Perhaps, building self worth is an area that you have been grappling with for a long time. There were moments that you feel great about yourself but usually and mostly, you are in your old patterns of believing that you are not worthy or deserving. I have found that women, in particular, tend to undervalue themselves! It does not matter what profession or job they do. Some of my clients are corporate executives. Yet others are entrepreneurs. Many battle with low self-worth issues.

If this is true of you, I don’t blame you if you don’t even want to attend old class gatherings any more. I hear you. What is making you feel sick is thinking about how far behind you are from everyone in terms of success and everything else. Should there be one more picture of your friend’s perfect life being posted on Facebook, you swear  that you are going to throw up.
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7 Steps To Self Discovery

What are the steps to self discovery?

To begin with, do you know yourself well?

Are you clear about you want in life?

Do you have a sense of purpose?

What defines you?

What makes you happy?

It may be that you find yourself answering “no” or “don’t really know” to most of the questions above.

Well, should this be true, you are not alone.

It may also be that while you are happy with some parts of your life, there could be also parts that you do not like. Any dissatisfaction is an indication that you have got things about your life that are unresolved.

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Angel Message: The World is Your Oyster

Angel in my Dream: The world is your oyster quote

An angel appeared in my dream last night.
She gently placed the globe in the palm of my hands.
And she whispered, “the world is your oyster“.

the world is your oyster quote

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How to Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

power of subconscious mind

If you often find life a struggle, please know that you can reverse the situation through harnessing the power of your subconscious mind. You do not have to settle with constantly being in self-sabotage, having a dark rain of cloud following you or living an uninspired existence.

“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”
– Earl Nightingale

Think of the subconscious mind as like a hard drive on a computer.
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How to Firewalk: Lessons for Success from Tony Robbins

firewalk experience

Imagine walking over hot coals in a firewalk experience at around 1200 degrees Farenheit (650 degrees Celcius). The firewalk experience covers about 15 feet which will take an average of 5-7 steps and therefore, it’s long enough to create burns. It would be potentially more injurious say than getting scalded by boiling water from a kettle.

Sounds scary? Well, Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within (UPW) Event has a firewalk experience that can be risky and yet life-changing. I decided to take up the challenge last week when I attended the event here in Singapore.

For the firewalk experience, a temperature reading is taken using an infrared laser thermometer before the coals are declared ready to be walked on. It is a rite of passage for breaking limits. In case you don’t already know, firewalks have been used by many cultures over the years, as a symbolic act of faith, initiation and courage.

Would you be up for a firewalk? While it is voluntary, I’d say that it would be crazy not to give it a go. After all, if you have said “yes” to attending to a UPW event, it helps to keep an open mind. And it does not matter even if you were pulled along to attend one. Continue reading

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Your Ultimate Guide to Intention Setting versus Goal Setting

Intention Setting versus Goal Setting

Do you know what the difference is: intention setting versus goal setting?

While both ideas are often used these days, knowing the difference can be helpful. If anything, intention or goal setting exercises tend to leave most people confused, uninspired or disempowered either way. And you want to avoid that!

Conversely, with knowing the difference between intention setting versus goal setting, you get to be more aware of what combining the two can do for you. It’s not one or the other. In my article, I’d like to highlight the pros and cons of each separately.

Ultimately, I recommend a process that not only leads you to reaching your desired outcome but in a way that also elicits a desirable positive experience. It’s also a process that is holistic – a meeting of heart, mind, body and spirit! The idea is to create authentic actionable guideposts that are challenging yet not allow blocks to obstruct your success.

Sounds exciting? Read on 🙂
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Download Your Free Abundance Check Here

Abundance Check for New Moon Manifestation

Download a free Abundance Check from this article after following the instructions as follows below.

Why Write an Abundance Check? 

A Money or Abundance Check (or Cheque) is a great tool for intention or goal setting. Get inspired by the movie The Secret and leverage on the Law of Attraction for manifesting your desired amount. Best yet, write the Abundance Check on a New Moon date to accelerate your results.

Law of Attraction Abundance Check

The blank Abundance checks I created are coded with the energies of the Universe, Ascended Masters and Angels for powerful intention setting. Also, while green is a natural choice for money checks, I kept mine to pink for the cradling of our heart’s desires. I’m happy to offer you a gift – free updated blank Abundance Check for your use. It is available as a download – scroll down- on this post!!)
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How to Believe in Yourself When Believing Feels Hard

How to Believe in Yourself

How to believe in yourself could be a question that confounds you when you don’t find yourself special, unique or have any attributes that make you stand out. Believing can feel “hard” when you perceive that you have got nothing to show for. As someone who has wrestled with low confidence for years, I understand how difficult it must be to know where to start.

How do you even begin the process of believing in yourself? If you tend to downplay yourself in every way, believing in yourself can be a difficult exercise. Well, I would like to share what has worked for me with some of the tips in this post.

Resigning yourself that you will never find out how to believe in yourself is not the answer. You already know by now what low confidence can do to you. The outcome is downright miserable.
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Merry Christmas from Hogwarts Castle at Universal Studios Orlando

Universal Studios Hogwarts Castle Christmas

Fancy spending Christmas in the wizarding world of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Orlando – where there are robed wizards, flying broomsticks, cauldrons of potions, and magical wands against the backdrop of Hogwarts castle?

While I don’t generally like crowds, I found the entire atmosphere electrifying. The world of Harry Potter came alive as soon as we stepped into Hogsmeade Village and Diagon Alley. I may be on a family vacation in the US but I felt as if I was in a familiar place like home.

It’s been exciting doing the rides, hanging out with the muggles and wizards alike and drinking butter beer. Holiday decorations and the playing of the Christmas carol in the background added to the magical vibe….

Christmas at Hogwarts: Christmas Carol

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Ring the Hogwarts bell
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Cast a Christmas spell
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Take the Moon Quiz: New Moon, Supermoon and Full Moon

Moon Quiz | Supermoon | Full Moon | New Moon

Play the Moon Quiz in this post to gauge your moon awareness. Become more mindful about how you can take advantage of Full Moon, Supermoon and New Moon energy for managing your emotions and setting intentions.

How often do you take the moon for granted and fail to notice it? Or allow the occurrence of special lunar event such as a Supermoon to pass you by? Well, I created the Moon Quiz, so that we can all start to build greater awareness.

The moon plays a vital part in the celestial sky. If you are sensitive to energy movements, I suggest that you keep tap on the various moon phases. You may just be able to observe how life patterns are surfacing with the occurrences of the Full Moon, Supermoon or New Moon.

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